

'So it's been 12 years since I came to the ninja world.' Boruto muttered while looking at himself in the mirror. Well, not that he is against it. He only regretted that he had only read 15 chapters of Boruto manga.

Today is the day he is graduating from ninja school. Well, in terms of strength, he can go toe-toe with Jonin. Why is he strong like this? Well, we will talk about this in a minute.

Let's talk about his Last life. In his previous life, he was a charming guy. He had eaten a lot of pussy. If you want to sum up 21 years of life, he was a womanizer. From stepmom to Aunt. From cousin to step-sis, friend to friend's mom, Teacher[female] to teacher's daughter, he had almost eaten all pussy. This life shall not be different.

"Boruto, come down breakfast is ready." At this time, a sweet voice broke his daydreaming.


"Onii- chan" you are late.Said little himawari.

"Gomen-nee." While stroking Hima's hair, he said.

He sat on the chair and looked at Hinata, who was busy preparing Breakfast for them. The baggy clothes on her hide all her assets. Still, she is Hot.

'She is hot.'Boruto said to himself while looking at her back.

"Here's your breakfast."

"Mom, today I will be graduating from Ninja school."

" I know Boruto. So I will cook your favourite dish for dinner." Hinata said with a sweet smile on her face.

'Well, my favourite dish is you. That can wait for a little.' obviously, he said this in his mind.

"Thank you, mom."




"Mom, I am going."Before going out of the door, he didn't forget to kiss Hinata on the cheeks.

"This boy."

In her eyes, boruto has been very clingy since childhood. When Boruto was 6 years old, he still insisted to sucked her tit. When Hima was born, one day, boruto went to her and said, "Mom, also I want to drink milk."

Hinata remembered those stories and smiled. Although this boy was very clingy to her, she didn't dislike it.

After becoming Hokage, Naruto was very busy.

He didn't even have time to come home. Although she was sad that Naruto didn't spend time with her, that gap was fillup by boruto. He accompanied her all the time, keeping her life busy...




Boruto was running towards Ninja school. As with every traveller, he also had some cheat, but this cheat didn't come as a system. His power comes from the sun. Wait.. Hold on, reader; he is not superman. Sun is his power source.

He can gain strength by soaking up in the sun. This was his cheat, which was quite helpful for him. He didn't have to train for how much extraordinary power he had; he didn't know that yet. But he can feel that this power greatly enhances his speed, reflex, and strength.

[Opps, ain't that low-budget superman?].





At the gate of School, he met his two Best friends who have hot moms. He greeted Shika dai and inojin.



"Today, you will guys graduate from Ninja school and become real ninjas.." Shino continued his speech. At the same time, shikadai continues his sleeping like his father.




"Team 7 :Boruto uzumaki,sarada uchiha ,Mitsuki."



"Hey, do you know who will be our Jonin sensei?" Sarada asked Boruto.

"No, My old man didn't say anything to me."

"Maybe it will be someone strong," Mitsuki replied.


.One eternity later…



"Sorry, guys, I am late." At this time, a person wearing a jonin vest enter's the room.

"Konohamaru, big bro, You are our jonin sensei." Although he is aware of this, he still expresses surprise by saying it.

"Yeah, I am your jonin sensei boruto.Ok, you guy's follow me."





'Well, not bad. They can follow me even if I run with the strength of chunin.' Looking at the three students following him, he said inwardly.

After arriving at the Training ground, "I was very impressed that you guys could still follow me even though I was using the strength of Chunin.

Now let's introduce yourself."

Sarada said first.. ''I am sarada uchiha,My goal is to become Hokage."

"My name is Boruto Uzumaki. Well, I have many goals in my life. So it is difficult to list them all. Let me tell you the most important one. The most important goal is to become the strongest."

"Show off," Sarada said. Boruto wanted to say something before that Mitsuki started introducing himself,

"My name is Mitsuki. My goal is to find a Real friend."

"Ok, we will start training tomorrow here at 7."





The group split up after the introduction. Boruto arrived on the outskirts of Konoha. He was 160 cm tall at 12, much taller than Boruto from the manga. And he had much-defined muscles. Why is that? He does not know. Maybe it is because of his power.

Boruto tries to remember the events in the Manga.

'Well, I remember that in the manga, Boruto was fighting someone named Kawaki. By the looks of it, he killed Naruto and destroyed the village. Maybe I should kill him when I meet him.

The manga starts with a chunin exam where the momsikhi comes and attacks the village. Well, there was much plot armour in the manga. I don't know if it will be the same this time Now.

Well, not that I care. As long as I am strong, everything will be solved quickly."

"Now my chakra capacity is the Same as jonin. As long as I bask in the sun, it will improve.I can feel that it can also increase my IQ and intelligence.Am I becoming superman ?"

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