
Boss In The Sheets

Rose meets Sam, a sweet, caring man in a park, then a chess club... Long story short, they go on a weird but organic date, then sleep together, Sam wants to grow the relationship, but Rose only wanted Sex. But the surprise she had on her face was enormous when she discovered that Sam was her new boss. Was all of this just a coincidence? Or was it planned? Sam tries to pursue her, But Will she take him? Or will she think of him as a stalker?

Naiomie_Chaster · Urban
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26 Chs

Best Real friend

" Oh yeah, with a terrible headache, " I replied

" Oh, that I'm sorry for, you should rest today "

" Yeah, I'll drink coffee and have some leftover soup, it'll go away hopefully"

" That sounds like a good idea, do you often drink alone "

"No, it's a first actually, that I don't intend to redo "

" I was in many firsts of yours, I hope –"

" Can I ask you who's this?"

" I'm the one whom you called a knight in dull armor "

" Oh, I don't recall what occurred yesterday; All I remember is having a few drinks and then waking up in my bed "

"I called to apologize if I caused you any disturbance or made you feel uncomfortable, I just thought that we were on the same page and acted on it, and apparently I was too much of an optimist, I didn't see it the way you did and I hope we'd be at least good friends, and if you feel that it's too much I can back down, I'll do anything that makes you happy "

These words made me freeze, stunned. I expected the moon to rise in the mornings and the stars to come down for us to touch. But he wasn't something that I could have on my mind.

It's Sam and I don't know how to deal with all he said, he seems more sincere, and more truthful than he ever was. But again Rose, he's a con, an actor, and this time I decided not to fight but to take the wave and go with the flow.

" Samuel, I am sorry for my attitude yesterday, it was too much for me to handle, and I lost my temper. I hope we act as adults and with all due respect I'd want us to remain a boss and an intern, anything more than that would be too much for me. "

"I won't oppose that, but do you feel nothing for me, can't you feel the power of what we have "

" Mr. Rogers –"

"It's alright I understand, have a good day" he interrupted me and ended the call.

I felt the last thing he said, seemed cold but I could sense how broken he felt. Like a piece of ice that gets shattered into a million tiny pieces and melts into nothingness.

That's how I sensed what he could've felt.

Maybe I'm going too far with this, he's treated me with respect and kindness, and he showed he cared every time he could.

But I still can't believe that all of this is a coincidence. I just can't. Maybe it's just my brain making me suspect everything to protect me from my fear.

V finally texted me back, She's coming back this evening, which means we have to throw a welcome party for her. And by we I mean Allen and I.

It's kind of a tradition we keep if one of us is away, we must celebrate their come back, it doesn't have to be a big party, anything works; Food, drinks and a bit of music and anything we add is a bonus. I don't think we can do something big, we only have a few hours.

V coming back means I will finally have a shoulder to lean on for all this torment my mind is going through. I don't mean that Allen is not giving me one, but I don't want to be a nuisance to him, not now, not when his mind is not in a comfortable blanket.

Allen is calling and he probably wants to plan for the celebration.

I answered the call "Hey Al"

"Hey Rose, how are you?"

"Good, how are you?"

" I'm Alright, so V is back finally"

"I'm excited to see her, do you have any ideas for what we're going to do ?"

" I'll take you guys to a bar, I can buy you drinks now that I'm 21," he said with a proud chuckle

"Oh yeah! let's drink the night away"

" Well, I can but don't you have a job ?"

" I unfortunately do, I can't drink the night away " with deception in my voice

" Unfortunately ?? why don't you like it?"

" I do like it"

" so what made it unfortunate ?"

" it's just that I can't drink the night away anymore "

"Aah that shouldn't be so bad, you love being busy, look at you you forgot I exist, you barely reply to my texts now that you're working"

"Al, that's not it, I just wanted to give you some space"

" SPACE! why ?!"

"Our last conversation was uhm heavy and it felt like you'd need some time to think by yourself, I didn't want to say something that may alter your decision "

" That's not needed sweetie, you know me I'm not easily persuaded into anything," He said chuckling

"Well, that's true but I have my way with words with you, so don't think too highly of yourself"

"There is a truth to that."

" So, How are you ?" I said worryingly

"I'm OKAAAY! "

"You know what I mean"

" I'm better"

" You talked to her ?"

"I did, and she wasn't happy about it. "

"Of course, she won't be, her boyfriend telling her I don't feel the fire of love anymore"

"She actually dumped me," he said with glum in his voice.

"I'm sorry to hear that, How do you feel?"

" Hurt, but I'd like to think it's for the better for us both "

" It is, you both deserve all the happiness there is, and it doesn't mean you'll stop caring for each other and love each other at least as friends "

"Now, she wants nothing to do with me, and I'm trying to show her that I don't want to end everything between us; but anyways let us refrain from this matter for now, we'll talk later I have a class in 10 minutes and I need to go now "

" of course, take care "

The call ended there, and I felt guilty for letting Allen go through all of this by himself, all alone, I presumed that I made the right choice when I left my best friend go to fight a deadly battle alone, thinking that I was doing him good, but he just lost the love of his life, he might not love her as he did before but she will always have a place in his heart.

I probably should talk to Rachel, but I might make things worse, and Al will dishonor me that's a sure thing that I can't afford, life without him and his support is something I wish I never have to face. So I need to tell V and hopefully convince her that talking to Rachel may be a good idea.

V would probably side with me in this one, especially after hearing his gloomy voice, I need to do something, anything that would cheer him up.

