
Breakfast to go

Avril looked down at her outfit, then back up at Bain. Her gut told her he would be useful today, and maybe in the future as well. He was perusing through her drawers as though she weren't standing right there.

"Excuse me, what do you think your doing over there snoopy." Avril said. He looked up guiltily

"Nothing" he said in a very casual tone, setting down a pair of her underthings. Avril tried not to blush at the fact he was looking at them.

"Put those down! They aren't yours, and its not nice to go through other peoples stuff." Avril said hotly. Bain smiled at her flushed face

"you know, when you blush like that you look adorable." He said as he slid up next to her. Avril looked away, feeling aggrieved at being bullied like this. Who was adorable, she would show him! she thought as she started marching towards the window.Just wait and see what her revenge would be!

"Come on already, I have things to do. Since you so kindly invited yourself in here, you can be my special little helper today." Avril said in a cool tone, trying to casually invite him along.To her surprise Bain readily agreed to come along with her.

"Ok, sounds good. But um....." Bain looked thoughtfully at her, making her feel self-conscious.

"What?" Avril asked looking down at herself. Was there something wrong?

"Well, don't you need to eat breakfast?" Bain asked looking at Avril in an odd manner. It looked as if he was concerned at the fact she hadn't eaten. Which is ridiculous, we just met not even an hour or so ago. Avril thought to herself. And for however hot he was, she new that cup of tea wasn't for he. He was much to dark and much too dangerous for her liking no matter how helpful he was.

" Why would I need breakfast, unless of course your hungry? If your hungry we can stop to get breakfast to go for you." Avril asked, not really thinking about the world she was in. For her it was normal to go 2 to 3 days without a meal. As an odd job worker in New York, she din't get paid very much, and when she did, it was used on groceries. The groceries she could buy with her meager money usually ended up only lasted for 2-3 meals per week. This for a seven day period made her used to running on an empty stomach. She didn't think about how in this world Qi cultivators didn't actually eat food. When they did eat food, it was usually Qi enriched and very bland. The knowledge that Beltane had on this worlds eating habits was surprisingly low, which was why nothing registered as wrong in Avrils mind when she said something like this. Avril also didn't register that everyone within a 10 kilometer radius knew that Beltane ate regularly, because she wasn't a Qi cultivator. She ate 3 square meals a day, every day. She didn't think about it, because in her mind that was normal for regular people in her world. Bain looked at her with a glint in his eye. It quickly passed through his eyes.

"I don't need to eat, after all I'm rank 1, Profound Master within the Profound Realm." Avril stared blankly at him, trying to comprehend the words coming out of his mouth.suddenly like a truck slamming into her Beltanes knowledge slammed into her brain. There was just to much information to process all at once. Overloaded, Avril suddenly felt lightheaded and dizzy. She knew she was going to collapse, bracing herself for impact Avril could feel herself starting to fall. Only she never hit the floor. She felt strong arms band around her like a cloud of safety before she blacked out. As she was in her subconscious she felt all the information about Qi realms flowing into her conscious mind from Beltanes mind. It was so much to take in.1st off there was the Qi realm, It had four stages

1. Qi initial- beginner

2. Qi Intuition- Intermediate low

3. Qi Conquering-Intermediate high

4. Qi Mastery

Then there was the 2nd realm, the Origin Realm its four stages were categorized as

1. Origin Initial

2. Origin Intuition

3. Origin Conquering

4. Origin Mastery

the 3rd realm, which was a rare sight to behold, only 1 in every 20 cultivators made it to this realm. It was the Profound Realm, which consisted of these four stages.

1. Profound Novice

2. Profound Intermediate

3. Profound Ascension

4. Profound Expert

The 4th realm was called the Sainthood Realm. It was extremely rare to see a person at the Sainthood realm. Only one showed up every 100 years. It also had 4 stages to it.

1. Sainthood Novice

2. Sainthood Intermediate

3. Sainthood Ascension

4. Sainthood Expert

The 5th realm, or the Immortal realm only had two people in it. Both of them were thousands and thousands of years old, but looked as young as 30 or 40 years old. it only had three stages to it

1. Immortal Initiate

2. Immortal Transitioning- This had 2 stages within the same level

3. Immortal domination

then there was the 6th realm, the God realm.No one has surpassed the Immortal realm ever, so no one knows how many levels there are.

Avril felt the information in her brain finally being processed. This eased the pressure on her mental ability, and slowly she pulled back into consciousness. She awoke to feel strong arms holding her delicately. They were so gentle, as if the person who used them to hold her was scared they might break her with one touch. Avril opened her eyes to find Ruby red eyes staring worriedly at her. Black lines marred Bains forehead, as he stared down at Avril. She opened her eyes, looking at him. 'What a beautiful elf' Avril thought to herself as she looked up at him. His smooth olive colored skin coated his rippling muscles, as his 6 ft tall frame embraced her. His ruby red eyes were phoenix shaped, and the elongated pupils made his eyes seem sharp and menacing. But the way he was looking at her seemed warm. Like he was looking at someone he had known all his life.His elongated ears were covered in silver hoops that had been pushed through the cartilage. When she lowered her eyes to his chest she saw ink twisting its way up. It looked very similar to tattooing that occurred often in New York.His suit which was made of silver plating and chain mail covered all of his chest, but not the ink that traveled up on his neck and out onto the shoulder. As she looked back up at his eyes she saw his concern and worry for her coming out, at least that's what Avril thought she saw.

"Whats wrong?" Avril asked in a confused tone. Why was he looking at her with such a concerned expression? Was something wrong?

" Yes, something is definitely wrong! You scared me to DEATH!!!!!" Bain yelled at her. Avril looked at him, even more confused than before. It wasn't like anything bad had happened, she had just blacked out for a while.

" You don't need to fuss so much. It was just a tiny black out. You caught me, so I didn't even get bruised." Avril said, downplaying the whole thing in hopes of escaping the horde of questions she could see swirling behind his beautifully concerned eyes. The look on Bains face when she said those words though, made her think escaping questions from this man was not going to be that easy. She sighed looking at Bain. She felt that her usually smooth plans to lie her way through the situation wouldn't work on this elf.

" Bain, I know you have a lot of questions, but for now, lets just go get some breakfast." Avril said in a tired tone trying to think of what she should tell him, or how much she should tell him. Getting some Breakfast to go suddenly sounded much more appealing to Avril. After all she was going to need a lot of strength for the day she had ahead of her.

Hey, so I added a lot of info on qi in this chapter, so that everyone could understand the ranking system within the story.

dannirgccreators' thoughts