

Borns are creature to create balance. Every uneven used of magic within and outside the four realm will be punished against the law.

_DomiNo34 · Fantasy
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3 Chs


"Sorcerers, witches, wizards, and humans are the creations of nature.

Everything we possess should be equal to what we use.

As time passes and the world revolves around the universe, the way things used to be and should be changes. Everything was out of place, and nothing was going as planned.

It went wrong. A blunder."

I noticed how her blue eyes widened after I said the blunder with an explosive expression. She looks impressed rather than scared of what I just said. I smiled at her, enjoying how she asked what happened. She leaps into her seat and imagines a magical "scene" that could occur.

Living for a long time now, I've met a lot of little kids who have grown up and left this world. But only a few of them can see things, creatures who are not part of their world. She sits again, and looks at me with her bubble eyes, waiting for the next scene of my story.

As the door creaked open, we both looked back to the old library in the back. A group of children are laughing and playing around, going out. Their laughter and giggles filled the cold surroundings. I noticed her sweet-toothless smile fading.

"What's wrong?" I asked, leaning towards her.

The more I get closer, the more I see her features. Her blue eyes shine the most out of all. She has these little freckles on her cheeks. It's giving her pretty eyes a justice.

"I-I wish I had friends," she paused briefly before continuing.

She then looks down, rubbing her tiny arms.

"Why won't you play with them?" I asked.

"I-I'm scared," she's still hesitant to answer.

We both went quiet. I noticed her tapping her toes while we are staring into a field of ice. She's also enjoying the view before her mom will be off to work.

The atmosphere is peaceful and relaxing. I closed my eyes breathing in and out. It's been ten years since I felt this feeling again. Feeling of freedom and peace.

I return my gaze to her, who is also putting her hands on her coat, in and out. She looked cold. I can see the swish of air out of her breath.

"Do you still want to hear the rest of the story?"

She looked at me quickly and, as I expected, her cold mouth went back to her toothless sweet smile. I knew she's waiting for me to say that.

"Promise me you will play with those kids." I pointed out the children who had just gone out of the library minutes ago. They are on the field of ice now, skating.

She also looked, but her eyes said it all: scared and full of doubt.

I stand when she ignore me and pretended to walk away. I know she's considering my offer because I can see her from my back thinking.

I counted up to three in my mind. After three, she immediately pulled the edge of my coat. I smiled widely, knowing I'd won.

"So let's continue. Shall we? " I fixed my coat and was going to sit again when she spoke.

"Can I ask a question?" She interrupted and looked at me head to toe. We're walking back to the bench.

"Y-yeah," I replied doubtfully, trying to guess what would be her question. Hmmm… Interesting. A small creature talking to a hundred-year-old born.

"Uhm… What are you wearing? You look like a homeless person."

My brows went up from what I heard.

I never got offended from all the rest of my life except now. I stop and stand like an idiot while she's poking at the small wallets hanging on my skirt. She then tapped my trousers and my newly woven coat, freshly returned from the city. I also didn't understand why I let these small fingers crawl all over my clothes. She climbs on the bench and tries to equal our height.

"And what's this? Who would wear pants and a skirt together? You also pair it with a brown coat. "

Did I just hear it correctly? What kind of creature is this? I keep asking myself why nature is letting small kids be so rude. They should be punished. This earthling is judging my own reference to clothing. I picked this outfit myself and I just got judged by a small human creature.

I looked away and breathed heavily. I need to calm down. She's just a kid. Small kid. Powerless. As I try to imagine a peaceful place, I can still feel her touching me from the back.

"Hey! Stop that" I move away so she can't reach me. She quickly looks guilty while sitting again. I crossed my arms and look her. I am thinking to be rude also by insulting her outfit but her fit is too fashionable. All pink coat, gloves and glittery hat. She also has this pin on her hair. I wish I have those when I am little. This earthling knows how to dress.

I sat beside her; she was still quiet and didn't move.

"Do you know what you will do if you make mistakes?"

It took minutes before she replied.

"You say sorry."

I giggled at her response. She looks cute feeling guilty.

"Correct… What else?"

"Kiss her?"

"Yeah… what?"

My eyes almost poked out from her response. I almost fell while sitting.

" My dad always does that to my mom. She kisses her when my mom is angry, and sometimes when my mom is shouting in their bedroom, they will kiss. "

My jaw dropped. How can a creature this small know about kissing and—I can't with this kid.

