
Closing The Stage

One month.

That was how long Ye Xing decided he was going to spend his time here, in this world.

He wasn't going to bother with the dungeons showing up in a few days.

He wasn't going to bother with the chaos that was going to occur then.

He wasn't going to bother with anything other than himself, his soon-to-be-former lovers, and his planning for his coming future.

Walking around his home, he looked at all the factories, decorations, and inventions he created in his free time.



Hyper-advanced machinery, despite its nature, is not inherently attractive, fashionable, or elegant scenery. Especially when Ye Xing never used any of his superpower's charges for such purposes.

Lately, it seems he's been thinking about just spending time on future projects. Instead of speeding through them with his telekinesis and clones, he would just use his two hands to do things at a more relaxing pace. Focus on making works of art, grand masterpieces, and legendary artifacts rather than just a bunch of tech he'd end up not using, ever.

Like his ship.

. . .

In any case, it seemed he was going to be focusing on increasing his knowledge on things like forging, tailoring, art, artifact creation, and other similar subjects for his entertainment in the future.

. . .

Although, looking at everything he's made and worked on in the past, Ye Xing really questions what exactly past him was thinking at the time.

Everything's so bland.

Really, the only reason he could find that it was even tolerable was because the recreational areas weren't inflicted with whatever tasteless design Ye Xing could come up with then.

And what was he even thinking with keeping his bases in real-space for? A fully-secured pocket dimension would've been a much better choice.

Problems, all over the place.

. . .

He sighed.

At least, future-him won't be such a disappointment. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Days and weeks pass by.

Outside the quiet peaceful base, chaos runs rampant.

Dungeons have appeared, announcing their presence with a horde of monsters charging forth from each portal.

Although short-lived, the resulting mess gave 'evil' practitioners more freedom, allowing them to use their methods more often. Many such people had even directed these techniques on the dungeon monsters, experimenting with whether such creatures could become another source of power for them.

The sudden appearance of the dungeons caused the entire world to fall into a three-way battle between the law enforcers, the 'evil' practitioners, and the dungeon monsters.

The increasing ambient spiritual energy emanating from the dungeon gates didn't help matters, what with empowering the natural creatures of the planet, as well.

At least, as a saving grace of sorts, almost everyone in the world has a little bit of strength after several months have passed since the opening of Spirit World, so it isn't as if the various monsters and native creatures running around the planet are much of a threat.

. . .

Meanwhile, Ye Xing had been spending his charges on subjects that would go well with handmade projects. With each of the new knowledge points resonating with almost each one of his knowledge reserves, Ye Xing was seriously wondering if he could be considered a God-King of Blacksmithing, Handicrafts, Weaving, and whatnot.

Frankly, it was simply too ridiculous just how much compatible knowledge points were pinging off of each other.


Besides that, there was another piece of preparation he had been busy with.

Although Ye Xing had decided that he would spend one more month on Earth, that didn't mean his main body had to be there at all. No, Ye Xing had left an avatar -that is, a fraction of his soul power congealed into a remote body directly controlled by the creator- to finish up things planet-side, while the actual Ye Xing was busy running around the 'universe' and... cleaning up.

It was, predictably, easy and simple. The only real problem being the time needed to travel between solar systems and galaxies.

Except, the process wasn't as time-consuming as it may have been were he still a peak Divine Realm practitioner-equivalent. Not to mention, the 'universe' he currently inhabited wasn't as large as his previous life's universe.

He had forcibly absorbed and transformed every single celestial body of significant size into energy, directing it all to strengthening his everything. Such a forceful method of cultivation is a very fast method of becoming stronger, but the disadvantages just aren't acceptable for anyone other than himself.

Most glaringly, the amount of wasted energy is so much, only about two percent of the total energy produced properly transforms into actual strength. The rest of the energy is focused on stabilizing the flesh and soul from falling apart due to the sudden influx of so much Power.

Although, as a sort of consequence of such tremendous energies being channeled into ensuring the self's stability and balance, it seemed Ye Xing's body and soul adapted to become more...robust? He was able to transfer more resources into increasing his cultivation levels over time.

The other problem anyone else would run into would be the fact that entire moons, planets, and suns are the required resources needed to actually get any significant strengthening.

