
Boring life of Students

It's just a boring life of a regular junior high Student noting fancy except that he is a ...............____

darklord9999 · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

What is in my heart?

'I can see the stars, but I am unsure of my destiny in this world. Where do I fit in? Everything seems so fine for someone like me who is just enjoying life. Why should I make it gloomy, as my dark heart speaks about me and all?' I fall into the darkness of slumber while thinking about it in my brain.

"aaaj sahisang gan### gharr aya mere mann ---------------" as the keerthan(holy mantra) it was one of my morning prayer songs in my hostel well, to be honest, it was pretty darn loud so anyone would wake up at 4:50 AM yup that early in the morning(it might have been the best period of my life as a mostly productive person in this life till now I in the department of my physical fitness as when I was 18 my fitness was that of a 27-year-old and had a lot of fats and carbs and deficient in other parts lets level it here, for now, don't wanna info dump u guys that much now) 

"Wake up children wake up its time for u to wake up or I will pour a bucket of water in your face now so u better wake up" Vasant anna was going through all the rooms and shouting while I was watching that I saw my monitors face and all my room mates face.

'I might be a psychopath(a timid one who always acts weak and I'm am a loser arent I f it forget it and u people forget what I said alright) and the person who sent me here might also be crazy I mean why would u sent me to the past sight to much work to do and create a godly image haha I will be the ....'

"hello ra my name is ##### and our monitor's name is Somia" he said with a smile.

I didn't hear his name or I couldn't it was as if something was blocking my thoughts suddenly world stood still and everything was frozen and I could think but couldn't move.

"#$##$@ hello kid sorry but ur my first vic--- I mean a ----- "a cheery voice entered my mind but didn't complete the sentence as if she couldn't think of a suitable word in her mind.

"hey u stop that thought right there for now though I will be watching u for ur entire life ur just my first success even if ur good or evil I don't care and yes u might think I am a god but no I am ######, hoops ur brain can't handle that so sorry had to turn on the filter think of me as ("pai##n from gen### imlact) arent I cutee! and too adorable."

'when will this end' that was my thought and that person replied "It will end now it was me just mesing with you and your thought process is so dumb and I am a woman remember thatas u remember your chemistry classes, enjoy my gift."