
Boss your Contracted Wife is a Trillionaire

Anwei · Urban
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16 Chs

"Black Folder"

Chapter 9: Black Folder


Nat and Mayrose, unfortunately, were unable to accompany me into the mansion. Nat had to attend to the important task of purchasing a house, while Mayrose received an urgent call from her mother, compelling her to leave as well.

As the grand doors of the mansion swung open, I took a deep breath and stepped inside, feeling a mixture of anticipation and excitement. The vastness of the entrance hall greeted me, its opulence and beauty surpassing anything I had ever seen. The echoes of my footsteps reverberated through the space


As I wandered through the grand hall of Gomez Estates, which seemed to stretch on endlessly, I found myself captivated by the magnificence and historical significance of the Gomez family. This ancestral mansion, reminiscent of a regal palace, stood as a testament to their prestigious lineage, dating back generations.

While marveling at the opulent surroundings, I noticed my grandfather and his loyal butler, Sebastian, waiting for me at the end of the hall. Their smiles radiated warmth and excitement as they approached.

"Ah, my lovely princess, you are here," my grandfather exclaimed, enveloping me in a warm embrace. Side by side, we strolled through the hall, our footsteps echoing through the expansive space. Eventually, we reached the elegant dining room, where my grandfather turned to Sebastian and issued a command.

"Sebastian," he called out,Sebastian presented me with a customized phone, accompanied by a black card adorned with a golden line and a black dragon badge.

Confusion crossed my face as I held the items in my hands, prompting me to question my grandfather. "Grandpa, why do I need a new phone? And what is the purpose of this card and badge?"

A smile curled upon my grandfather's lips as he patiently explained. "You see, my dear, this phone is a customized device that grants you access to the businesses under our family's esteemed banner. By contacting them with this phone, you will receive the highest level of priority and assistance. As for the black card, it symbolizes your importance as a distinguished guest and a VVVIP. It allows you to conceal your true identity when necessary, adopting the name of Seline Noir. This way, when visiting our establishments and companies, the managers will recognize you as the Gomez heiress, even if you choose to remain incognito. And finally, the black dragon badge is a unique identifier that signifies your status as the Gomez heiress, solidifying your identity as an Gomez."


Grandfather handed me a black folder, and as I opened it, my eyes widened in disbelief. Inside were the names of various businesses, companies, restaurants, schools, hospitals, and even apartment complexes, all bearing our family name. Approximately 50 names were listed, some of which ranked among the top in the country, while 10 held esteemed positions on a global scale.

"Well, these are just some of our buildings and establishments under our esteemed banner," Grandfather calmly stated, his composure unwavering.

"Only some of them?" I replied, incredulous at the sheer magnitude of what lay before me. I realized that there were ten folders in total, but for now, only one had been entrusted to me.

"Just focus on studying this one for now, and later we can delve into the others," Grandfather reassured me, a warm smile gracing his face.


As I perused the contents of the folder, my attention was caught by the name of the university we owned - the University of Everett (U.E). A rush of memories flooded back, reminding me of the difficult times I had faced there. I vividly recalled Claire, the bully whose malicious pranks had put lives at risk. The memories stirred a mix of anger, frustration, and determination within me.

Continuing through the folder, I came across the apartment complex that I had once called home. It was a painful reminder of the betrayal and humiliation I had endured at the hands of Aljur, who had sided with the homewrecking mistress, Stacie. It was Stacie's actions that had ultimately forced me out of my own apartment, leaving me feeling lost and betrayed.

Then, I stumbled upon the section detailing the entertainment industry, where Stacie herself worked as an actress. A mischievous grin formed on my face as I contemplated the potential for poetic and dramatic plan for revenge.


Lost in the midst of my own thoughts, immersed in the planning of a dramatic and poetic revenge, I was abruptly brought back to reality as my grandfather entered the dinner room. Despite the interruption, I couldn't help but maintain a mischievous grin on my face.

Hi there, readers! This is my first book, and if you have any concerns or suggestions, feel free to give me pointers. And if you enjoy it, feel free to add it to your library. Thank you all, and lots of love!

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