
Boruto: Rise Of Senji With A Devil Fruit

Senji, a young man living an ordinary life, is tragically killed in a brutal attack by thugs while grocery shopping. However, as he takes his last breaths, he is suddenly granted a second chance at life and is reborn into the world of Boruto as a baby. Growing up in the Hidden Leaf Village, Senji discovers that he has a unique ability - the Tori Tori no Mi, a mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows him to transform into a phoenix. As he grows older, Senji becomes determined to become a ninja and use his powers to protect those he cares about. However, there is a catch. After being reborn, Senji has hardly any memories of his past life, and he struggles to come to terms with his new identity. With the help of his friends and mentors, Senji slowly begins to learn about the ninja world and his place in it. As he trains to become a ninja, Senji uncovers a sinister plot to destroy the Hidden Leaf Village, and he realizes that his unique powers may be the only thing that can save his home. Along the way, he must confront powerful enemies, make difficult decisions, and face the truth about his past. With his friends and allies by his side, Senji sets out to stop the villains and save the Hidden Leaf Village. Will he be able to overcome his own doubts and limitations and become the hero he was always meant to be? Only time will tell.

Yahiko_1 · Anime & Comics
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That Girl And Chakra Unlock

As a newborn in the Boruto world, I was immediately drawn to the stories of my mother's adventures as a ninja.

She would tell me tales of her missions and battles, and I would listen with rapt attention.

As weeks turned into months, I gradually gained more control over my body and started to explore the world around me.

I found that the world was a big, fascinating place, and there was always something new to discover.

I loved looking at the bright colors and different textures of the world around me, and I was particularly fascinated by the sounds that I heard.

I could hear my parents talking and laughing, the birds chirping outside, and even the sound of the wind blowing through the trees.

As I grew, I also started to develop my own personality. I was a happy and curious baby, always eager to explore and learn.

I loved to smile and laugh, and I was especially fond of playing with my father. He would make silly faces and funny noises, and I would giggle and coo in response.

One day, when I was about one and a half years old, my parents took me on a trip to the park. I had never been outside before, and I was amazed by the sights and sounds.

There were other children playing, dogs barking, and the sun shining brightly in the sky.

My father sat me down on the grass, and I felt the soft blades tickling my feet. I reached out to touch the grass and was surprised by how different it felt from anything I had experienced before.

It was rough and scratchy, but also soft and pliant.

As I sat there, taking in all the new sensations, I suddenly noticed a little girl playing nearby. She was about my age, and she was crawling around on the grass, just like me.

I felt a strange pull towards her, and I found myself crawling over to her.

She looked up and saw me approaching, and she smiled a big, toothless grin. I smiled back, feeling a warmth spreading through my chest.

We started to play together, crawling around and exploring the grass.

It was a small moment, but it was one that would stick with me for the rest of my life.

It was the moment when I realized that I was part of a bigger world, and that there were other people in it who were just like me.

As we played, I felt a sense of connection and belonging that I had never felt before.

It was a feeling that I would carry with me as I continued to grow and explore the world around me.

And as I looked up at my parents, who were watching us play with fond smiles on their faces, I knew that I was loved and cherished and that nothing in the world could ever change that.

As the sun began to set, the little girl's parents came to take her home from the park.

I watched as she crawled away, waving goodbye to me, and felt a pang of sadness in my chest.

Even though we had only played together for a short time, I felt a strong connection to her.

As the days passed, I found myself thinking more and more about the little girl from the park.

I wondered where she was, and if she was thinking about me too. I longed to see her again, to crawl around on the grass and play together like we had before.

But as time went on, I started to forget about her. My world began to revolve around different things - learning to crawl faster, trying new foods, and exploring the world around me in different ways.

The memory of the little girl slowly faded into the background of my mind, replaced by new experiences and sensations.

"And then, one day, I received another mission from the system. But was out of my capability and the requirement to do the mission was also out of my favour.

As I started to focus on the daily challenges made by me, the memory of the little girl faded even further from my mind.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. I grew and developed, becoming more and more independent with each passing day.

The memory of the little girl was now just a distant, hazy image in the back of my mind.

But even as I learned and grew, I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to her.

Had she grown and developed like I had? Did she still remember our brief time together in the park?

As the months went by, I continued to wonder about the little girl from the park, but I never saw her again.

Life moved on, and I found new things to occupy my time and energy.

But the memory of our brief connection continued to linger, serving as a reminder of the early days of my life and the boundless potential of the world around me."

「 At The Year Of Two 」

As a child, I was always aware of a strange energy within me. I didn't know what it was, but I felt it coursing through my body, like a river of power waiting to be unleashed.

It wasn't until I was two years old that I finally understood what it was.

One day, as I was playing in the garden, I felt a surge of energy within me. It was like a bolt of lightning that shot through me, filling me with a powerful sensation that I had never felt before.

At first, I was afraid, but as the energy subsided, I felt a sense of peace and clarity that I had never experienced before.

As I looked up, I saw my parents watching me with amazement. They had seen what had happened and recognized the significance of it.

They knew that I had unlocked my chakra, a powerful force that was coveted by many in our world.

My parents were overjoyed at the discovery of my ability, and they immediately began planning a feast to celebrate.

They invited all of our family and friends, and everyone was excited to witness my newfound power.

As the feast began, I felt a sense of pride and excitement. I knew that I was different, that I had something special within me that others did not.

And as my parents helped me to train my chakra, I felt a sense of purpose and determination that drove me forward.

Years went by, and I continued to hone my chakra skills, becoming stronger and more adept with each passing day.

I knew that my power was a gift, and I was determined to use it for good, to protect those who could not protect themselves.

Looking back now, I realize that my chakra was not just a source of power, but a source of hope and inspiration.

It gave me the strength to face any challenge, and the courage to stand up for what I believed in. And for that, I will always be grateful.

I tried to use my chakra to mimic the jutsu my mother had used in her stories, but without any formal training, I could only do so much.

As I entered my toddler years, I began to understand the weight of the responsibilities of ninjas and the concept of chakra.

I would try to play ninja on my own, using my chakra and imagining battles with imaginary enemies. It wasn't the same as hearing the stories from my mother, but it was the best I could do.

It wasn't until I was three and a half that I began to take matters into my own hands. I started doing pushups, hoping to build my strength and agility like my mother and father before me.

It was my way of feeling connected to their world, even though they were no longer a part of it.

As I grew older, I realized that pushups alone wouldn't be enough to become a successful ninja.

I started to study the techniques and strategies used by the most skilled ninjas, hoping to learn from their successes and failures. I also began to sneak out at night, exploring the world around me and practicing my moves.

I worked hard every day to live up to the expectations of my mother and father. I pushed myself to be the best I could be, hoping that one day I could live up to the legacy of my mother and father before me.

As I grew in age, my determination to become a ninja only grew stronger. I was determined to prove myself, the son of respected and honored ninjas.

I knew that enrolling in the ninja academy was my best chance to make this dream a reality.

But getting into the academy was no easy feat. I spent hours each day shaping my body and studying, training and determined to be the best candidate possible.

「 Ding!!!!!」

「 Quest Name 」: Trigrious

「Quest Type 」: Hunting

「 Quest 」: Kill at least five wild beast

「 Requirement 」: Age Of Five (5)

「Mission Level 」: Easy

「Points To be Gained 」: 5% Of Tori Tori No Mi