
Boruto: Suna’s Mighty Clan

Akira reincarnates as the fourth child and third son of the fourth Kazekage Rasa in a Naruto world where all the fascinating clans have survived. This is a Naruto universe without extraterrestrial beings, where power can be even more terrifying because bloodlines aren't an impediment to the mundane. Akira faces unmapped challenges with a twist: he suddenly has Pokémon types and qualities without the obvious flaws. ********************** Info: Boruto is the name of the story because Hinata is not bae. You read correctly, and you already know where this is going. This story contains incest. In this fic, the MC will have children who are all strong but much weaker than him.

Assnkneepads · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 2

"Eat this you son of a bitch!"

Temari screamed loudly as her attack came down and was about to hurt Akira's handsome face.

She was a tough sister, and she was also a very crazy woman. It was best not to make her angry or upset. While she waited for him at the inn, Akira put her emotions and sanity to the test...

She quickly ripped her metal fan off her back and grabbed it tightly with both hands as she ran wildly toward her little brother.

She wanted to teach him a lesson for leaving her here alone for a long time, even though he had said he wouldn't. Her fan was both a weapon and a way to make strong winds, which she was very good at controlling.

She was crying, feeling both happy and angry. It was clear she wasn't in the mood to be reasonable, so she quickly hit Akira with a good amount of her power. This attack had nothing to do with wind. It was all about her skill with her giant iron fan and her brutal strength.

She had honed both with her skillful use of chakra.

In terms of strength, she was also a strong mid-class chunin, like Kankuro.

"I told you to quit calling me a son of a bitch!"

"You're just defaming yourself and our dear mother!"

Akira yelled back and got ready to face the powerful attack.

He wanted to hug his sister and smell her wonderful natural perfume, feel her soft skin, and feel her big breasts, which were still growing but were already ripe and mature. But when he saw the danger, he stopped being nice and polite.

It was time to put his new skills to the test against this crazy princess from the desert.

In this world, she was just as crazy. Akira didn't understand why, since their mother Karura was still alive and Temari was spoiled.

Being a brand-new Steel-type Pokemon without any fatal flaws that come with Pokemon types and weaknesses, Akira had several new advantages. Including poison immunity. But he wasn't facing his brother Kankuro, he was facing the tougher and more aggressive Temari.

Steel against steel was seen as a weak attack. Akira wasn't weaker than his sister, and he had a bigger supply of chakra that he could use even better. So, he only put his arms up in the shape of a cross to face the huge iron fan that was crashing down from above.

Temari was strong, and the land of water's ground was wet and soft in some places, making it easy to break through. It busted after the two opposing forces collided, right after a quick, ear-splitting screech of metal.

Akira's arms shone for a brief moment. He didn't use his own steel-type new move to resist the attack.

"What!!!" Temari, who had been grinning and scowling simultaneously, was suddenly taken aback and yelled in surprise and bewilderment.


When her fierce, cruel attack was blocked so easily and smoothly, she was very confused. She swore in her head that if she didn't leave a huge bump on her brother's head, she would at least make him dodge. Both didn't happen, though. He only had to raise his arms to stop her strong move. He was completely unharmed and looked calm.

"Is this how you welcome me back?! Stop playing Temari, I have a guest."

Akira didn't explain.

He shoved his sister backwards.

And as she gracefully landed on her feet after a flashy acrobatic move, he let out a chuckle at the sight of her dumbfounded expression and declared.

"Please allow me to introduce you to Keiko Sasaki. She's a survivor I happened upon in a nearby village that Kiri Nin had recently cleansed of bloodlines. She's a valuable asset who can use the scorch release..."

To make this a fun game and letter play, Akira would have been audacious and called her Sakura. But he wasn't Chinese, he didn't believe his village was that stupid, and he didn't believe he had plot armor.

People would have to be slow to not notice.

"What?!" When Temari heard what her brother said, she was stunned again, but this time it wasn't by his new strength or how well he was able to defend himself against her attacks.

"Did you just say Scorch release?"

She had trouble believing what she had heard, so she asked again to make sure she had heard right the first time.

Akira gave an enthusiastic nod and looked at Pakura, who was greeting Temari in silence, as if to show that what Akira had said was true.

He continued, explaining,

"Yes. Scorch release. I was astounded as well."

