
ayo's story

ayo ,where are you going this morning mama ayo asked come on mom you know I have to go to the market today right but you haven't had breakfast yet dear mom I will be fine don't worry okay you know your dad will be worried about you right oh mom don't tell him ok 🙃 my baby I know you're just try to get enough money for your dad treatment but calm down and take care of your self first okay

Mom I know okay but I have to go I know dad will be fine but first I have to work hard so God can also help me as well ok hmmm you this girl you know your brother offer to help as well right I Know uncle Dede is also trying to help but you know his trying to take care of his family and also go to school as well right. And also he can't even pay little araya school fee yet so mom I have to try okay don't worry I will be fine God is with me okay .my baby

you know mom don't want all this for you right I wish I and your father could give you more my only princess,mummy stop I know I know you already gave the best you have you didn't fail I promise okay don't worry all will be fine let me quickly go now .

the the story is trying to tell everyone that each and every one of us came with a destiny and we will get there no matter the re no matter what

Yomi_Bensoncreators' thoughts