
Born as Gojo Satoru Cousin

Author: Andi Candra Synopsis: A mysterious entity, feeling bored, decides to transmigrate a Chinese youth into the Jujutsu Kaisen universe, equipped with a golden finger for the Transmigrator. However, the mysterious entity miscalculates, and it's the power of the Six Eyes (Rikugan)! What will happen to the unfortunate Transmigrator? Note: The main character will embark on adventures across various anime.

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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164 Chs

Hanging Out with Panda

At 7:40 PM.


Wearing a thick jacket, a red scarf around his neck, and sunglasses, Eiji walks along the corridor.

The dormitory is very quiet as it is only inhabited by a few students.

"Eiji, are you going somewhere?"

As Eiji turns, he comes face to face with Panda.

"Just strolling around." He says casually.

"Is that so? Hmm... Wait a moment."

Panda puts his hand on Eiji's shoulder, stopping him as he passes by.

"What's up, Panda?"


Without giving an answer, Panda looks up and down. After a moment of observation, he puts his arm around Eiji's shoulder and asks with a smile.

"Hey, be honest, do you want to go on a date?"


Eiji doesn't understand how Panda could come to such a conclusion.

"Come on, Eiji, we're friends, right? Don't lie, I won't tell anyone. I promise, it's just between the two of us."

Looking around to make sure there's no one, Panda whispers.

"This is surprising. Panda, I didn't know you liked to gossip."

Brushing Panda's hand off his shoulder, Eiji didn't expect to see this side of him.

"Don't change the subject. Is it one of the Jujutsu High School students? Could it be Maki? No, she's been close to Yuta lately. There's also the possibility of Kyoto Jujutsu High School students. Then—"

Before Panda's wild imagination runs in his mind, Eiji flicks his forehead.


Instantly, Panda's large body falls to the floor a few meters away.

"Don't make random assumptions, I really am just hanging out alone."

"It's Christmas Eve, a time for couples to show their affection in public. Singles won't go out and hang out because it will only hurt their hearts."

"Where did you learn this weird information?"

"The internet. Thanks."

Accepting Eiji's hand, Panda stands up and pats his butt.

"Don't trust information on the internet too much. Besides, anyone can upload information, including idiots. You have to be smart about the information you receive, don't be easily manipulated and fooled."

"Okay, I'll be more careful."

Panda feels Eiji's advice makes sense. But he still doubts whether he just wants to hang out alone. So, he decides to test him one last time.

"Since you said you want to hang out, can I come along?"

If his request is rejected, he's sure the other party will go on a date with a girl on Christmas Eve.


Unaware of the other party's small scheme, Eiji easily agrees.


Now it's Panda's turn to be dumbfounded.

"With your thick fur, you don't need to wear winter clothes. Let's go."

Checking the watch on his wrist, Eiji feels he's delayed his schedule because of Panda.

"Ah, alright." Says Panda happily.

Then, the two of them leave Jujutsu High School Tokyo.


In Japan, Christmas is not a religious celebration like in Western countries, but it becomes a special moment for romantic dates. Many couples look forward to Christmas Eve to spend time together and create beautiful memories.

The cold snow in winter can't stop these couples.

On the streets, couples are almost everywhere to be seen.

As for single men and women who have just returned from work even though it's Christmas holiday, they can only watch those couples behave affectionately with envy.

Among the pedestrians, there are two figures that are much more striking than those couples, every passerby would glance at them at least once.

Those two figures are none other than Kamiki Eiji and Panda.

Although Eiji has covered his Six Eyes with sunglasses, it only slightly diminishes his handsome face. Moreover, his tall figure compared to the average Japanese man adds to his charm.

Men feel jealous when they realize their girlfriend is paying attention to another man.

Beside him, Panda's presence cannot be ignored. However, pedestrians only assume there's an eccentric person wearing a panda costume.

No one would think it's actually Panda, right?

Although it's strange to walk around in an animal costume, there are many cosplayers who walk around in public places. So, this is not an extraordinary sight.

"Eiji, do you have a specific destination?"

Seeing buildings along the street decorated with Christmas motifs, Panda asks curiously.

"None." Says Eiji while glancing at the store they pass by.

"So, you really just want to stroll around?"

"Didn't I say that earlier? Believe it or not, it's none of my business."

"Hahaha... Turns out it was just my misunderstanding."

Panda is slightly disappointed that Eiji didn't go out because he wanted to date a girl.


"Sir, would you like to buy a bûche de Noël? It's a limited edition and only available on Christmas Day."

In front of the pastry shop, a young girl wearing a Santa costume, revealing most of her skin, offers the Christmas cake on the table next to her to passersby.

Seeing a handsome man stop by, her eyes light up, and she quickly promotes the cake.

"Do you want some, Panda?"

"But I didn't bring any money."

Hanging out with Eiji was very sudden. Panda didn't have time to grab his wallet from his room.

"No worries, I'll treat you. How many do you want?"

"In that case, I won't hesitate. Miss, I want five."


The part-time worker girl is astonished by this amount. So, she looks at the man in front of her with a questioning gaze.

"Add one for me, so wrap up six bûche de Noël."

"A-Alright, please wait a moment."

Regaining her composure, the part-time worker girl quickly wraps the cakes in plastic. She secretly slips a piece of paper with her phone number on it.

How could the girl's small gesture escape the intimidating gaze of Eiji's Six Eyes?

Not wanting to embarrass the other party, he just keeps quiet and pretends not to know.

"Thank you very much, please come again."

After payment, the part-time worker girl bows slightly to the departure of a handsome young man and a Panda.


"Don't say anything."

After they're far enough, Eiji interrupts Panda who wants to say something. He takes the paper with the girl's phone number and throws it into the nearby trash can.

"So you knew after all." Says Panda, wanting to remind him.

"Let's find a seat, standing and eating is uncomfortable."

"Good idea."

Seeing that he doesn't want to discuss this further, Panda doesn't ask anymore.

They find empty seats in the square.

"Wow, there are so many couples here." Exclaims Panda, then wonders, "But why is the birth rate in Japan decreasing every year?"

His words are heard by those nearby. As a result, the couples give him sharp looks.

"The answer to your question is very simple."

Opening the cake package, Eiji uses a knife and fork, then starts eating.

"Oh, tell me."

"It's because of money."

"Money? Eiji, why do you think that?"

Panda felt there was a reason why Eiji expressed those reasons.

"The reason why young people nowadays are reluctant to marry is because of the high cost of living, while salaries remain the same year after year. Not to mention the high rate of infidelity in Japan. Busy work schedules also become a factor why someone doesn't get married. In other words, starting a family requires money, and it's not a small amount."

"That's why the prostitution business thrives in this country, because people prefer to fulfill their sexual desires with paid women rather than marrying a woman."

"Of course, that's just my personal opinion."


Panda couldn't speak. His thought process is somewhat different from humans because he's not human from the start; he finds it too complicated.

"Eiji, what about you? Are you choosing not to marry or to marry?"

"To marry. Humans cannot live alone."

Eiji doesn't even need to think and answers straight away.

He has read many news articles about people regretting their decision not to marry, or married couples who choose to be childfree. Both individuals in these two categories regret being alone in their old age.

Loneliness is unpleasant. Eiji, who couldn't leave the Gojo Family Residence for over 10 years, understands the true meaning of loneliness very well.

"I'm glad you think so. I always thought you weren't interested in romance."

Panda is relieved to see his friend has a desire to marry in the future.

"Oh." Eiji responds casually.

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