
Boruto: Sarada takes over

Boruto fanfics yes, how real is it? Not real at all. I didn't watch nor read boruto cuz fuck that. Ima just make up shit as we go. Might use the same villains but definitely wont be the right timeline or anything, also sarada isn't sarada so yh you'll know why soon.

Miguel_Zamora_0514 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Transfer student...

Fastforward Sarada managed to learn and master both which Naruto wasn't that surprised but still surprised since he felt she had the potential to become stronger than Sasuke and him.

After that long break she had finally returned to school stronger and more Op then ever, before arriving to school she made 20 clones and left them to try learning the Chidori and creating different jutsus with it. Ex: Chidori senbons.

After arriving at school a few people were surprised seeing that she was gone for quite a while as she had the most attentio.

" Where were you? My dad ended up getting a student but he doesn't wanna tell me who it is...Not even if its a girl or boy " Boruto said with an annoyed look.

Before answering Sarada remembered a conversation with Naruto,


" Though i know accept you as my student you can't tell anybody until you're finally a shinobi, more preferably once you're a chunnin of jonin because if something happens to you....Sakua will kill me " Naruto said the last part in a really soft whisper as he got scared shitless. Sarada still hear it but ignored it as one of Narutos biggest fans she can atleast do him one favor.

" Ofcourse sensei ! " Sarada said as she left the training ground.


" Maybe he'll tell you once you're a little more mature " Sarada said coldly evading the question Boruto asked. But ofcourse not everybody is as dumb as Boruto.

" You still haven't answered the question though. " Shikadai said suspiciously.

" Im not obligated to answer. Just think of it as a family problem. If you really want to know ask you're father. " Sarada said.

Once everybody had sat down Shino finally arrived,

" We have a transfer student, his name is Mitsuki. Take good care of him. " He said as he signaled Mitsuki to sit.

' Hm, from what i remember from reels, the coolest characters are...Everybody except Boruto. Seems legits why don't i test him real quick? ' Sarada opened her mangekyo sharingan as she put him in tsukuyomi.

Entering the Tsukuyomi world Mitsuki looked extremly confused but still had a smile on his face, seeing Sarada appear his smile didn't leave as he was only confused.

" So where did you come from? " Sarada asked.

" Hidden sound village " Mitsuki replied.

" Father? "

" Dead, Im adopted. "

" Reason you transfered here? "

" To represent our good relationship with the village "

" Good enough answers, we might become a trio in the near future hope you're not as weak as you look . " Sarada said walking away about to break the dimension.

" If we were a trio who would be the third? " Mitsuki asked as Sarada stopped.

" Its most likely the person you're looking for here. " Sarada said making Mitsuki frown a little as the dimension cracked and he went back to normal as he sat with Boruto.

" Should we have a welcome party for Mitsuki? " Shino asked.

" Party? "

" Fun? "

" Food? "

" YES! " Everybody shouted.

" I'll pass i have to help my mom out on some stuff. " Sarada said which everybody igored.

" Okay, Sarada go ahead and go home if you'd like. Everybody else lets go buy the supplies ! " Shino said excitedly.

" Lets go ! " Everybody followed Shino as Sarada left, Mitsuki hid his presence as he followed Sarada.

Sarada arrived to a training ground full of her clones as she slowly undid her jutsu so she can slowly take in the memories, once she was done she took out a kunai and threw it at the tree Mitsuki was hiding behind.

" What do you want. " Sarada asked.

" How much do you know of why im here? " Mitsuki asked as he took out the kunai that was stuck on the tree and threw it back to her.

Catching it she just replied, " I don't know anything. But i guess know i know you're not here just for the " Bond " with konoha. I won't say anything, aslong as you don't do anything that makes me want to kill you. " Sarada said closing her sharingan.

" Take care though. Don't follow me anymore or you'll see something you're not supposed to. " She said in a threatening tone.

" Why aren't you coming to the party? Don't you have friends? " Mitsuki asked.

" Hm, good question. I'll be nice and only answer one of them. Will you chose or do i? " Sarada asked as her back faced Mitsuki.

" The party one " He said.

" I don't want to waste time on parties when i can grow stronger. This isn't a novel, we won't get a random power up once we are in a life threatening moment. " Sarada finished and flickered away.

" Im confused..." Mitsuki said as he went back to where the party would be.


Sarada arrived home,

' Maybe i should've left him alone. Why do i make dumb decisions? ' Sarada asked herself.

" Mom im home! " Sarada shouted.

" Hm? You're home early. You aren't skipping right? " Sakura asked as a dark aura escaped her.

" We had a new transfer student and decided to make a welcome party. I didn't wanna bother so i asked if i can go home which he agreed. " Sarada explained as Sakura became happy again.

" Well, since you're here tell me about you're training with the Hokage ! " Sakura said excitedly.

" Sure, but why don't you just call him by his name? From the stories i heard, you definitely weren't shy to punch him. Much less be respectful. " Sarada said as the dark aura returned.

" Im gonna kill him. " Sakura said in a low voice.

" You're proving my and his point. " Sarada said plainly which Sakura quickly calmed down.

" Anyways, ill quickly make you something to eat. After that im gonna train you. " Sakura said which she put on a Apron and started getting to work.

" Okay, mom. " Sarada replied

Sarada laid on the couch in the living room as she accidentally fell asleep...

( A/N I hate fanfics ughhhh, i need new fanfics to read ngl. )