
Boss In The Sheets

Rose meets Sam, a sweet, caring man in a park, then a chess club... Long story short, they go on a weird but organic date, then sleep together, Sam wants to grow the relationship, but Rose only wanted Sex. But the surprise she had on her face was enormous when she discovered that Sam was her new boss. Was all of this just a coincidence? Or was it planned? Sam tries to pursue her, But Will she take him? Or will she think of him as a stalker?

Naiomie_Chaster · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 20: Ready,Go!

The disappointment ran deep. It wasn't Sam who was texting me, but V: Have you left?

I felt a wave of despair when I saw V's name appear on the screen. My knees felt weak and my hands trembled slowly and calmly. I picked up the phone and tried to respond, but my mind went blank. I acted on instinct, but I was not conscious.

The phone was on my bed, so when I sent the text, I collapsed onto the floor, feeling defeated. It wasn't a lost battle or a lost argument, but a lost sense of hope.

It's time to snap out of the enticing fantasy of love and longing that I've been indulging in. I consider myself a realist, and I prefer to think that even my daydreams have a touch of realism to them.

Before long, the quiet room was interrupted by the sound of my phone alert. Despite my familiar feelings of excitement and hope, I couldn't shake the knowledge that disappointment and deception were likely awaiting me on the horizon.

V sent me a photo of her and Al in a car, with her sitting in the passenger seat and him in the back. The picture was taken in the dark, illuminated only by the flashing of the phone. After I saw the message, she video-called me. Before answering, I looked at my reflection in the mirror, making sure not to show my true feelings of disappointment and dread. I didn't want to be a bother to them while they were out enjoying themselves.

I adjusted my appearance and forced a smile that may not be authentic, but the video call will conceal it, and I'll use that to benefit me.

V was supposed to be on a date with Matt, so it was a surprise to me that she was with Al as well. When I answered the call, I could only see V's chin, "Hey girl" I said, " Hey, have you eaten?" she asked suddenly, and I replied mumbling " N-No", she added " You're planing to ?"

I was unsure of how to respond, I didn't know what to say exactly because I knew she actually was referring to my so-called 'date', "I have no plans if that's what you're asking!". Suddenly, Al snatched the phone from V, then said with a cheering tone " We're picking you up in five or ten, don't be late I'm starving" and then hung up.

So now they're removing me from this pit, which is a relief of sorts, but it doesn't take the feeling of being abandoned.

I changed into a pair of jeans and a gray crop top, that casually accentuated my figure. I also chose a waist pack that matched the shoes, and the the overall look.

I only needed a few minutes to get ready because I was already prepared to go out. I just had to change my clothes to avoid being overdressed. After that, I waited for around five minutes until V called to let me know they had arrived at the door.

Matthew was delighted with his nice black Rover, while V looked pleased with him, I think they'll be engaged by next year. Al, our beloved Golden Retriever, was his usual self. Matt was grinning from ear to ear, and clearly, we all know why.

I attempted to join in the conversation, even though it seemed a bit silly as they were discussing food, the gross kind to be precise.

Before long, we reached Chinatown, where Matt had previously visited a Korean restaurant that he claimed was served the most delicious fried chicken he had ever tried. V praises Matt's taste in food, so we have to rely on his recommendation.

Not surprisingly enough it was a treat, yet I would have enjoyed it way more if my mind wasn't preoccupied, and that's exactly why I decided to refrain from drinking, knowing that it would seemingly make me act on my impulses and spit out my heart and do things I may find myself in regrettable situations.

So staying preoccupied and sort of sad is better than regrettful and embarrassed.

The night felt endless as I found myself lost in thoughts and imaginary scenarios that would never come to fruition. It was difficult to find any enjoyment in the night, but still preferable to the realization that Sam seemed indifferent to my existence and likely viewed my warning as merely a suggestion. These realizations have left me feeling angry and upset.

As a result, I decided to resign, and I will do so first thing in the morning. I had no other option but to follow through with my words and not just be all barks, some biting can't hurt.


Being in front of his building now feels completely different from the first time. I was amazed and overpowered, and everything appeared large yet uncomplicated.

Now, I stand here, in the same spot, what once seemed magnificent to me is now as insignificant as newly sprouted grass, small and delicate.

I hurried in, arriving early but not excessively so, and found that Mike and Sam had not yet arrived. I was hoping for Sam to be present so I could submit my resignation, but Mike would suffice. I believe he would accept it willingly. Sam might initially refuse, but he won't be able to persuade me to stay.

