
Bored? Lets Cause Some Chaos!

This is just something I am writing to fulfill my boredom and to maybe make my writing better?? Anyways, read it, have fun, and please don't be too harsh when you comment.

FoozMajic · Movies
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Author Update

Sorry to disappoint, but this is not a new chapter, but there are some important things I want to talk about here. So please stick around and comment.

So, as you might already know, I am a student, so I do not have an awful amount of free time. But I did spend my free time this week gaining ideas and exploring different fanfics and star wars stories in order to help plan out where this is going. I now have a ton of ideas I can implement, and as this is just for fun and to make my writing better, I am going to ask you guys what you might want to see. As I said this is for my own enjoyment, so there are going to be things that I will stick to, but I am open to some changes.

I am pretty much set on making this a BL story. Anakin is going to be the male lead, and the MC is going to pretty much replace Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon is not going to die, and after the battle of Naboo, the MC is going to worm his way into the order and become a Knight/Master (I don't know yet) and take Anakin as his padawan. Obi-Wan will be relegated to the padawan brother role, but he is kinda the voice of reason within the group, so he will still be relevant, as Qui-Gon, Anakin, and MC have a bit of a chaotic and more open mindset.

Cannon will be relevant, but it is AU, so while the story might kinda flow in the same direction, there will be some major differences.

While the force is sentient and strives for balance within itself and the universe. While it might not have emotions, it recognizes that emotions are a part of the balance, so while the Sith and Jedi are basically two opposite extremes, the force likes the Sith more as they accept their emotions as a part of themself.

But the MC is going to change that over time, and as he is one with the force, the Fore will basically make a deal with him. As he is an outside element, and he has high connections with the force and knows the future, the force will allow him to do whatever he wants except he has to take care of Anakin well, as Anakin is basically the son of the force. So while the MC can stretch Cannon and derail the train completely, the MC has to make certain concessions regarding Anakin.

With all this information, given, you probably have a general idea of how this is going to play out. But now I ask a question, do you want this to be a romance or a BL story.

By romance I mean implied sex or maybe one sex scene, but it will mostly be about MC's exploits and the relationship between Anakin and MC.

By BL I mean that things might become a bit dirty. Like messed up Anakin as he struggles with what he learned on Tatooine and dark side influences. A bit of non-con and the like. Not necessarily bottom-of-the-gutter shit, but a bit dark romance shit.

While this may happen, I think I am going to end up keeping this mostly about the MC's exploits at the beginning and towards the end make it more romantic-focused. I might make it sappy with a cheating arc between Padme and Anakin which will make it hurt a lot as Padme is the sister of MC, but as they are both 'Jedi' Padme will think of them as brothers.

If I do get derailed too far and it becomes porn without plot, please do tell me and I will either remake a new story or try to fix it depending on how far down the rabbit hole we are.

Another thing, do you want the MC to make a new Empire, do you want him to stay as a Jedi, or do you want him to be an Empress besides Darth Vader or dark Anakin?

Anyways please do tell me how much you want this to go, and thank you for giving me ideas and helping with my indecisive self. Hopefully, I will get out a chapter before Sunday, but who knows life sucks and so does my mental health and motivation.

On a more positive note, thank you for reading my story and liking it, I hope to see you soon. Have a nice weekend!

OH, one more thing, please give me some names on gender-neutral or slightly feminine names for the MC, thank you very much. Please make sure it fits well with Amidalia or at the very least Skywalker. Again thank you, I am bad at thinking of good names and end up pirating them.