
Borsalino in the Arrowverse

Janemba_The_Demon · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

The Fastest Light-Man alive

My back slams into the ground as something that looks like a barrier of energy hits me at the same time. I bounce up and scan the area around me I see az building named "" CC Jitters "" my memory Jolts back and I remember that Jitters is from one of my favorite shows, The Flash. I've read too many fanfictions to not know what's going on and that energy wave must have been the Particle Accelerator exploding on the night that starts the entire show. After 20 minutes of calming down I notice a note beside my foot. ' Hello mortal I am Katsuo or that's my human name you can classify me as a ROB if you want but that wouldn't be exactly true, anyway you died but I transported you here to the Arrowverse because as a god I knew you loved this universe and I was feeling generous, I also knew you liked One Piece so as your Special power I gave you the ability to turn into Borsalino otherwise known as Kizaru the Yellow Monkey. When you are Kizaru you will be wearing his spiffy suit mainly because no clothes are made in a size for Kizaru because he is Really Really tall, 9ft 11in side note I made you a full 10ft I also made it so your brain and senses can process things at the speed of light so you can actually move that fast when you turn into light. The original Kizaru couldn't move at the speed of actual light because his senses and Haki couldn't keep up. Bring up haki, you have it in that form and you will get it in your normal form too after you turn into Kizaru the first time, your haki will however be weak because I put it at the level of someone who just unlocked it but don't worry it will be really easy to train Observation and yes I did give you Conquerors, Armament will be kinda hard to train but only in Kizaru form because you will be so accustom to turning into light. The Marine Six Powers will also be given to you so expect pain because your body will be put at the level of strength Lucci had soooooooo I'm sorry? '

After I finished reading the note and stopped fangirling inside my head, I walked into a nearby alleyway and turned into Kizaru. THEN SHIT GOT WILD, time basically stopped and my head went through immense pain as I fell to the ground trying to take in the rush of info, thankfully my powers made it only last barely a millisecond but it still hurt like a bitch. After I recovered I sent my haki out and noticed quickly it was incredibly weak because I could barely see inside the Cafe and I was only a wall away from it. My Armament wasn't any better, it didn't even turn black it just got a shade darker, a barely noticeable shade at that. My Conquerors just as bad if not slightly worst, it couldn't even be felt past the alleyway that includes the Cafe. I also got the information on how to control my speed and perception so I lowered them all down to only slightly above normal levels. Then I noticed I had 100 dollars in 3: 20's, 2: 10's, 2: 5's and 10: 1's ( Thanks lightspeed calculations) I also decided to walk into the Cafe and order a drink. I earned the shocked gasps and stares of people and lustful looks from several women which confused me because while Borsalino wasn't ugly he wasn't the most attractive guy I then noticed in a mirror that I was indeed Borsalino but I had a small full beard and I looked very attractive, Unnaturally attractive then I realized why, I was as attractive as people from Anime would be if they were really which means I could get women which is a new concept to me because before I died I wasn't attractive. Anyway after I admired my self for a second, I walked up to the order placing area ( The word is on the tip of my tongue but my death has apparently jumbled my brain a little.)

" Can I have a black coffee..Catharine?"

" Of course, which size would you like?"

" The smallest size you have, Please."

" Of course sir, can I get a name?"

" No problem it's Borsalino."

I handed her the 5 dollars required to buy the drink and walked away, I propped myself against the wall and waited then, to my confusion then quick understanding the power went out. I sighed at the screams that soon followed and walked around the room, I grabbed my drink which they thankfully finished then I walked out the front door and back into the alleyway. I finished my coffee and then turned back only to quickly realized that turning back was a HORRIBLE IDEA, I IMMEDIATELY FELL UNCONSCIOUS DUE TO PAIN THAT COULDN'T BE DESCRIBED IN WORDS.

I woke up in a hospital bed which is suprising considering I fell unconscious in an alleyway. I quickly decided fuck this and got up only to feel Catheters which confirmed I was out for a while I also pulled them out which is only slightly painful it however is the WEIRDEST SENSATION EVER. Due to the sensation I spasmumed which caused the floor to crack under my extreme strength even though the movement carried little if any of my strength behind it. Also the Catheter brought to light a new development I had a 12 in dick which is WILD and I may have air fisted in joy. I also searched through my memories and found I had extreme knowledge of Hand to hand combat and the Marine Six power techniques I also had extreme Swordsmenship skills due to Kizaru's skills. I tugged out both I.V.'s and checked the date only to find out that I had been out for 2 months. I found my clothes near me and put them on I then walked out inconspicuously, no one I ran into knew me thankfully, I also heard that yesterday Barry Allen had been taken to Star Labs by Harrison Wells.