
How Her Day Began

Avril rolled over sleepily onto her back, stretching out her arms she touched something warm. What is that Avril thought sleepily. Rolling onto her side she blearily blinked her eyes at the warm object in her bed, only to realize it was a living creature in her bed. Avril snapped into a sitting position, opening her eyes wide at the mouthwatering elf in her bed. "Good morning fox. My name is Bain." The Elf said in a deep smooth voice. If she wasn't so startled at the events going on at that moment, Avril thought she might have melted at the rich voice of his. It was like dark chocolate she thought to herself, rich and dark like sin. Just a little bitter, rough around the edges. Recovering from her shock Avril ran her hand through her waist length white hair with black tips, throwing it over her right shoulder to cover her skin up."And who might you be prey tell? Certainly not a decent gentleman, you couldn't even knock on the window before you came in." Avril said in a salty tone. She watched his little canine play peekaboo, trying not to salivate at that one tiny movement. As his melodic voice started up again, Avrils eyes snapped to the dark elfs'. His ruby red eyes were like swirling magma. Red hot, with the promise of destruction and chaos. Chaos to turn any girls world upside down, no way, no thank you Avril said to herself mentally. "Well little kitsune," He said in a playful tone that made her want to burn him alive, and burn up inside "You kept me waiting so long, I waited for the first hour outside. But then I found this little window see, it was unlocked and everything to. It was like an invitation to come in." He smiled lopsidedly at her. His hair fell onto his forehead, making this dark elf, who she knew was dangerous to boot, look like a charming young man. Avril looked at him, "Its still not polite to barge in on a lady when she is sleeping. Only a fool would barge in like this." She said in a calm, even tone. Avril tried desperately to hide the blush flushing through her cheeks at her see through nightgown. But thinking back on it, it was this or the other nightgown which had even less fabric. " Yes, well what a lucky fool I am, huh little fox?" "Absolutely not, cause now..." Avril said in a serious tone, pausing to make him antsy. "Now what?" The beautiful elf questioned. "Now, You'll have to marry me!" She told him in an intense tone. "WAIT, WHAT!!!" He said, his face changing from a mischievous smirk to a look of alarm. Panicked he jumped out of her bed, slowly backing away. "I'm sorry, but its true. NO man who isn't my husband cant see me in this state of undress." Avril said it like it was gods words. She spoke with the conviction of 10 men, making him back up another step. "Lets not be rash here now. I mean really what have I seen. Nothing but a lady sleeping. Your gown isn't all the way see through..." He faded off, not even convincing himself. "I'm sorry, I truly am, please don't do this to me. I cant be stuck here." he said in a rush, trying to convince her. "Hey, I'm not happy to be stuck to you for the rest of my life either ok." Avril said in an angry disappointed voice. The crestfallen look on the elfs face made Avril giggle inside. Finally, Avril let the poor sod off. She burst out into laughter so hard, she started crying from it. The elf looked up, confusion struck his face first only to be followed swiftly by anger at being duped. "Oh man," Avril said in between laughs. "you should have seen your face. ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. And you fell so hard for it to. You were so bought into it."she laughed harder seeing his face scrunch up in anger. After her laughter died out, which took a really long time, Avril got up. She stretched out before thinking about what she was in. Se turned to look at the elfs face, blushing hard. "sorry.." she said shyly. Avril looked up to see his blush too. "its ok, I'll turn around." As he turned around Avril went to her closet. "My names Avril..I mean Beltane." Avril said, shocked at how she had slipped up in front of this stranger. She could hear him chuckle. "So which is it little kitsune?" she sighed. "You can call me Avril as long as no ones around. Beltane if anyone I know is within hearing range." Avril decided she wanted just one person to remember her by her real name. "Ok Avril." the Elf said. The way her name rolled off his tongue sent shivers racing along her spine. "What should I call you?" Avril asked. "You can call me Bain." Bain said. "Ok Bain, nice to meet you." Avril said as she changed into her leather suit. And that was how Avrils day began. With a crazy man in her bedroom and a battle of wits ensuing.

Hey guys, I haven't seen any comments. Tell me what you think, and if you want something to change. Also do you like it when I switch between Avril and Bains perspectives?

dannirgccreators' thoughts