

In a twist of fate on his 20th birthday, Alex discovers his seemingly ordinary life was a facade when his parents reveal they hail from a celestial realm of gods. Struggling with disbelief, he is abruptly reincarnated into a Immortal world, where destiny looms in the form of celestial tribulations. Soon, he discovered that the world he had reincarnated into was the setting of a novel his mother had mentioned in his past life. However, he couldn't recall any details about the story except for the names of the key characters. Fueled by skepticism and a determination to defy the heavens, Alex embarks on a journey to unravel his true identity, confront the challenges of his newfound existence, and carve a destiny of his own in a world shaped by mystical forces. As he grapples with his divine heritage, Alex strives to transcend the predetermined path laid out by the heavens, forging his own destiny amidst the trials. Notes: i do not own the book cover. if you are the illustrator , please let me know I will remove it( using it temporarily) DISCLAIMER: work of fiction. All the names, places and events are all purely based on the authors imagination. any resemblance to an actual person or events is purely coincidental .

CHVA2001 · Fantasy
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54 Chs


Alex walked forward, and as his hand touched the jade card, a cooling sensation rushed through him.

The Administrator said, "Drop a single drop of your blood on it and try to bind it."

Alex nodded, and as soon as he had bound himself to it, a virtual screen appeared in front of him.

{ Name: Alex Obsidian

Affiliation: Obsidian Clan; Heavenly Star Academy

Status: outer disciple

Academy points: 100 }

"I suppose you can now see the number of academy points and basic information about yourself," the Elder remarked.

"Yes, Elder," said Alex, examining the screen.

"You will receive 100 academy points every three months. If you want more, you can only do academy tasks or earn them yourself," the Administrator explained.

"Remember, academy points are your resources here. Without them, you can't buy any resources available in the academy," the Elder emphasized.

Both Alex and Noah nodded, having been informed about the importance of academy points earlier.

The outer administrator called Peter, a disciple dressed similarly to Alex and Noah.

"You guide them to their allocation," the administrator instructed.

"Yes, Elder," said Peter, though his ears were pointed, and his features somewhat different, even though he appeared human. He started guiding Alex and Noah.

During the journey, Peter didn't talk much. Soon, they reached an area with rows of small houses in line.

"You can select any one of them except the houses with green and red nameplates, which are reserved for the dwarf and elven race," Peter explained in a somewhat arrogant tone.

"Hmm," Alex nodded, choosing not to engage in pointless conflicts, but he forgot about Noah.

"That's our business; you can go now," Noah said indifferently, showing no interest in Peter's comments.

"You," Peter's face contorted slightly in anger, but he controlled it, realizing he couldn't fight new disciples without a definite reason.

"Let's see if you two can maintain the same arrogance when we meet in a practice session," Peter remarked before walking away.

Alex, included in the confrontation despite saying nothing, was flabbergasted and looked blankly at Noah.

"What?" asked Noah, unaware that there was anything wrong with his response.

"Nothing," sighed Alex, realizing Peter had provoked Noah first. He started walking towards the house farthest from the others, near the mountain.

Alex placed the academy ID card on the nameplate of the house, and soon his name appeared on the nameplate, and the gate opened automatically.

Alex looked around the house – a training room made from innate rank materials, a bedroom for rest, a spacious hall, and a functional kitchen.

Weighed down by exhaustion, Alex went straight to the bedroom, where a simple bed beckoned him to rest. Fading sunlight filtered through worn curtains, casting a warm glow over the room.


Emerging from a prolonged slumber, Alex retrieved the cultivation method given to him in the Obsidian clan. Immersed in its teachings, he unraveled the intricate layers, comprehending the rudiments and the distinct stages that structured the path of cultivation.

The cultivation of humans are divided into nine ranks: Foundation Establishment, Golden Core, Martial Ascendant, Soul Resonance, Nirvana, Martial King, Martial Emperor, Eternal Sage, and the pinnacle – Demi-God.

Within each rank, sub-stages further delineated the journey. Foundation Establishment, for instance, was a spectrum spanning nine levels, from the foundational 1st stage to the elevated 9th stage.

Satisfied with his understanding, Alex sealed the cultivation technique using his unique bloodline, securing it within his trusty storage bag.

Transitioning to the next phase, he took out the four dark iron pieces their appearance reminiscent of bracelets. As these pieces embraced his arms and ankles, an immediate sensation of weight engulfed Alex.

Fortunately, having subjected himself to this self-imposed tempering over the past two years, he embraced the familiar burden, a testament to his resilience and commitment to the arduous path of cultivation.

After that Alex went to the nearby mountain, and marveled at its serene ambiance, untouched by menacing creatures. The peaceful atmosphere enveloped the surroundings, creating a haven for solitary cultivation.

Upon reaching the mountain, Alex explored its contours, discovering a particular spot beneath the shade of a massive tree. The towering peaks around, shrouded in mist.

Approaching a large tree with branches extending like welcoming arms, Alex initiated his regular routine. With a powerful stomp, he propelled himself skyward, before his hands firmly grasping a sturdy branch and then he relied on the strength of his arms to pull himself up and down.

The rhythmic ascent and descent showcased the Body Refinement Technique, a discipline honed diligently over the past two years. His body assumed an intricate posture, which caused the muscles on his entire body to be exercised at once.

This technique, focusing on body strengthening, aimed to elevate tendons and bones to absorb profound energy in your body. Despite having reached an extreme level, Alex still felt a lingering sense of incompleteness.

The foundation establishment technique that he studied just now, hinted that pushing beyond one's perceived limits could lead to a breakthrough.

Huff~ huff~

After a brief moment, the dense sounds of someone gasping for breath resonated through the silent atmosphere. Sweat trickled into Alex eyes, causing irritation that made him tightly shut his eyes, letting the sweat on his forehead rain down on his face.

Alex felt numbness and exhaustion throughout his body, especially in his arms, which felt like lead—exceedingly heavy. A typical person might rest, but he didn't. Gritting his teeth, he tightly grabbed the branch, rising up and down relentlessly.

After a considerable time, Alex face flushed red, and sweat poured from his forehead. His green clothes were thoroughly soaked, and the sensation of nearing his limit induced dizziness. Eventually, his grip slackened, and his entire body plummeted heavily to the ground.

Huff~ Huff~

As he lay there, Alex gasped for breath, lacking the strength even to move a finger and was about to take some rest under the shade of the tree when he suddenly heard the footsteps of someone.

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