
Born in Blood : The Rise of a Villain

ito_ayakaa · Fantasy
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2 Chs

A gain , A loss

A man was running down the main hall of the palace towards the throne chamber in a hurry. He looked panicked and was sweating profusely

Once he was Infront of the throne room he burst through the large wooden door without permission. This grabbed the King's Chen Yihan's attention

But before he could speak the man bowed down and spoke in a panicked tone " The Queen's bout' to give birth. She had plead for your presence , your highness " 

The king without any word vanished into thin air . The next moment a crack appeared in shace within the Queen's chamber and the King morfed out of the crack 

Everyone bowed down excluding the mid wives who were assisting the Queen through the labour . "You may rise" the king spoke and sat down beside the Queen

He gently took the Queen's hand in his and stroked the back of her hand softly. The Queen clenched his hand . She had tears streaming down her face , moans and groans of pain where leaving her mouth 

"The situation isn't good . If this continues I am afraid.... w-we'll lose t-the Q-queen "one of the physician's reported . The king's brow twitched as a frown formed on his forehead

"Nothing must happen to the Queen " the king ordered in a strict voice "We'll try our best" the head physician stuttered . The king leaned towards the Queen and gently kissed her forehead

"Everything will be alright love . Just a little bit more " the king said , his voice smooth and calming yet latched with worry and fright . The Queen nodded and a mid wive instructed her to push 

She hold the King's hand tightly, her nails digging into the king's hand as she bit her lips pushing with all she had . The king in reply held her hand tightly and uttered sweet nothing into her ears 

"I-I c-can't " the Queen cried out in pain , tears streaming down her once sweet and calm face which was now flushed bright red "Just a little bit more honey " the king said again

He didn't look any better as he saw his beloved wife suffering the unimaginable pain . The mid wives again told the queen to push and she did . This time even harder than before 

Scream echoed throughout the whole palace and everything felt silent for a moment. After a moment of silence a loud baby's cry's echoed throughout the whole palace bringing a smile at everyone's face 

"Its a healthy baby boy" The midwive said as she brought the now wrapped the crying baby into a fresh clean cloth towards the King . But he stopped her and said "Bring him to the Queen first " 

The women nodded happily and laid the crying baby next to his mother . The Queen tiredly took the child into her arms and kissed his forehead "My baby~~My Xinming~" the queen sang in a tired voice to calm the baby down

The baby stopped crying and looked at his mother as if he understood what she was trying to do . Everyone was filled with joy and a few maids joked about how the baby boy was intelligent all though he was just born 

The Queen was smiling to holding her new born in her arms as if all the pain and suffering she just went through a moment ago were nothing. 

But the smile didn't last long as she suddenly started coughing. Blood rushed out of her mouth as her face started to become pale with each passing second

A maid quickly took the baby away and the physician's rushed towards her . Maids and servents were seen rushing around from one place to another bringing and putting away things 

Everything was in complete chaos as everyone waited anxiously . This continued for around 1 incense time before everything fell silent again

The physician's and maids who were near the Queen had their head hung low as the Queen laid down on her bed pale and cold . No signs of life could be seen in her 

Everyone knew what had happened but no one wanted to admit it . Their hearts didn't want to believe that . They were hoping that some sort of miracle would happen, their heart holding onto the last grimmer of hope 

They inhaled sharply as the head physician delivered the heart wenching news 

"The Queens no more "