

In a twist of fate on his 20th birthday, Alex discovers his seemingly ordinary life was a facade when his parents reveal they hail from a celestial realm of gods. Struggling with disbelief, he is abruptly reincarnated into a Immortal world, where destiny looms in the form of celestial tribulations. Soon, he discovered that the world he had reincarnated into was the setting of a novel his mother had mentioned in his past life. However, he couldn't recall any details about the story except for the names of the key characters. Fueled by skepticism and a determination to defy the heavens, Alex embarks on a journey to unravel his true identity, confront the challenges of his newfound existence, and carve a destiny of his own in a world shaped by mystical forces. As he grapples with his divine heritage, Alex strives to transcend the predetermined path laid out by the heavens, forging his own destiny amidst the trials. Notes: i do not own the book cover. if you are the illustrator , please let me know I will remove it( using it temporarily) DISCLAIMER: work of fiction. All the names, places and events are all purely based on the authors imagination. any resemblance to an actual person or events is purely coincidental .

CHVA2001 · Fantasy
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54 Chs


"Young Master, what would you like to eat?" asked the young lady politely.

Before Alex could respond, Lucas promptly checked the menu and ordered, "Please bring six dishes of rank one monster meat and a bottle of spirit wine. I haven't eaten since completing the entrance tests to the academy."

The young lady who heard it smiled in response and turned towards Alex.

"Brother Alex, it's your turn to order," said Lucas.

"Bring me a serving of rank one monster meat and a glass of spirit wine, please," replied Alex after looking at the menu.

"As you wish, young master," acknowledged the young lady, immediately heading to place the order.

Meanwhile, as Alex and Lucas chatted, with Lucas mainly chatting about Silvia and her group who were so annoying during the entrance test.

But suddenly a disruptive presence barged in, kicking the doors of the second floor. All the outer disciples turned their attention to the intruder, curious about who would be bold enough to disturb one of the grand restaurants in Heavenly Star City.

The second-floor manager sighed upon seeing the visitor but couldn't afford to offend him. Quickly, he activated the formation to isolate the second floor, ensuring the disturbance wouldn't reach the guests on other floors.

"Brother Alex, looks like a good show is about to unfold," remarked Lucas with his usual grin, relishing such situations since he always like to be a spectator in these type of situations.

Alex sighed tiredly, yearning for a peaceful meal. Since coming to the academy, he found himself entangled in peculiar situations, though he was thankful that those situations didn't implicate him.

As the outer disciples observed the newcomer, confusion painted the faces of the newly joined, while the seasoned outer disciples' expressions shifted.

"What's he doing here?" pondered many, some lamenting their choice to come the restaurant today, while some others, excited, gravitated toward him as if they were his lackeys.

"I heard most of the new outer disciples are gathered here, celebrating their joining into the academy, so I decided to crash the party. Hahaha, didn't startle you, did I?" announced the newcomer, Leonis Emberlin, an inner disciple of the academy.

Clad in white robes, his long hair cascaded down his back. Despite his handsome appearance, his short stature, alcoholic scent, and impudent grin marked his presence.

Leonis Emberlin, a direct descendant of House Emberlin, hailed from one of the influential clans in the Blazeclaw Dynasty, predominantly composed of dwarves. While his confidence stemmed from his noble lineage, he also represented one of the five factions in the academy, led by the personal disciple of the Fire Pavilion Lord.

His temperament, arrogant and unbridled, had earned him a reputation for always seeking confrontation. His list of wicked deeds was long, leaving one to wonder how much heaven's wrath and people's resentment he had incurred.

Protected by his influential faction, he thrived, his arrogance heightened upon entering the academy. However, his targets were always the new outer disciples without influential backgrounds or high talent.

"Now, all those new disciples of commoner status and from small clans, stand in line," declared Leonis in an arrogant tone.

Recognizing Leonis and his notorious background, the new disciples' initial anger faded, replaced by silent trepidation. Panic flashed across their faces as they recalled the silkpants' ill-reputation.

Seated at a table, Clara and two young women remained indifferent to the commotion.

But for those new disciples with weak status, Leonis embodied a ruthless, tyrannical villain. Fearful of the consequences, none were willing to disobey him and quickly formed a line.

The dining room's atmosphere became instantly stifled, reflecting the tension that hung thick in the air.

Alex remained calm and eventhough he didn't recognize Leonis, but he knew of the Emberlin family due to his father Austin learning weaponsmith skills from one of their elders.

Alice, an older disciple, took a deep breath and coldly stated, "Leonis, the five factions' recruitment meeting is scheduled in two weeks. You better leave right away." Her pretty face seemed coated in frost, expressing clear rejection and distaste.

Leonis, undeterred, brazenly appraised her from up and down without any shame and laughed. "Tch, you sure are a top-notch beauty! Only someone like you is worthy of becoming my wife "

Alice's face turned red, her eyes blazing with fury. "You…" she started, interrupted by Leonis.

"Look, everyone! Beauties sure are beauties. She's pretty even when angry. If I marry her and bring her back home, my old man will surely be pleased, right?" Leonis laughed wantonly, with a group of outer disciples trailing behind him, smiling ambiguously.

Some terrified girls among the new disciples subconsciously looked at Alice, their hopes resting on her as the only one daring to stand up.

Alice took a deep breath, realizing she needed to take a stand not just for morality but to make a favorable impression for faction recruitment.

So She steeled herself and feigned calmness. "Young Master Leonis, this is the Heavenly Star Pavilion. Please be respectful. Disrupting the peace benefits no one."

Hearing Alice, Leonis who was flirting with some girls had his smile vanish, replaced by explosive viciousness. "What are you? Who are you to lecture me?"

Alice's expression turned unsightly when she heard him, but refrained from rebuking him due to her lower status in the faction of hers compared to Leonis.

Looking at the reaction of Alice; Leonis smiled, his eyes narrowed into slits. "Alice, huh? I'll give you just one chance: get out of my sight this second. Or else, I'd be perfectly happy to beat the crap out of you and fling you onto the streets like a dead dog if you ever leave Heavenly Star City."

Though he maintained a smile, his words were imposing and vicious. "When that happens, I'm afraid you'll become the laughingstock of all of Heavenly Star City. Your reputation will be in tatters, and you'll be too ashamed to raise your head ever again!"

Alice's face froze, her fists unwittingly clenched so tight that her joints turned white. The veins on the back of her hands bulged, and she felt an indescribable mix of shame and fury.

Observing this, the blood drained from some of the girls' faces, leaving them even more flustered and helpless.

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