" Do you think dad will be pleased and won't chastise me for bringing her back to the village?"

"She got very close to me very quickly after I fed her something. Before we met and talked, she was about to end her sufferings in complete despair… I think I remind her of a son, she says,"

Temari listened with surprise and impatience in her eyes, she replied. "Mad?! How could Dad be upset about something so wonderful? If what you say is true, it would be great news for the village if we could bring her back. Let's get going!"

"Let's not waste any more time here…"

She muttered, trying to calm down and figure out the order of things.

This time, she gave Pakura, now Keiko, a long, creepy stare while studying her intently.

"Keiko, was that your name? Hey, can you actually use the Scorch Style like my brother said? Show me, please."

Pakura nodded.

Even though she hadn't done it in a while and was rusty, and even though Akira's power of disguise had changed how she looked, some things hadn't changed. The scorch style was in her and made her who she was.

She quickly opened her hand palm up. The next second, a scary-looking ball of fire with a scary sound came into being.

The kekkei genkai that Pakura had was Scorch Release. This kekkei genkai was only in her possession. Akira had heard a lot about what was going on with the new clans that didn't die in this new Naruto World. But he knew that Pakura was the only one with the scorch release.

At least based on what he knows and what he can find out.

Pakura's fireballs were intelligent mixtures of air, gases, and fire that caught on fire. By combining the fire and wind chakras, she could make heat orbs that would "mummify" her enemies, killing them by evaporating all the water in their bodies.

Even if it didn't manage to do so with someone's moisture, her fire, which was essentially fire, was still hot and dangerous.

After all, fire was fire.

And her control and manipulation of the fireballs was reminiscent of a fire psychic.

The fireball that Pakura conjured up seemed to flicker and dance in her hand, crackling with energy like it was about to explode at any moment.

"Should I show you how it works?" she asked Temari.

"It's a little harmful, and I'm not sure if we should be bringing attention to ourselves since we're trying to hide me while we leave."

Akira was nodding at his sister when she glared at him.

She then told Pakura, "Just move it around a bit for me. Don't waste your time demolishing things."

She knew a lot about her village and its past shinobi, and she was pretty sure that this was the Scorch Style that the legendary Pakura used to have. She just wanted to verify if it came with the woman's famous ability to control fire.

As far as Temari knew, Pakura had some serious skills when it came to juggling fireballs and controlling them without getting singed.

Pakura didn't waste time. She moved the fireball around in the distance for a second or two. She was about to do something more flashy that wouldn't hurt the environment or trees when Temari stopped her.

Temari declared, "I've seen enough."

She didn't want the woman to catch fire.

"You did a great job this time, I think dad will be happier than you can even imagine," she said to her brother.

"I know, right?" Akira stated.

"She's only loyal to me. So, will you help me persuade him not to try to turn her into a deterrent war toy? If he tries to take her away from me, she will undoubtedly commit suicide."

Temari replied, "I'll do my best."

"Let's head home. It's too risky to stay here longer right now."

Akira and Pakura, now Keiko, gave each other a quick, furtive glance of relief. They had reached a deal. If Rasa decided to use her for his own purposes and separated her from him, Akira would have to step in and help her escape the village.

Now that Temari had promised to help, they didn't have to worry as much. She was Rasa's wife Karura's spoiled daughter, so most likely everything would go well.

When it came to his wife, who stayed alive in this world, the fourth Kazekage was especially weak and meek. And he had a hard time arguing against anything she obstinately counseled.

He was like Konoha's fourth Hokage, according to rumors, with his powerful wife.

Now that he was on the boat back to the continent with his sister and Keiko, Akira felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. To pass the time, the boy looked over his status window and how his Pokemon templates worked.

Although he was already familiar with the mechanics, the journey to Suna was long, and he didn't intend to return right away because he wanted Keiko to be at her peak of strength after some more rest. In case anything bad or unexpected happened after she met Rasa.

She couldn't kill a Kage as a low jonin, but the Kazekage most likely couldn't kill her with her baneful fire skill either. The fancy trap laid out to eliminate her a while back demonstrated her ability to handle life-threatening situations quite effectively.

Despite Akira's argument that she couldn't face the entire village, groups had little effect on her. Which was correct, though she could certainly eliminate an essential percentage of the Suna shinobi forces before they shot her down.

