
Born in the Darkness

In a universe of magic and forgotten technology, power teeters on a knife's edge. Countless races, from spatial manipulators to demons, live by the creed: only the strong survive. Deep within a forsaken abyss, a new being forms from countless tortured souls. This dark entity, driven by vengeance, begins to awaken, unnoticed by the world above. Vast kingdoms and powerful sects, obsessed with power, clash with swords and spells, unaware of the impending doom. Subtle disturbances hint at the approaching darkness—flickering stars, glowing runes, and dismissed prophecies. As the being gathers strength, driven by collective suffering, it prepares to unleash a wave of despair that will engulf the universe. Only a few wise beings recognize the signs and secretly prepare for the catastrophic upheaval. A paradise where none will suffer again will be forged, but despair, fear, and death must be spread, Believing that only through utter destruction can true peace and harmony be forged

wh173 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Rising Through the Ranks: The First Breakthrough

The light of dawn barely touched the horizon when I woke up. The last two months had been grueling, purifying my body and ridding it of impurities. I felt lighter, stronger, more attuned to the world around me. Today, I would begin true cultivation.

I stepped out of the cave, breathing in the crisp morning air. The forest was alive with activity, birds chirping and small animals rustling in the underbrush. I took a deep breath, savoring the fresh air. For a moment, I felt at peace, but I quickly reminded myself of my mission. There was no time for peace.

"Azrael," Lin Xian's voice echoed in my mind. "Today, you will focus on harnessing the energy around you."

I nodded. The memories were my constant guide, providing invaluable knowledge and insights. I began my morning routine with physical exercises to strengthen my body. Leaping from rock to rock, my movements were fluid and precise, testing my agility and balance. I struck trees with my fists, feeling the satisfying thud as my blows connected. The strength I had gained from purifying my body was evident.

After a rigorous workout, I ventured deeper into the forest to find food. My senses were heightened, every rustle of leaves and snap of twigs drawing my attention. I moved silently, my footsteps barely making a sound. I spotted a small rabbit grazing near a bush. With a swift, precise motion, I captured it, my hands closing around its neck. The rabbit struggled briefly before succumbing.

I skinned and cleaned the rabbit with practiced efficiency. As I roasted it over a small fire, I allowed myself to relax slightly. The smell of cooking meat filled the air, and my stomach growled in anticipation. I ate quickly, savoring the simple meal and replenishing my energy.

"Remember, Azrael, your body is a vessel. You must feed it well to maintain your strength," another voice advised, softer and more maternal, reminding me of the nurturing guidance I received from the memories.

With my hunger sated, I returned to the cave. I sat cross-legged on the cold stone floor, closing my eyes and focusing on my breathing. The air around me seemed to hum with energy, a constant, invisible current. I began to draw upon it, pulling the energy into my core.

The memories provided a detailed blueprint for this process. I visualized the energy flowing into me, gathering in my core and condensing. It was a slow, methodical process, requiring immense concentration and patience. Hours passed, the sun climbing higher in the sky, but I remained focused.

"Feel the energy, let it become a part of you," Lin Xian's voice urged. "You are not merely drawing upon it; you are becoming it."

I could feel the energy building within me, a powerful current that pulsed with every breath. The process was taxing, but I welcomed the challenge. Sweat beaded on my forehead, and my muscles ached from the strain, but I pushed on, driven by an unyielding determination.

As I sat there, I focused on the rhythm of my breathing. With each inhale, I could feel the energy in the air being drawn into my body. It started as a faint sensation, a subtle tingling that spread through my veins. As I concentrated, the feeling grew stronger, more pronounced. I imagined the energy as a glowing, ethereal mist, being pulled into me with every breath.

The energy flowed through my body, traveling along my veins like a river. I could feel it coursing through me, a warm, vibrant current that filled me with strength. It moved with purpose, guided by my will, converging in my core. I visualized the energy gathering there, condensing into a concentrated form.