In any case, for various reasons, Ye Xing's trip to devour the universe entirely had been quite quick, relatively speaking.

Not only truly massive number of celestial bodies that were absorbed and transformed, but even the reaping, storing, and enslaving of trillions of alien souls for their soul power, Ye Xing made a tremendous profit from this trip.

Really, the only thing left to do was to wait out the rest of his time on Earth and enjoy whatever comforts would remain here after he leaves this universe, forever. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Standing on the peak of the mountain he spent his recent years living on, he watched with eyes that saw beyond what eyes should see.

Ye Xing gazed at the entire Earth and those that walked upon it.

That little anomaly that was lucky enough to latch onto that pest, Pluto, when they moved through space-time.

That little sister that looked at him with such fervor and awe, chasing his footsteps with so much effort.

That family of his, so vague and hazy in his mind now, but comes up every now and then.

He wondered if he would ever miss this little piece of existence.

. . .

Probably not.

He turned his sight away from the world and flew to the sun at over two thousands times the speed of light.

Stopping one hundred-thousand kilometers directly above the sun, he raised his hands and arms to his sides, palms facing up, released his inhibitors and unleashed his full power.

[Solomon's Crown: Wisdom of the Great King]

A majestic radiant halo vaguely shaped like a crown appeared above his head and his mind, cleared of useless, stray thoughts, accelerated 72 fold.

[True Form: Transcendent Demon]

Tyrannical energy, a unique creation from a blend of his energies, of such density and quantity overflowing from his form, it molded itself into shape, forming a rather devilish appearance and enhanced both outside and inside his new form and flesh with solid energy, increasing his body's strength, durability, and tenacity to a level beyond measure, ascending a step above mortality.

[Summoner's Synthesis: Resonance, Magnum Opus]

His soul-bonded summons, all 71,998,351 of them, immediately attuned their souls to a rhythm only they could hear and linked with his soul, empowering his energy and spiritual strength over ninety-thousand fold.

[Seven Towers: Power]

With seven concentrations of raw energy forced into certain patterns forming a certain distance away surrounding him, an array forms from the fluctuating intersecting energy flows, amplifying his Power even further.

[Prime Origin: Grand Unification]

Finally, his soul and mind blended into his body, spiritual strength and mental strength supporting the physical layer of his Reality, the weight of his Self exponentially increased to the point that the universe itself began to destabilize around him.

The result?

An indomitable, overpowering aura immediately swept through the entire universe with unrelenting pressure.

Enough pressure to kill every single mortal and divine entity in range. Every single creature on Earth and in the dungeons around the solar system all died in an instant, their souls reaped and taken by him.

. . .

That was planned.

Because he was going to leave this universe completely.

And with that cheerful thought, Ye Xing gathered all of his truly monstrous POWER into a single point above his halo, with his mental calculation area and all of his more than seventy million machine spirits' processing power devoted entirely to calculating and precisely manipulating the required energies and forces to use this technique safely.

[Zeroth Universe: Apocalypse Singularity]

All around him, the World twisted and folded toward the singularity above him. The sun underneath his feet, the dungeons, the planets, moons, and asteroids floating around the solar system, even space itself was forcefully dragged inward.

And so, the end came. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Time passed.

Focused on his task without any unnecessary thoughts, it was unknown to Ye Xing whether a short time or a long time had passed.

In the end, however, the [Apocalypse Singularity] had devoured the entire universe.

Matter did not exist.

Space did not exist.

Ye Xing, himself, would not have been able to continue existing. That is, if his Self were not above the base level of existence of a mortal.

No, he was greater than that, simply more. The Realization of his existence into a higher Entity allowed him to continue protecting and fueling his own existence in the Void outside of the boundaries of physical space.

And now, contained within the singularity above him is the energy of a collapsed universe.

With this much power available to him, combined with his own reserves, it was enough to cast his most powerful spell.

[Omni-Spell: Wish, For A Miracle]

He cast the spell, [Apocalypse Singularity] collapsing without any more energy within or fueling it.

And with a momentary flash of light, and an unheard sound ringing through the Void, Ye Xing vanished into nowhere.