

Two hours and 20 minutes was not a very long time.

The plane landed very swiftly.

It was now time for me to embark a solo trip of 3 years.

I didn't know what this 3 years meant to me,

was it 3 years of independency, 3 years of experience, 3 years of developing or 3 years of procrastinating.

It was on me whether I choose the right path for myself or the path that looks amazing but lures me into darkness.

I was always an enthusiastic person.

My enthusiasm reached peak for finding out what I do with my life.

Once I went through the baggage belt and got hold of my luggage, I bid my new friend goodbye promising to meet him once I get settled properly.

I booked a cab (Uber always comes handy) and waited for it very patiently.

It was not long before my cab arrived taking me to my home for the next three years .

I hail from a very small town with extensive amount of free land, open spaces, massive trees, minimum population, very less pollution etc.

The place that I have come to right now is absolutely opposite to what I have known all my life. Delhi is the capital of my country.

The density of population here is very high. It is extremely crowded.

I immediately called my parents and informed them of my safe reach.

It took me about an hour and a half to reach my room.

I had rented a one room bedroom with a balcony attached to it.

The room was not too big but was enough for a single person.

I didn't want to waste anytime contemplating my situation or tiredness , I would rather start cleaning and arranging my room.

I enjoyed organizing rooms.

I was quick enough to finish my task.

By the end of the day I was not in the appropriate condition to cook so I ordered food through swiggy.

I was a non vegeterian back then so I ordered chicken biryani.

Leaving the rest of the work for the next day I dozed off since I had one more day off before my college began.