
Born as Gojo Satoru Cousin

Author: Andi Candra Synopsis: A mysterious entity, feeling bored, decides to transmigrate a Chinese youth into the Jujutsu Kaisen universe, equipped with a golden finger for the Transmigrator. However, the mysterious entity miscalculates, and it's the power of the Six Eyes (Rikugan)! What will happen to the unfortunate Transmigrator? Note: The main character will embark on adventures across various anime.

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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167 Chs


Satoru sat beside Eiji, offering him pudding.

"Eat this, it will make you feel much better."

"Thank you."

Opening the packaging, Eiji scooped up the pudding and ate it. The sweetness in his mouth eased his complex thoughts.

"I've heard you returned with blood-stained clothes. What happened?"

Satoru's tone was serious, no longer playful as usual. Anyone who could hurt Eiji was a threat to him.

"The Infinity was pierced by the Inverted Spear of Heaven."

"The Inverted Spear of Heaven should have been destroyed by me."

Upon hearing Eiji's response, Satoru furrowed his brow. His battle against Toji was still fresh in his memory. After the awakening of the Six Eyes, he had faced Toji for a rematch and won decisively. He then destroyed the Inverted Spear of Heaven because it was among his nemesis.

"It's just a replica. Perhaps made from fragments of the Inverted Spear of Heaven that Satoru Nii-san destroyed," Eiji speculated.

"So that's it... It's my negligence. I didn't consider that possibility."

Satoru found it reasonable. After all, he didn't bother to clean up the battlefield, leaving that task to the division specialized in handling the aftermath of Jujutsu Sorcerer battles. Therefore, it wasn't surprising if someone took the Inverted Spear of Heaven that had been destroyed.

(Therefore, the conspirator in this assassination attempt is an insider.)

Satoru had identified the mastermind behind this incident.

"Did you manage to awaken your Six Eyes?"

"Not yet."

"Ah, too bad. The near-death experience is challenging for those controlled by power like us. Don't worry, try to find another opportunity to come close to death."

Returning to his usual cheerful demeanor, Satoru patted Eiji's back firmly, then indulged in his own pudding.

"Time flies, huh? You'll be entering Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu High School soon and becoming a high school student. Onii-chan is very proud of you, Eiji."

"What's with the sudden change in attitude? Satoru Nii-san is disgusting."

"So rude~~ Is this what they call teenage rebellion?"


While eating pudding, they chatted about trivial things. Satoru talked a lot, while Eiji listened and occasionally responded.

"Ready to leave?" Eiji asked, seeing Satoru stand up after finishing three bowls of pudding.

"Well, I'm a busy person. Besides, I want to give some warnings to those old folks."

Stretching his body, Satoru said casually.

"Oh." Eiji nodded and stopped asking.

No need to ask; he knew whom his cousin wanted to meet. 'Old folks' was a term Satoru used to refer to certain individuals.

"I'm leaving, Eiji."

"See you, Satoru Nii-san."

Next, Satoru used teleportation and disappeared in front of Eiji's eyes.

"Because Satoru Nii-san wants to meet 'them,' it means he is convinced that 'them' are the masterminds."

Looking at the sky, he saw peach-shaped clouds and murmured softly.

"After today's near-death experience, I understand that Jujutsu Sorcerers are not much different from ordinary humans. Birth, age, sickness, and death are the fate of everyone. No matter how powerful my abilities and achievements may be in the future, I will still age and die like an ordinary human. Except if I use longevity methods like Master Tengen and Kenjaku."

"But that's impossible. Innate Techniques cannot be learned."

Innate Techniques are unique abilities embedded inherently in the user's body, especially in the right prefrontal cortex of the brain. Most Jujutsu Sorcerers are born with Innate Techniques that manifest around the age of five or six and continue to carve their formulas into the user over time.

Like Gojo Satoru, who was born with Limitless as his Innate Technique. While Eiji had to learn Limitless passed down to Jujutsu Sorcerers from the same lineage.

Although the Gojo Family lineage was thin in him, it did not hinder Eiji from mastering the Limitless to the point where his understanding surpassed Satoru.

Returning to the topic, because Innate Techniques cannot be learned by others, Eiji cannot learn Master Tengen's Immortality Cursed Technique or Kenjaku's Innate Technique that allows him to switch bodies with others.

"The power scale in Jujutsu Kaisen is too rigid on Innate Techniques, limiting development."

"No use complaining. Let's go for a walk to change the mood."

Shaking his head, Eiji entered his room and changed into casual clothes. Then he left the Gojo Family Residence.


Jujutsu Headquarters.

A dimly lit room illuminated only by candles.

Several figures concealed their bodies behind walls.

"Gojo Satoru, what is your intention for requesting an audience today?" One of the Higher-ups asked irritably.

"I hope this is important." Another Higher-ups spoke unfriendly.

In the eyes of the Jujutsu High-ups, Satoru was someone who disturbed their policies and interests.

"Wow, you guys look unhappy with me. Well, we're the same; I don't like seeing you old folks either." Satoru smiled, stretching his arms.

"Gojo Satoru, did you come here just to cause trouble!" the female executive shouted.

"Gojo, state your purpose."

Seeing the tense situation, the Jujutsu Commander spoke.

"Today, my cute little brother underwent an assassination attempt. Usually, I wouldn't care about this because it's a normal occurrence for me and him. But... this assassination attempt is a bit different. The killer used a replica of the Inverted Spear of Heaven and almost killed him."

Satoru slightly lifted the eye covering, revealing the Six Eyes, which stared sharply at the Jujutsu Higher-ups.

"Don't think I don't know you're secretly involved in this. Because my little brother is okay, I won't pursue this matter. But if it happens again... don't forget I'm on Kamiki Eiji's side."

The atmosphere in the room became tense due to Satoru's blatant threat.

"That's all I wanted to convey."

After that, Satoru left the room.

A few minutes later, after making sure Satoru had left, the Jujutsu Higher-ups began to speak more boldly.

"Sigh. The plan failed."

"I told you, Chinese Jujutsu Sorcerers can't be trusted. Kamiki Eiji didn't leave anything behind. We can no longer create replicas of the Inverted Spear of Heaven."

"The bearer of the Gojo Family's Six Eyes are both troublesome."

"Fortunately, we employ Jujutsu Sorcerers from abroad, so Gojo Satoru has no evidence of our involvement in this matter."

The Jujutsu Higher-ups began to regret the failure of the assassination plan against Eiji.

The replica of the Inverted Spear of Heaven was their trump card if their situation with Satoru reached a point of hostility and could not be reconciled.

Unfortunately, the presence of Kamiki Eiji disrupted the balance.

Unfortunately, Kamiki Eiji's presence disrupted the balance.

Especially after they learned that Eiji mastered Domain Expansion at the age of 8 and developed the Limitless Technique.

He is a true genius!

For the Jujutsu Higher-ups, the threat posed by Eiji is equivalent to Satoru. So, they took the risk and wanted to eliminate him before he grew up.

To enhance the success of this plan, they did not hesitate to play their trump cards. Unfortunately, they still failed.

Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12

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