
Boruto: Suna’s Mighty Clan

Akira reincarnates as the fourth child and third son of the fourth Kazekage Rasa in a Naruto world where all the fascinating clans have survived. This is a Naruto universe without extraterrestrial beings, where power can be even more terrifying because bloodlines aren't an impediment to the mundane. Akira faces unmapped challenges with a twist: he suddenly has Pokémon types and qualities without the obvious flaws. ********************** Info: Boruto is the name of the story because Hinata is not bae. You read correctly, and you already know where this is going. This story contains incest. In this fic, the MC will have children who are all strong but much weaker than him.

Assnkneepads · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 17 (Special chapter, make sure to read the note at the end)

At Akira's house, Gaara and Kankuro entered together and found Temari and Keiko in the living room, watching TV.

"Hey… you're back, you dumb woman. But who is she?" Kankuro said to his older sister before asking her. He wasn't wearing any makeup today.

Temari sighed and composed herself to avoid losing her temper in front of Keiko before saying, "That's Keiko, someone we scouted in the Water Country."

"Scouted?" Gaara wasn't very talkative, but he was also curious, so he asked.

"Yeah," Temari nodded, while Keiko politely bowed, "Akira stumbled upon her and saved her from town genocide. We'll need your help, as well as Mom's, to make her stay here as comfortable as possible."

"Town genocide? Is there something special about her?" Kankuro inquired, a curious frown on his face.

He had heard about those clan genocides that happened in the Water Country, just like everyone else. He also knew that Akira wouldn't bring anyone back to Suna with their strict father already being a constant target for criticism because of his position in the village.

He was taking something heavy off his back, something wrapped in tissue with a clump of spiky black hair at the end.

This was one of his latest puppets.

Temari replied to both him and Gaara, who had a gourd on his own back and crossed his arms while observing Keiko with a similar level of curiosity, although he appeared more composed. "She's an innate practitioner of the scorch style. That's her bloodline limit."

"Scorch Style?"

Both Gaara and Kankuro had wide eyes and looked shocked, with Gaara appearing more intrigued than Kankuro.

"You stupid sister con and brother complex brought back someone with that dangerous bloodline limit?!"

If Kankuro seemed a bit spooked, especially since wind abilities and fire abilities were the weakness of his fighting style, Gaara, on the other hand, frightened Keiko a bit with his intense gaze of excitement and curiosity for battle.

As she began to explain her identity and the events that had unfolded, she was taken aback to notice that one of Akira's brothers, Gaara, appeared quite different and would likely seek guidance on combat in the near future…

Her extensive experience allowed her to easily recognize and unmistakably identify the expression of excitement and enthusiasm for battle on his face.


Inside the building of the Kazekage,

The council meeting with all the important individuals from the village had finally concluded, and Yashamaru was now meeting with Rasa and Chiyo in the Kazekage's office.

Chiyo, who felt comfortable everywhere in this village and whom nobody could tell anything, let alone the current Kazekage, whom she had changed the diapers of once or twice in the distant past, trimmed her nails.

Then she blew on them, breaking the tense silence in the office as she asked Yashamaru, "How was the trip? Did Akira make any noticeable progress?"

"That kid hasn't come to visit me in almost a year now."

She was in the office for some important discussions, but she immediately inquired about one of the very few boys in the town that she somewhat regarded as a student while the mood was still relaxed.

Rasa listened with interest, just like a dad, when Yashamaru smiled and responded, "You can test him to find out, since you've always kept a close watch on him."

"You never learned how to give direct answers while growing up, did you? But anyway, are you suggesting that I have a liking for that kid, you cheeky brat Yashamaru?" Chiyo grumbled with a small snorting chuckle.

Yashamaru simply smiled, while Rasa, who was also watching her from his seat, smiled as well. Then, she took a deep breath that seemed long and reminiscent of the past, and her expression shifted to a more serious one.

"How did the talk with that old owl Hiruzen go?" Chiyo asked, her smart face showing more and more of a dangerous old smile, "He still has that same strong and influential hold on that foolish fourth Hokage, doesn't he?"

"It's called the fire country now, but we also have interests in that annexed land of rivers as well…"



I didn't want to write this chapter at all, which is why it's so brief. Consider it a bonus for those who enjoy information dump clarifications.

Chiyo has not lost any of her children due to war or Sakumo in this lifetime. I gave you a hint when I mentioned Sakumo was still alive a few chapters ago. Don't bother me about Sasori right now; a story takes its time... I won't vomit every piece of information for you just because you are more confused than other readers who are able to think ahead and guess things from a few clues.

I'm hoping that the ignorant people who don't understand authors or world politics will stop looking for reasons to hate on stories one day.

You think the United States important people, Russia, China, and North Korea don't talk and laugh with each other?

Don't be too stupid.

Plus, Suna is allied with Konoha in this story...

In this case, It's okay to dislike Boruto if you don't enjoy it. I can't prevent you, and I don't particularly enjoy it either, you funny silly people.

To stay calm these days, you need to be transparent, so I set aside my ego and shared something with you here. It's sad but whatever.

Because there are too many annoying people on this site, I didn't want to switch POVs while writing this story, but I did here… It will not happen again unless some of you continue to be ignorantly triggered for the same amusing things.