

 Boros Federation, an empire whose rise to power was so fast even the Guardians couldn't have foreseen it. In a century, they had expanded to their entire solar system, culling any rebellion in their rule by exterminating anyone who seemed to have any leadership qualities in the races they had conquered. This led in the races becoming slaves in their empire with zero to no rights. Slaves could be conscripted to wars without their consent and their deaths were of no consequences because there were thousands more to fill the hole! The way they went on to revolutionize warfare was such a game changer even the Guardians decided to contact them for a talk. They were technologically advanced and the Borosians were fierce fighters, a deadly combination that led to them being the only power in the system.

 Sumarians were the first race they had conquered and unlike other races, they had been indoctrined into the Boros Federation and put to work in their element. Sumarians were very adept in shape shifting, the only other race that has such a talent were Martians, and the Borosians had put them to work as spies! Civilizations had crumbled in the hands of Samarians and their deceit, giving the Boros Federation even more power. Even now, I think there are Sumarians out there spying and reporting to the Borosians for conquest. That is what got the Guardians spooked that they decided to send me, a high rank Green Lantern to talk with this Emperor of Boros and come to an understanding.

 I was granted the audience I asked for and I did not expect to see what I saw when I landed on their home planet, Boros. It was paradise, beautiful couldn't even describe it. The atmosphere was harsh to any outsider, my ring helped me breath in it and it deemed the task strenuous, yet life thrived so beautifully. Only Borosians lived here and I had to agree, the atmosphere itself gave them a defense no other planet could. Very little species could live here like the Borosians did. 

 Technology went hand in hand with their everyday society. The Borosians could fly at speeds I couldn't even follow yet the atmosphere remained unaffected. Buildings of such magnificent they seemed to have been made by gods dotted the cities, giving me an otherworldly feeling. Yet, in all the beauty, the hostility of the Borosians towards me made me think twice in considering this planet a heaven. I had seen the holo clip of two Borosians dropping mountains on some resisting races, even these civilians had been deemed too strong to not be considered hostiles by the Guardians!

 We arrived at the Boros Palace and I was yet again taken away by the otherworldly craftsmanship the building had been made. Two Borosians were on guards and their presence made the ring give me a notification of cautiousness. Their one eye tracked me without even moving, I knew one wrong move would end up with me being deader than a corpse. The double doors groaned open and I was led into the palace where there were no guards. And I came to know the reason why soon.

 When I saw the emperor, Boros Sec, I knew why there were no guards here, this monster did not need one. He was of average height, no, everything about him just screamed averageness, yet my years of battling mad tyrants and warlords made my skin crawl when he looked at me. This was a monster disguised in averageness, a dangerous combination that would deceive anyone who met him.

 "Welcome to Boros, Lantern. Forgive us for not throwing you a feast, our last war took a toll on us," Boros Sec said, his voice devoid of the harshness other Borosians had. It was more fatherly in tone than it was authoritative.

 "That is fine Emperor Boros Sec, I am here on behalf of the Guardians of Oa to request a treaty of peace," I said, mustering the diplomat in me. "The Boros Federation has expanded so fast in so little time and that has put the rest of the empires on high alert. War is eminent and with it lots of innocent lives will be lost. Thus, the Guardians of Oa have requested a hearing with the Boros Federation." I knew I was not the best diplomat, I was a warrior more than everything else and that was the reason the Guardians sent me than anyone else. I had a chance of fighting my way out of Boros if it comes to it.

 "A hearing? To talk peace, I take it?" Boros Sec asked as he sat forward, his one eye narrowing to me. "Do the Guardians think they hold sway over me to summon me like a common dog?"

 "That was not their intention," I answered quickly as I prepared myself for a fight.

 "Not their intention? Does that mean anything when they did just that? Should I kill you, send your head to them and tell them it was not intention to kill you?" he asked, his voice still so fatherly, my skin was crawling as I felt death looming over me.

 "Please, think about your subjects, a war with the rest of the universe is not what you want. They only want peace!" I desperately said. The palace was vibrating and the ring calculated that it might be the emperor trying to intimidate me; it was working!

 "Peace? Peace! What do the Guardians know of peace? They make soldiers of you and you think peace is their option? Do not be naive, Lantern. They are just the rest of us, war is always in their mind. Green Lantern rings are your conscription badges and your Lantern oath is an oath to them. You wage wars disguised as helping others all for their benefit. Do not talk to me about peace, one whose hands are soaked in blood. Leave, tell them the Boros Federation do not negotiate peace. If they want to enter this war, let them; my children and I will be more than ready for it!" Boros Sec roared as his presence soared to such unimaginable heights that I almost faltered! Fighting him would be hopeless and I could feel it deep in my soul. Such was the man that would rule the Borosians with such ease!

 "Please, a war is not required. You have a chance to stop deaths..."

 "Since when were we Borosians afraid of death? Besides, if you want to stop these deaths, just surrender. We would put you lanterns to such use you will never think of going back to your lives," Boros Sec said as he suddenly appeared in front of me, getting hold of the hand my ring was in. "Oh yes, you lanterns would do nicely, if only your rings stayed on your corrupted selves." I tried to get out of his grip yet I couldn't even move, such was his strength, it was at the point of despair. All I could do was just watch and despair.

 "But, this is not the place for such barbarism. You were sent as a sacrificial lamb, a messenger who wouldn't return, it would give me satisfaction to spite them," he said as he let go of my hand. I sighed in relief as I put as much distance from him as I could. "Go on home, Lantern, tell them that the Emperor of Boros has decided to humor them. I will attend this meeting and we will...talk."


 "Are you really going to have a peace talk?" Dramnuh, one of the commanders asked me when the Lantern was gone.

 "Children, children, children, I had thought you would have wizen up till now. This is no peace talk, this is them sizing us up. It's just a ruse to see how much of threat I am and make countermeasures to our conquest. They will try to muzzle us up with conditions and treaties, give themselves more time while wasting ours," I laughed as I shifted to a comfortable position on my throne.

 "They are wary of us!" Sengos exclaimed in excitement. She was the Head Scientist of Boros, her smarts was almost scary. "No, the are afraid of us!"

 "Yes, daughter. They know we are a threat to their continued rule thus we need to be put on check before we bare our fangs at them. Sending the Lantern here was to see our stance on diplomatic relations which they expected us to be hostile at. Now that the Lantern will be going back, he will relay everything he has seen here to them, making them even more afraid of us. For now, we will take a backseat as the Science Department finishes the weapon."

 "We will be passive? Won't that make them be more pretentious towards us?" Scorpious, a brilliant leader I was thinking of making him the General Commander of our armies said.

 "You have to give an inch to gain a mile. What we are making will put us so far above the others we won't have to be wary of even the Guardians," Sengos explained. I nodded in agreement and the council became quiet. I could understand, them catching Ws every time had warped their thinking that they were superior. Sometimes, losing some to gain more was sometimes the best strategy, I was going to show them. 

 "Don't be so glum, children, this is just a temporary set back. For now, put all of our troops on high alert. Any foreign parties should be annihilated while capturing one of them for questioning. Flying into the Boros Federation territory is illegal till I return. Till then, Scorpius is in charge, obey him as you would me, unless he makes a stupid decision then you can kick his ass how much you want," I laughed seeing the sour look Scorpius gave me at the last remark.

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