Even as a low jonin.

If she wanted to face water shinobi, Akira would not think the same way…

When shinobi fought, it wasn't just about levels and tiers, and survival depended on a lot of different things.

Bloodline limits and experience were major factors. And Pakura had a very harmful one. Right now, she was mostly constrained by her Chakra reserves.

Akira lay down and gazed at the sky. And he started to kill time on the boat in his own style while keeping these thoughts in his head.

Because he didn't want to make a mistake, he was also getting used to calling Pakura Keiko sooner rather than later.

It was better to get into good habits earlier.

[Status: Akira Sabaku]

[Spirit Animal: Dark type]

[Passive Trait: Lifespan greed]

[Jinchuriki Types: Steel, Fire, Psychic, Flying]

[Moves (Line 1, 1%): Iron Defense, Ember, Teleport, Gust]

[Odd Skills: Disguise, Inventory, ESP, Flight]

The status window was unsophisticated, with several lines. The first line, below his first and family names, was about Akira's spirit animal, which represented his natural talent and proclivity toward his best pokemon type, the dark type.

Moves of this type would be easy for him to learn, and skills of this type, even if they weren't Pokemon moves, would be easy for him to understand and deal with. In the world of Naruto, this made him a counter to genjutsu and the Uchiha.

He was real good at learning genjutsu and other techniques that were considered dark, too.

His passive trait was his innate, native and natural pokemon trait, which he obtained moments before when he dug up Pakura and the plugin rewarded him. Lifespan greed was this trait, and it allowed Akira to naturally collect the lifespans of those he killed. He was free to do whatever he wanted with that lifespan, and he could add it to his own or someone else's.

His Pokemon types were Jinchuriki. It was a little absurd, but it had to be taken at face value... He was essentially a container for strangeness, despite not having the Jinchuriki chakra increase.

Simply speaking, Akira carried Pokemon types and their properties in his blood, rather than the Pokemon themselves. They were inextricable from his body and were actually a part of the plugin itself, or rather what it had left. So someone like Orochimaru or Danzo could try to be wishful by extracting and experimenting on him, but it would fail.

Each of Akira's kids has his or her own elemental type. They would only have one from him when they were born. They couldn't have more than one, though.

Like him, they wouldn't have the obvious and fatal flaws in their defense. For example, if Akira had a child who was born with a fire type, that child would not be weak to moves and jutsus that use water, rock, or the ground. Etc.

Even though the types didn't have the weaknesses in defense that Pokemon are known for, they did have weaknesses in their attacks. Fire still couldn't do much damage to things like fire, water, rock, etc. Not unless the person using the move was so strong that it didn't matter.

In terms of attack power, Akira and his children were no different from other shinobi. Not any more powerful.

Although the following line places Akira in a different category than his children because he has Pokemon moves…

Akira was able to learn new moves and types of Pokemon. He had to finish move lines, which were like templates, to get both of these. The better he was at a line of moves, the closer he was to the next line and the next Pokemon types.

He'd get four of them at a time until he could only get less and less each time. Once he had all the types, his status window would look different, and he would get single moves as templates instead. It was the same way to get new moves as it was to get new lines.

Finally, Akira's odd skills represented some odd skills that naturally came with certain types of Pokemon, as well as the first skills left to him by the plugin.

As a flying Pokemon type, Akira didn't need wings and naturally could fly. This was the flight skill.

The psychic type was involved with the ESP skill. It transformed Akira into an Esper, and he naturally possessed unusual abilities such as levitation and clairvoyance. He had increased perception and could also read the feelings and thoughts of people weaker than him to some extent. The stronger he became, the stronger and more diverse all of these odd skills, including his flight ability, became.



In this story, the Senju and Uchicha clans live well, and I have to explain a lot about Obito, Madara, and other characters without the Otsutsukis and Black Zetsu. Don't worry though, this will come.

I won't infodump things.

When I write this story, I'll try to show more than tell, so don't expect POV shifts to places and across maps where the main character isn't. This kills stories quickly and makes them boring because there are no more surprises. I won't show what the characters are doing unless they are nearby or in the same place as him.

Characters that aren't going to be important right away won't be studied and developed too early, because that doesn't do anything but make me and you bored.