Hours passed, the sun climbing higher in the sky, but I remained focused. My breathing was steady, each inhale drawing in more energy, each exhale releasing any impurities that remained. The process was exhausting, my muscles aching from the strain, but I pushed on, driven by a fierce determination.

"You are doing well, Azrael," Lin Xian's voice encouraged. "The energy is becoming a part of you, integrating with your core. This is the first step towards true cultivation."

I could feel the energy building within me, a powerful current that pulsed with every breath. It was a tangible presence, a source of strength and power that I could draw upon. I focused on the sensation, letting it fill me, letting it become a part of me.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, I opened my eyes. A profound sense of accomplishment washed over me. The energy within me was palpable, a testament to the progress I had made. I stood up, stretching my stiff muscles, and walked to the cave entrance.

The forest was bathed in the soft glow of twilight. I took a deep breath, feeling the cool evening air fill my lungs. I had spent the entire day cultivating, and though it was exhausting, it was also incredibly rewarding. I knew that this was just the beginning, but I was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

"You have done well, Azrael," the soft, maternal voice praised. "But remember, this is just the beginning. You must continue to cultivate, to grow stronger."

I nodded, my resolve firm. The path to power was long and arduous, but I was ready. I would continue to train, to push myself to new heights, guided by the memories and driven by my unyielding ambition.

As the stars began to appear in the night sky, I settled down to sleep. My body was tired, but my mind was clear, filled with a sense of purpose. I knew that tomorrow would bring new challenges, new opportunities to grow stronger. And I was ready for it.

The next morning, I awoke before dawn. The forest was still cloaked in darkness, the only sound the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze. A sense of anticipation filled me, my body humming with energy. Today would be another step forward in my journey.

After a quick meal of leftover rabbit, I resumed my physical training. I moved through the forest with ease, my body adapting to the natural obstacles. I leaped from tree to tree, my movements precise and controlled. I tested my strength against the rocks and trees, each punch and kick leaving a mark.

"You are growing stronger, Azrael," Lin Xian's voice observed. "But strength alone is not enough. You must also cultivate your mind."

I took the advice to heart. I knew that cultivation was not just about physical strength but also about mental discipline and focus. After my workout, I returned to the cave and settled into a meditative posture. Closing my eyes, I focused on my breathing and began to draw upon the energy around me.

The memories guided me, providing detailed instructions on how to harness and condense the energy. I visualized the energy flowing into my core, a steady stream that grew stronger with each breath. The process was slow and methodical, requiring immense concentration.

As the day progressed, I could feel the energy building within me. My core pulsed with power, the energy condensing and becoming stronger. I pushed myself, driven by the desire to grow stronger.

By midday, I felt a shift. The energy within me surged, a powerful current that seemed to fill every fiber of my being. I had achieved a breakthrough, advancing to Novice (Level 2). The memories were alive with praise, their voices a chorus of approval.

"Well done, Azrael," Lin Xian's voice praised. "You have made remarkable progress."

I allowed myself a moment of satisfaction. The progress I had made in such a short time was astonishing, a testament to my determination and the guidance of the memories. But I knew that this was just the beginning.

I decided to test my newfound strength. Walking to a large boulder near the cave entrance, I focused my energy and struck the boulder with my fist.

The impact was powerful, the rock cracking under the force of my blow. I smiled, satisfied with the result. I could feel the difference, the strength and precision of my movements. I was growing stronger, and it was only a matter of time before I achieved my ultimate goal.

"You are advancing at a scary speed," Lin Xian remarked. "It typically takes a week to advance from Novice Level 1 to Level 2, yet you did it in two days. Your body constitution is truly remarkable."

My smile widened. Such progress in such a short time was unheard of, but I knew that I was different, destined for greatness.

"You are on the right path, Azrael," the soft, maternal voice encouraged. "Continue to cultivate, to push yourself. The journey is long, but you are capable."

I nodded, my resolve firm. The path to power was long and arduous, but I was ready. I would continue to train, to push myself to new heights, guided by the memories and driven by my unyielding ambition.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, I settled down for the night.