On the mention of cheering up, I'm thinking of making a carrot cake, I like my cake, but Allen would kill for just one slice.

I called him, but it went straight to voicemail, "I have a class" he texted

"I thought you only had one class this morning" I replied " I'm taking German" he replied "German, that's a discussion for later" I have a better idea for tonight "

"Hopefully we don't get arrested for this."

"I'm making a carrot cake and I thought if you bring drinks we'll talk and watch whatever and drink in the comfort of our pajamas and ofc you can stay the night "

"Sure, I'll call you later for details"

"Ofc, ich liebe dich 😂"

"Mich auch "

So I started the baking process by using my grandmother's recipe, it's a family legacy, a matriarchal heritage to which I made some tiny changes, for improvement.

I cleaned the house while the cake was in the oven, there's not much to clean but some mopping and organizing are very much needed.

I have a class today, and I wish I could skip it to welcome V home, but I can't, so I texted her to tell her that she may not find me home, but I'll be back as soon as I can.

I went to class, and Allen was there, he didn't take this class when the semester started, and yet here he is, he may be trying to fill his time running away from overthinking, we're more alike than we think I bury myself with work, school just to get away from what haunts me, I'll do anything to keep my mind off.

the class was slow, I was only waiting for it to end so that I could call, because like always texting didn't get the message to her.

The class ended finally, it felt like an eternity, Allen met me at the door, and he opened his arms wide for me to hug him, I had my laptop in my hands, I gave him a hug, a half hug but that's what I can do with one arm.

"Let's go to the store, V will nearly arrive and we have preparations to do," Allen said with a dimmed smile on his face.

This whole thing is getting to him, now I'm guilty and I don't know if I can forgive myself for failing my best friend and being a selfish bitch when I should have been there for him, my silly problem doesn't deserve all the attention I'm giving it.

I hope I'm still handy to him, and be a real friend like he's always been for me every time I need him.

" Of course, let's go "

I placed my laptop back into my bag. Held into Al's arm as we both walked in silence to the parking lot on campus, he drove, I wanted to put the music on but I knew it would only make the silence occupy more space.

So I had to bring up something that may make his mind busy with something else, with no pity, or being sorry for him.

" I met Sam " I declared calmly

" The same Sam I'm thinking ?" He asks in surprise

" Yes, the same Sam "

" How? He came back knocking at your door? " he said teasingly and finally a real smile landed on his face

"I'm not sure if it's him or me who knocked "

" What do you mean?"

" He – is my boss."

" WHAT ?"

"He's the CEO/chairman "

"Don't tell me you're seeing Samuel Rogers "

"How did you know? "

" who doesn't know him, Rosie !"

" Anyways, I ended things with him this morning "

" WHY? "

"I think he is stalking me."

" Seriously ? "

" Yeah, remember how I met him, then I suddenly worked for him, don't you find it odd "

" Not at all, I don't think he has the time to even think of stalking you "

"All of this is just a coincidence ?"

" I guess so "

"What made you side with him instead of me? "

"He's going through a lot now?"

" We all are, aren't we?"

" Nah, his shit is quite serious, life-wrecking level serious. "

"What does that mean ?"

"His dad wants to sell the company shares he owns and apparently he owns a lot, and that will make Sam an acting CEO rather than a Chairman "

"Oh! Is that so? "

" How come you don't know about it, you're working there, don't you gossip with your coworkers "

" I didn't have the chance I guess," I said as Al was parking the car.

"Well you should try to uhm socialize "

we both got out and beelined to the store.

"I'm not you Allen, I can't bloom wherever it shines"

We got to the store, Allen opened the door and held it for me and said " You know some bloom where the sun shines some bloom where the moon shines, everyone blooms when it's right for them, but how would you know that you can't fly when you never spread your wings and try "

Al picked wine for the cake, tequila for shots, and margarita, and I picked some fruits and snacks.

" I know I still have a lot to discover about me and my so-called potential "

" You don't look like you're trying "

"What would you have me do differently?"

" I don't know, maybe stop fighting your heart's desires "

"You think I enjoy it ?"

"I know you don't," he said as he paid the cashier and picked up the bag, walked to the door

once we were out he added " I know how it feels to reject your own feelings, and I don't want you to go through that, let alone regretting it afterwards."

"What if I regret going for it? " I asked as my phone vibrated, checked its V, and showed the screen to Allen as we got in the car

" She probably has arrived," he said

I answered the call, " Hey V ", noises were clouding her voice " Hey Rose, how are you ? " she replied " I'm good, I'm on my way home with Allen, he says Hi "

"Oh Hi Allen, I miss you guys so much–– I wanted to tell you that I'll be a bit late than expected"

" How late ?"

"Two hours I guess"

"Alright, but why?"

"My flight got delayed at first because of the weather and now I'm in Chicago they say a flight will be available in an hour or so, but I doubt it, I think there may be none and they won't tell us yet so we don't panic"

"Alright, just be safe the rest doesn't matter"

" yeah sure sweetie take care "

V worried me with what she just said, she's in the middle of nowhere alone, I know she can take good care of herself but still. I know she can I texted her that she can go to my parents if she needs to crash somewhere until the sky gets clear.

We got home, made some decorations, and hung out in the living room, after we finished we both sat on the couch. Al turned the TV on, searched for something to watch on Netflix, and chose Your Place or Mine, I've never watched it before, Al knows me too well Romcoms are my guilty pleasure.

" "You're gonna like it," he said

" I surely will, " I said as we snuggled, his arm around my waist and me feeding him caramelized popcorn.