
Boss Becomes Trending in Showbiz

Caroline Edwin, the most notorious female celebrity on the Internet, former girl group member. Just two years after her debut, she's been nicknamed the "Trends Harvester!" Did she sleep her way to the top? Did she bully her team members? Did she steal her best friend's boyfriend? Always trending, ridiculed by netizens, faced with widespread boycotts and demands to leave the entertainment industry! Star Universe Entertainment V: Let me introduce you to our Star Universe shareholder @Caroline Edwin #Famous Miss Edwin spotted in a luxury car worth millions, entering a mansion with an underage wealthy scion? Jerel Edwin V: Sorry, this is my sister @Caroline Edwin #Holding hands with a bank vice-president while shopping, could she be connected to a powerful mover? Jerel Edwin V: Don't believe the rumors, this is my cousin @Caroline Edwin Goody two-shoes regrets, jackass turns into a bootlicker, netizens: Hey mover, do you need any more leg decorations? ---- One day, a famous paparazzi caught Caroline Edwin intimately strolling hand-in-hand with a handsome guy. Netizens: We heard there are only two male siblings in the Edwin family, so this must be Caroline's father. Blake Fuller V: Sorry, I'm her husband @Caroline Edwin [The leading lady controls his hand & the leading man controls her leg] [Rebellious celebrity with scandalous rumors & virtuous, all-capable male doctor]

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Chapter 2: Has the Fluid in the Brain Been Drained?

Translator: 549690339

Caroline Edwin ignored the stunned Rex Leanne.

With a slight lift of her lips, she logged in to Twitter, cleared her controversial history from the past two years, and posted a new tweet.

Caroline Edwin V:[Didn't meddle, didn't play the third wheel. Also, the head isn't just standing on the neck to look taller.]

Although the time-traveling girl was silly, she really didn't pursue Oliver Abbott when he had a girlfriend and didn't deliberately play the third wheel to steal him.

Netizens: "?????"

Caroline Edwin put down her phone, picked a military green jacket from the closet, put on a pair of motorcycle shoes and held a hat in her hand.

Rex Leanne frowned tightly, "Carol, I beg you, can you please just stay home?

There are reporters downstairs in the apartment. If you go down now, you'll be torn apart by those devils!"

Just as he was about to stop this naughty little girl, his phone buzzed several times with notifications.

"Carol, did you tweet something?"


Rex Leanne's steps faltered, tears welling up in his eyes,"Carol, you should be handling this coldly right now, why let your emotions take over?"

He logged in to Twitter and saw the comments section ransacked by the netizens. His headache intensified.

[What the fuck does that bitch Caroline mean? Is she mocking our low intelligence?]

[Apologize, Caroline, apologize now! Demanding that bitch Caroline to apologize and retire!]

[Damn, so arrogant! Can you be so bold after stealing your best friend's boyfriend? She's a heartless bitch! I swear today that I'll never buy a product endorsed by that bitch Caroline!]

[How has an artist with such a disgraceful track record not been banned yet? Is the higher-ups at Star Universe dead? Didn't they see that Anna was hospitalized because of Caroline Edwin? Isn't she in the same company? How can they be so biased?]


"Just telling the truth, that's all."

Caroline Edwin walked to the window, pushed it open to take a peek at the reporters squatting and waiting with their cameras downstairs, and put on a facemask.

Rex Leanne wiped away his tears again, "Carol, I believe you're innocent, but these netizens simply won't accept it."

"They'll accept it soon."

Caroline Edwin went to her room, packed up her laptop, and held it in her hand.

She lowered her hat, opened another window opposite to the reporter's location.

"Rex, I haven't had any plastic surgery. I'm all original."

"Oh right, you might not know this, but I do work for the country."

Rex Leanne: "???"

He believed the part about no plastic surgery, but working for the country...this little girl must be really sick today.

"I have some matters to attend to. See you."

With a push, Caroline Edwin gracefully leaped onto the window and jumped down.

Rex Leanne collapsed in grief and let out a heart-wrenching scream, "Carol!!!"

"Even if the world insults and bullies you, don't go committing suicide, what does it matter what the netizens rant about? Bad publicity is still publicity!"

With bloodshot eyes, Rex Leanne stumbled to the window and grabbed his phone, ready to call for emergency services.

Looking down, Caroline Edwin landed lightly on her knees, steady and agile.

She stood up, casually dusted off the dirt on her legs, took out her phone from her pocket, and tapped an unsaved number with her slender, jade-like fingers.

Foxgirl: [Find out for me which hospital Anna Morrison is in.]

Stitch Smith: [Boss, is the water in your head drained out yet?]

Foxgirl: [Less talking, more action. Ten minutes.]

Stitch Smith: [Okay, okay.]

"You little brat."

Caroline Edwin chuckled lightly, putting her phone back in her pocket, her cool brows and eyes tinted with a touch of laziness.


Rex Leanne stared blankly, the phone slipping from his hand and falling to the floor. He pinched his thigh in disbelief, "Ouch~"

Good, there's pain.

Not a dream.