Time passes, and neither of them can be found, it's unusual for both of them to be away at the same time.

At noon, we all received an email from Mike with some somber news. He informed us that Mr. Rogers' father had passed away the previous night and asked us to keep Mr. Rogers in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. He emphasized the importance of continuing our work and support for Mr. Rogers and the company.

Sam's father has passed away. I recall him mentioning that he didn't have a good relationship with his father, but still, losing a parent is always a difficult ordeal.

If my reasoning was correct, I believe Sam was preoccupied with his missing father yesterday, leaving me feeling abandoned. However, he could have reached out to me through a call or text. If he had informed me, I would have done everything possible to support and help him through the situation.

I made the effort to be a supportive friend, acquaintance, or whatever role I have in his life, and I called Sam. It took a few rings before he answered with his deep, hoarse voice, which was filled with sadness.

"Good afternoon Sam," I greeted him, "Hey, Rose!" He spoke my name with such fragility as if his throat had been injured.

"I apologize for yesterday. I intended to meet up with you, but unexpected events arose," he explained before I could respond.

" No, it's alright, I would have appreciated a text or a call, but I guess it was overwhelming, so I understand."

He remained quiet for a moment before I said, "I hope he's resting in peace, and may God give you the strength to get through this."

"I apologize and appreciate your understanding. I hope that things work out for us at a more opportune time."

"Me too, but don't worry, you have more important things to worry about, and I'd be happy to assist in any way I can."

"Thank you, Rose, you're too kind" he responded with a lot of pain in his voice.

"Anytime, do not hesitate to ask," " Can you give me an hour later, I want to talk about this," he asked pleading in a way, " Of course, perhaps seven would work?" I suggested.

"Are you occupied at the moment?" he asked. "Not really!" I replied. "So would now do?" he asked.

"Sure! Where are you ?" I asked, "My house!" he said simply, "Okay, send me the address, and tell me if you need me to bring you anything, I'll be there shortly", " Your arms," he said curtly, as if he was asking for a piece of cake. "Okay right away sir," I said lightly, matching his tone.

I was determined to remove him from my life and quit only this morning, so this brief talk felt weighty, strange, and maybe even out of place for me. however, for now, I sense we've found a quiet spot where we can get to know one another and perhaps get off to a better start.

Before leaving the office, I excused myself and ordered some actual meals and some snacks to go. I quickly made it home after hailing a cab.

The building was as tall as the sky, and although I wanted to ring the bell, I had no idea which floor he resided on. I texted him to let him know I was at the door, and he promptly responded, saying, "Penthouse, PW: 28082008." After opening the magnificently large gate, I entered a lobby that, at least in size, rivaled the one in the mall. I couldn't appreciate the beauty of the building for long, not because I didn't want to, but because a man passed by, and I didn't want to appear adoring to outsiders when I had finished appreciating the lights and decorations.

The elevator brought me directly to his apartment, which was beautifully furnished and offered a breathtaking view that I believe anyone would appreciate.

Sam wasn't in the living room or the kitchen, so I called out his name and began searching. He responded with "Here" I followed his voice which led me to what seemed to be his bedroom, which was a lovely view, but my eyes were hit with a sight I wasn't expecting, Sam seemed to be freshly out of the shower, wearing a pair of sweats and no shirt, with a towel draped over his shoulders as he vigorously dried his hair with the towel.

He paused as soon as I entered his room, and then he greeted me with a smile that was unfamiliar to me. It seemed to convey a mix of emotions - desperation and sadness, happiness and sorrow. It was a smile concealed by a well of tears.

"Hey, you," I greeted him as I approached. His gaze remained fixed on me, causing my heart to flutter, but my anxiety surged as I drew nearer. When I was close enough, I took the towel from his hands and said " Let me do that!" as I began drying his hair, "Would you mind sitting down, I can't reach the top of your head," I requested.

He sat in silence, which was a bit concerning, and I could sense his fatigue and frailty. "You don't need to be harsh on your hair, just soft squeezes and pats will do the trick," I said, attempting to brighten the somber atmosphere.

He looked up at me, with wide hopeful eyes, and in that moment, my heart melted at the sight. Breaking the silence, he asked, "Are you still upset with me about yesterday?" I took a few glances in his eyes and said "I can't stay mad when you look at me like that." He smiled at me genuinely, which was an achievement given his current state of mind, "Don't get too happy, we still need to discuss it later." Then, he embraced me, resting his head on my stomach, and whispered, "Thank you!"