
Boss Is Reborn After Everyone’s Betrayal!

Ding Shan had been a hot topic for seventeen years —from the time she debuted at the age of three with her pure and cute look, all the way until she was twenty years old. She even took home three golden actress awards at her coming-of-age ceremony when she was eighteen years old. Her life seemed so beautiful and filled with applause. However, behind that beautiful scene was a grave filled with lice. Since she was three years old, her family had treated her as their cash cow. Her parents’ wickedness caused her reputation to rapidly plummet when she was eighteen years old. What was more terrifying was that they even imprisoned her. They drugged her, beat her, used her younger sister as a threat against her, and turned her into a plaything for wealthy businessmen. Ding Shan endured the humiliation for her sister’s sake, then finally sent those beasts to prison two years later. Just as she thought she could finally clean up and live a good life with her sister, reality slapped her in the face. “Why?” Ding Shan asked her sister from where she was tied to a familiar iron bed.“No reason, really. I just hate you, so I drugged you two years ago. I’m the one who pushed you into hell. I’m also the one who posted that viral video which exposed you back then,” Ding Yuan said as she happily inspected her red nails.“Oh, by the way, you’re not my real sister either. My parents kidnapped you from some ravine. Your parents chased after you, but my father pushed them off a cliff and they died. I can’t really remember since it happened so long ago. Plus, I only heard about it occasionally, so I can’t remember the details anymore.“Also, you’re tied up here today because your boyfriend, Wen Xiu, sold you for 10 million. You’re still worth a lot of money, so you should perform well tonight. Ding Yuan reached out to pat Ding Shan’s face, then injected her with an aphrodisiac. The fiery burn that coursed through her body made Ding Shan weak, but the hatred in her heart kept her mind clear and awake. Drugged and left unsupervised, she ended her life with a knife she found in the room. As her life came to an end, Ding Shan swore that if she could start over, she would make all those who had wronged her pay all that they owed her. When she opened her eyes, she had gone back in time to two years ago! So, let’s see how she’ll turn the tide in this life!

I Love Chocolate · General
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370 Chs

029. Triple Price 1

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Xiang Hong hung up the phone. Although he didn't tell Yin Hui, he did have this intention that day.

Xiang Hong didn't want to introduce a job to Ding Shan just because of that night's love. After all, she was just a woman who had a love affair. Although Xiang Hong was very interested, Xiang Hong still had a wait-and-see attitude.

It was just that the contrast between Ding Shan's performance that night and her camera lens made Xiang Hong's heart itch. This was something he had never experienced before.

This unusual feeling was enough to make Xiang Hong care about Ding Shan. Although he did not plan to do anything for the time being, if he could get her to participate in Yin Hui's show, it would be considered within his sphere of influence, it was not a big deal to give her some help.

On the other side, Ding Shan and Little Zhao arrived at the agreed-upon restaurant on time. The moment they entered, they saw Yin Hui smiling as he sat by the window and waved at them.

Ding Shan walked over with Xiao Zhao and nodded politely as they sat down.

Yin Hui could not wait to say, "Miss Ding, I've finally met you. I've seen that you've changed your manager. I was about to explode in your mailbox."

Ding Shan smiled. "We've felt Mr. Yin's sincerity. Otherwise, we wouldn't have gone to the appointment."

Xiao Zhao joked, "Mr. Yin, forgive me for being blunt. Your Company should be responsible for the cooperation invitation, right? Your email is really..." after saying that, Xiao Zhao secretly laughed.

Yin Hui waved his hand casually. "Aiya, this is the only way to show my sincerity. Don't mind the details."

Ding Shan was also affected by the relaxed atmosphere. Deep down, she already had a good impression of this collaboration. "Mr. Yin, may I know what kind of program your Company is planning? What do you need me to do?"

Yin Hui became serious for once, he explained to Ding Shan, "I've studied it carefully. Ordinary talent shows can't provoke any more sparks. I specially consulted all kinds of big shots and finally decided to do the latest Variety Show!"

Ding Shan nodded her head with interest, indicating that she was listening attentively.

Yin Hui smiled proudly, he continued, "Our program is to gather some very famous artistes from all walks of life. In a completely enclosed environment, we'll broadcast the entire process live. We'll provide a training plan for the average person. The last few teams will have a PK, and the audience will vote for the male team to debut! How about that?"

Xiao Zhao was a little hesitant. "The format is quite novel, but isn't it too risky to broadcast the entire process live? The requirements for the artistes are too high."

Ding Shan thought to herself. This format was indeed interesting. It especially required the artiste's basic literacy and ability to handle unexpected incidents. If done well, it would be a bonus, but if done poorly.., it would expose all the flaws.

Yin Hui explained, "It's precisely because of this that you can use this to your greatest advantage. To tell you the truth, I've already done my homework before looking for you. Your previous work content was simply terrible. I've also seen your work. You have the ability, so why don't you take the opportunity to show your true self to your fans?"

Initially, Ding Shan only thought that Yin Hui's personality was very good. Now that she heard it, she felt that Yin Hui was not as silly and sweet as the rumors said. His judgment might have been a little bad before, but after hearing what he said, he was a sensible person. He had completely grasped Ding Shan's current sore spot. This was exactly what Ding Shan needed.

Ding Shan nodded and did not waste any time. "I can accept this job, but I need you to guarantee that the entire process will be fair and just. There can be no shady business or malicious editing."

Yin Hui agreed readily. "Of course. I've invested a lot of confidence in this program. Otherwise, my father will hunt me down. You don't have to worry about that. Just do your best to bring out your strengths."

Xiao Zhao saw that Ding Shan had agreed and did not object. However, Ding Shan was not in a position to discuss the rest of the details, so she could only rely on Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhao probed, "Director Yin, there's no rush. We can discuss it in detail and put it into the contract. As for the remuneration..."

Yin Hui smiled in understanding and confidently extended three fingers, "I'll triple the price!"