
The 24th war on the center: part 1

TAKE THIS YOU PENTAMAINACS. YOU DONT COME HERE THINKING YOUR BETTER. COME GET A PIECE OF THIS PRINCE!! Oh hi didn't see you there sorry about that just killing some people. Oh right you need some back story alright.

Hi my name is Jackson and I am the son of the Devil. You might think that this will come with perks but your mistaking. You see being the prince of hell is kind of bad. There is a constant threat of people coming to the center of the pentagram. While it hasn't happened in a while it is still crazy. The last time there was an attack was about 100 years ago and the war lasted about 50 years.

This war has gone on for 45 years so imma end this now. Oh yea I didnt mention this is the 24th war so yea.


Leader of attack: Well well well look who it is Jackson the leader of this sh** hole I see you want to get sent down to the null zone don't you. (the null zone is a infinite black abyss. the only way to get there is by deing again)

Jackson: Well if I go down I might as well take a piece of pineapple pizza loving sack of sh** like you.

Leader of attack: Haha that's what you th...

Jackson: who did that.

???: Me Jackson

Jackson: Oh wow its Jenny haven't seen you since that said on the left pentagram.

Jenny: Oh yea here's your cut.

Jackson: Thanks