
10: Visit to Ye Manor

Okay, so, internet access anywhere anytime may not have been the best idea he had.

The amount of perverts cheering about what they plan to do or are actually doing AT THAT MOMENT was, quite frankly, absolutely disturbing.

. . .

Ye Xing had not known there were so many proud perverts in the world until he put that plug-in up for sale.

He was also quite perverted himself, being a young man with an abundant amount of experience with the opposite sex. However, he couldn't understand the appeal his plug-in had to these wierd people.

It was just hands-free internet access.

. . .

In any case, when the public had found out that new features for the system itself could be created by them, it seems everyone had begun trying to make their own "cheat-codes" to upgrade their own system interface with.

Most, of course, didn't work. Others were just far too expensive for them to make.

A few of the attempts had actually worked, but they weren't really "game changers", but instead some convenient things like a Q&A function on the system store.

For Ye Xing, it was interesting to look at the all the weird ideas of the global populace for the system. He didn't have to think of any upgrades for it anymore, too!

Looking through the window on his right, at the scenery outside blurring by, he wondered if this day was going to be another interesting day or a dull waste of time, for him.

He was heading to his family's estate today. Apparently, his father wanted him to get there today, instead of tomorrow.

Something about a surprise. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Ye Family Estate.

Ye Xing didn't really know how large it was or how old it was, he only knew the land of Ye was bigger and older than most.

The entire estate is placed at a higher elevation than the rest of the city it's based in. A small forest at the sides and front blocks the view of the manor from passing pedestrians. An artificial lake sits in the distant backyard with some aquaculture and decorative plants. A little garden maze around an exquisite gazebo. Some other things around the manor. And the manor.

Large enough to fit several generations of large families.

Ye Xing never actually learned about or explored the inside of the manor much. He got lost once.

Never again.

. . .

His thoughts on the family estate aside, Xiao Nü maneuvered and parked the invisible, bulletproof, silent, energy-shielded, spacious luxury hovercar - he made it on a whim a couple months ago - at an empty space in front of the manor, originally prepared for parking automobiles, and shut off the invisibility module, noise-silencing field, space-folding energy shield, and micro-nuclear-fusion powered graviton manipulation engine.

It's a luxury car. He didn't really know what he was going to do with it other than show off useless stuff with it.

For once not taking advantage of his superior supernatural senses, Ye Xing rolled his eyes around and took in his surroundings after exiting his months-old toy. There didn't seem to be many other vehicles around.

He was a little early, it seems.

Listening to the sounds around him, he could hear the cars his relatives were currently occupying about to approach the front gate of the estate in another ten minutes or so. Within the estate itself, it seems only his parents and grandparents were already inside the manor.

Odd, that. Normally, his uncles and aunt would be here at around the same time as his parents.

Hm. Oh well.

Ye Xing flexed his mental power and lifted the gifts he brought along for the family into the air. As Xiao Nü secured the car behind him, he began walking to the front entrance of the manor with the gifts floating along at his rear.


He only told his parents the basics about Xiao Nü. The others probably don't know about her, either.

"Xiao Nü, remember how to introduce yourself to the rest of the family?" he asked her, though an AI like Xiao Nü shouldn't need such a reminder. She replied with a demure "Yes, master" as she caught up with his pace to the door.

Well, good to know. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Introducing Xiao Nü to his parents and grandparents was a little awkward, at first. For them.

His father, Ye Xuan-Gu, 43 years, conglomerate boss, serious on the outside, a little funny on the inside.

His mother, Zhao Ying-Yue, 39 years, competent housewife, elegant and gentle on the outside, hot-tempered and domineering on the inside.

His grandfather, Ye Chen, 70 years, retired hobbyist, usually serious on the outside, maybe a little serious on the inside, too.

His grandmother, Zhang Wei, 61 years, casual housewife, normally caring and loving on the outside, probably caring and loving on the inside.

Although Ye Xing's parents had heard Xiao Nü was an AI, they didn't know he had created a body for her to inhabit nor did they know that a body like Xiao Nü's was possible.

As a result, they actually thought she was a [Creature Summon].

It was only natural, though. Normally, if someone sees a beautiful-adorable-seductive-innocent-angel-succubus-elf-bunny-goddess-something-girl walking around, they're going to think it's some sort of magical or fantasy-like entity.

That Xiao Nü's miraculous platform was actually a technological creation, confirmed by an analysis-type skill from the system, caught the family in a full minute-long confused daze.

Fortunately, they managed to slowly acclimate to the reality of her existence.

. . .

He was definitely not going to tell them he created Spirit World.

Maybe later.

. . .

Much later.

After that little meet n' greet, Ye Xing placed down his gifts for his grandparents for them to set down wherever. Nothing special, just something somewhat exotic that he came up with for fun.

At that point, the first of his relatively late family kind of half-skipped her way through the front entrance.

. . .

Was she trying to jog or skip? Both?

His spoiled little sister makes her first appearance of the year!