
3: One Month

Morning comes.

As the sun rises and light pours through the windows, Ye Xing marvels at his body's newly upgraded endurance. Letting a groan of pleasure escape him, he pulled away after a minute of relief from the paradise of curves and flesh around him to the soft and exhausted mewls and whines of his maidens.

What a night.

As he stood from his bed and headed for the bathroom, he contemplated on his new physique.

What a monster.

After a sleepless night of wanton lust, he was still full of energy and ready for more. How was he going to deal with his needs in the future? His body was only getting better from here on out. Does he have to help his bedwarmers cultivate so that they could take on his full strength without dying? Thoughts of his dark future accompanied him as he turned on the shower, letting hot water wash down the evidence of half a day's playtime session. He sighed to himself.

What a terrible future.

Finished with brooding over his enhanced sensitivity and greatly enhanced endurance, he turned to the five stars that burned bright in his mind's eye.

Inspired Inventor.

What to do, what to do. He didn't really need to invest more in "Qi" anything, his current stores of knowledge sufficient for now. What did he want to do with the world, anyway? With the power of [Inspired Inventor], he could easily rule the world with a technological empire. It isn't outside the realm of possibility to make the world filled with qi, or mana, or psychic energy, or a supernatural anything, transforming the world into something out of a fantasy novel.

Sometimes, having too many choices isn't a good thing, he supposed.

Since he couldn't decide what path his future would take, Ye Xing decided to spend stars to help with his qi cultivation.

[Nuclear Physics + 1]

That's right. His unnamed qi cultivation method was created on a pseudo-scientific basis, after all. Figuring out exactly how one would go about efficiently producing artificial nuclear fusion would definitely help smooth his future cultivation path.

It's just...

[Science: Physics + 1]

Specialized information on a branch of general physics was a bit too specialized, it seems; he had to use another star for physics in its entirety to flesh out his knowledge reserve some more.

It's just...

[Science: Chemistry + 1]

[Science: Materials + 1]

[Science: Mathematics + 1]

Sudden knowledge appears in his mind again, solidifying already known information and branding new information into the brain. Not only that, all the charges Ye Xing had learned from [Inspired Inventor] began to connect with each other and create even more knowledge branches, expanding his mastery of qi and the sciences even further.

All of a sudden...

Ye Xing found that he needed much more knowledge on much more subjects to do much more interesting things. It seems he found what he was going to do for now.

Sit at home and learn every single useful subject he could think of.


[Inspired Inventor] - 5 charges/day. 150 charges/thirty days.

What can one do with 150 stars, of absolutely reliable and unforgettable packets of knowledge that can interact with and enhance each other, the more stars there are?

One charge in everything scholastic and martial to determine which subjects should be focused on first.

Don't look down on one charge. One charge is equal to a bachelor's degree in a subject - ten years of study - that is completely unforgettable. How many things does a student learn from middle school to college? Middle schools and high schools may not go into great detail about everything, but they do cover the overall basics of everything. Enter college or university for two years and those basics can be fleshed out further to a solid enough understanding for practical use.


150 stars.

A month had passed since Ye Xing's birthday this year and the sudden appearance of his superpower. Life went on, with minor changes. His tutors were no longer required, he no longer needed daily physical conditioning, his maids continued to accompany his nights and warm his bed long after morning arrived, etc.

Over the past month, he had managed to create many qi skills to complement his self-defense capabilities. Pretending to be a fairy immortal demon god buddha thing wasn't too difficult after that.

If he wanted to.


He didn't.

He had also been quite productive in terms of scientific research and development. When Ye Xing had first started learning the myriad sciences, he had no research lab available and he had no desire to convert or hire construction workers to create a research lab for him. With his level of scientific comprehension at the time, the supposedly top-of-the-line, most advanced, high-end lab equipment and industrial machinery were... not.

So he put his superhuman strength and nuclear qi to good use.

By digging a hole.

Now, normally, no one ever visits the Ye family's private mountain and villa. No one can stealthily trespass into the premises past the extensive security around the property, either. Reasonably speaking, constructing a private laboratory in the open and next to the villa wouldn't have any chance of randomly suffering espionage or schemes of sabotage.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, Ye Xing didn't care.

He wanted a super-secret underground base, and he had the power to make one.

He wanted one, damnit!

So he dug himself a hidden hole in the mountain.

When he completely finished clearing out and finalizing his hideaway, it was composed of several floors, each over 100 meters long and wide with plenty of different rooms for different purposes. The "scientific research" floors with large wide rooms for every subject, "agriculture" floors and rooms, "mining" and "resource gathering" floors, "warehouse", "armory", "garage", and more!

One month of superhuman-powered underground construction was quite productive.

Ye Xing had not just dug out his base out of dirt and stone, though. No, if the entire base only had dirt and stone to hold itself up, it would've collapsed already.

At first, during the first week, he could only think of condensing the dirt and making solid walls out of them when out of stone. The base only had the first floor at the time, so a cave-in wasn't really something he worried about.

And then he learned how to transform atoms and molecules into other atoms and molecules through [Inspired Inventor].

With his mind.

Because telekinesis is apparently an overpowered ability.

The Chinese, back in his previous life, would call it "divine sense" or "spiritual sense" or something. He didn't really pay attention to what they called it. In any case, Chinese culture would lead the people to believe "Telekinesis is useless without a FLYING SWORD! YOU CAN'T FLY WITHOUT A FLYING SWORD!"

A lot of culture from every single civilization are stupid, but this particular subject really stuck in his mind.

Here's the thing: If you can kill someone with a telekinetically-propelled blade, you can kill with just telekinesis.

What? Impossible? Telekinesis isn't as sharp as a blade?


. . .


As for flying with a flying sword, that's just Chinese people thinking they look cool trying to fit their toes and feet on top of a sword and looking out into the distance with an unchanging pose. If you can fly on a flying sword, YOU CAN FLY WITHOUT ONE!!


. . .


Dirt wall? Stone wall? No more! Transform all that loose soil and rock into special metal alloys specifically designed to protect his secret base from any kind of conventional attack!

Punching and kicking, using martial arts to dig the base? No more! Wield telekinesis and easily tear through the mountain at the speed of thought!

Sort of.

In any case, one month of high-speed construction and inventing had brought to existence a complete gigantic, sprawling, underground secret base ready for use. Although he still couldn't decide on a direction to take for the future, with the various facilities of his base and all the knowledge he had accumulated over the past month, he really could do whatever he wanted without worry.

His body and qi core already evolved to the second state, too. The unending rush of the energy of an artificial sun, no matter how small, gave him the illusion of holding the power to destroy the world in the palm of his hand.

Just an illusion, of course.

He could only destroy a country the size of Japan in one all-out move, after all.

He's still too weak, in his honest opinion.

These things don't matter to him, though. No, he may be blindly groping for a future to look forward to, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have wants and needs to be accomplished, immediately. Some things are there, like making an artificial intelligence, making a personal army of extremely powerful and hyper-competent maid-bot warriors, realize virtual reality, and a couple more. Today, however, he wanted to work on one thing.

Faster-Than-Light(FTL) technology.