"No—that thing. Your mom can only explain that to you, but you should not do that again and make things better if you make mistakes."

She nods while listening to me.

"Did you know what the guardians did?" I asked. Her attention is focused on me again.

"The guardians were unable to repair all of the damage. The stones of life are crumbling, and dark magic has taken over the light. There was only one ultimate source of power at first. The illumination. It's a massive crystal that floats in the center of the universe. With the involvement of dark spirit that the creation of nature created, the light breaks into pieces, causing the different worlds to be in chaos.

Nature blessed the guardians and gave them the stone of light. The day nature and guardians disappeared is the day the Borns were made. They used their final power to create creatures capable of living normally. According to the old book of land, they can be seen by those who believe it. No one has seen them and no one wants to. If you see a guardian or nature, they say you are nearing the end of your life.

Upon entering the world of Borns, four creatures were created by the Guardians to serve other worlds similarly. Molders, Cyprus, The Kanaptomi, and Voltex. Molders are shape-shifters. I have not seen their pets, but those who have seen them say that they are the most fearsome creatures that sit on their shoulders. The stone of the earth was given to them. Producing handicrafts and making money is what Cyprus does. They are the engineers of different kingdoms and the source of gold. They are powerless without their rings. Like molders, they depend on their power over their power source. The Stone of Wind was given to them.

Medicines and potions are the artisans of Kanaptomi. Water stone was given to them, so they could protect it. They depend on their power over the falls. This is where they make potions and medicines for other realms.

In the end, the Guardians decided to add creatures that could protect the peace in the other realms. The Voltex, They are fast, strong, and smart creatures. Their power depends on the clock that they're carrying. They have the stone of fire. They provide peace to the realms and protection. Every born who breaks the rules and exceeds more power will be judged and, if necessary, they will be" I stopped and rest my back on the bench while her amusement got cut off.

"They will?" She asked, shaking my crossed arm. I pretended to be asleep and didn't care.

"Hey! Wake up!" I can still see her from my glimpses. She's waving her hands on my face.

"Fine. I will promise to play with the kids." She sounds defeated.

I immediately opens my eyes and smiled on her. Her pissed stares is following my movement.

"They will be eliminated."

She appears surprised by what I said. The amusement in her eyes is shown. I stand and fix my coat. I smirk, observing how she slowly sits, as if it's the best thing she's just heard.

"The guardians are cool." She praises.

Just when a light from the sky passes by. It came early this time. It just means it's time for me to leave. I need to come back where I belong.

"Where are you going? I still have questions to ask? " She quickly noticed me and stood on the bench.

I started walking, but I can't resist looking back. I slowly gaze back to her. She's looking confused, staring at me.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to get home."

Is it far? Can I come? "

I laugh a bit, knowing she's never going to remember me anyway after this. I walked closer to her for the last time.

"Yes, it is far and you can't come because kids like you are not welcome."

"Are you welcome?"

I breathed heavily. This time, the question hits me hard. Am I really welcome?

"I need to leave. Thank you for entertaining me in your world. "

I stepped back a little. She's still confused about everything I said. I know she's going to be confused. That place isn't for you. I placed my right arm on her head and ruined her hair.

"Be good and listen to your mom. Promise me."

"Tell me where you are going first, then I will promise."

I let out a laugh. This earthling is really something.

I leaned closer to her ear and whispered.

"I'm going where the Borns lived."

She looks excited and tries to find the words to say.

"R-really?" She looks surprised.

"Really." I responded, smiling.

My gaze quickly finds the light that passes through the sky again. I really need to go or else they will find out. I gaze at her again. This time I am ready to erase everything about me.

When I was just about to land my fingers on her eyes, she removed something from her hair. Her cute little pink hairclip. She moves closer to me and pins it on my hair.

"There, You look even prettier," she said happily.

"Thank you," I tap the hairclip on my head. My heart beat rapidly, and I couldn't hold my emotions. I hugged her for the last time. Before I snapped my fingers, I gave her the lucky hook.

"Forget everything and keep your promises. 'Til we meet again, Earthling."

I walked away looking at her. Her mom also came after. They hugged and exchanged sweet smiles. When a group of kids passed by, they invited her to play with them. I stand back and watch her, laughing and giggling as they fall to the ground while skating.

"Just like old times," a soft voice spoke on my back. I smiled, knowing I know who it is.

"Just like old times," I responded with a satisfaction on my face.