
Born a Monster

Born into a world of chaos and violence, young shapeshifter Rhishisikk struggles to survive. With the assistance of unlikely allies, he must learn to live among the most dangerous of monsters - human beings!

Mike_Kochis · Fantasy
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694 Chs

Battle of the Beetle

<Ah. > sent the Cobalt Beetle.  <It is a place worthy to die in.  Have you prepared your grave, as well?>

I rubbed my feet on the sand, forgetting that insects don't sweat.  <I thought you were eating me if I couldn't entertain you.>

<Indeed.  Still, I have no use of your exoskeleton after that.>

I shrugged.  <Leave it for the ants and other scavengers.>

He hopped down from the ledge, landing outside the circle of planted spears.  <Is this to be the limit of our arena?>

<I considered that.> I admitted.  <But you are both stronger and heavier.  You could win merely by shoving me out of bounds.>

<I could, yes.  But that would be boring.>

He snapped his mandibles, flexed the forearms with the crablike claws at the end.  <Do you have any final words?>

<I think…>  But he chose that moment to rush me.

I activated everything; I didn't expect to last past the first minute.