
Bored in the multiverse [dropped]

Wish fulfillment expect anything but unserious bullshit and have fun reading. therefore shut up and enjoy. first world: Battle through the heavens second world: Rebirth of urban immortal cultivator. Third world: Iron ladies.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

chapter 49 - Land of culture

Xiao Shen smirk seeing the shocked expression of his opponent that gaze on the golden portal that spew countless weapon containing different types of effect.

It was the Gate of Babylon that contains all creature one could imagine. Xiao Shen remember how in fate the idealistic dumbass was able to defeat Gilgamesh because of his plot armor.

If that guy had Luck EX level then he would believe it. Gilgamesh just too arrogant for his own good. Though he had right to be since his power unbelievably broken.

Remembering the hero dumbass being beta errand boy plain stupid even Xiao Shen had hero syndrome but isn't naïve enough to sacrifice his own happiness for other peoples benefit.

He only wanted to help them because it doesn't affect him that much but would stop if it gotten annoying.

"What is this dharmic spell!?"

"Nothing but simple ability to fight you."

Xiao Shen then fire an onslaught of blades towards him who barely evade them as all had a speed of Mach 20. He grabbed one of the sword then fought Lei Qianjue who was struggling to keep up.

He lowered his strength enough to relish his fight. He used his blade that was parried by his opponent then summon another set of sword qi to attack him but it was slice by Xiao Shen.

The people from the Lu family came out to see the fight of two immortal though one is the true immortal who used his finger then flick it sending Lei Qianjue flying to the air. The shockwave sent splinter of winds that resulted in few trees sent flying.

'Xiao Shen I believe in you!'

The thought of Lu Yanxue looking at her master and love interest fighting a powerful cultiavtor. She heard the name Lei Qianjue who was considered a powerful figure stronger than her deceased family master.

Her feelings for Xiao Shen had blossom as time past by getting to him and his harem who welcome her like family unlike her old one who willing to sell her just to gain benefit. She wanted to leave her family but it would be a waste to used the asset it provide for her teachers desires.

Back to two fighting, Lei Qinjue infuriated that he was being bested by a young man no older than twenty. His power was beyond than he had expected.

"A-Are you a divine realm!? No wonder my disciple, Lin hu was Killed."

"Oh I see you have more balls than those arrogant prick that looked down below."

"Hmph unlike those fools I have reach higher state than them!!"

Lei Qianjue began used a martial art skill that created a powerful barrier that cage his opponent. He was certain of victory since the martial art was powerful one created by his intense training in the arctic region. It would be effective to most opponent but.


The sound of glass shattering demolish the barrier into pieces. Xiao Shen crack his neck then stared at his opponent then grabbed a katana from the gate of Babylon.

"That attack could defeat most if not all your opponent….too bad you met me."

With that Xiao Shen dash to attack him while used the million time perception slice the old man to a cellular level. He enjoyed their battle while the mountain range was obliterated by the previous swings.

He gave him a quick death as a way to honor him for giving an entertaining fight. Xiao Shen didn't have grudge with

After returning his blade back descended to be greeted by Lei Qianjue last disciples look at him in complicated gaze. Xiao Shen only gave small nod then went back to the Lu Family being greeted by his lovely new fiancée's.

Spending time with her in those time allowed them to get to used to each other helping her manage the Lu family who double their business revenues but eighty percent is given to Xiao Shen foundation and charity.

She had already confessed to Xiao Shen therefore nothing drama of sort had happened.

Two weeks had past and the news of Lei Qianjue spread liked a wild fire with many master trying to get to know was responsible but not had able find leads. Most of them focus on Chen Fan who was causing a lot of scene while Xiao Shen did a pump up after arriving the certain places he always wanted to visit.

"Oh I'm finally in the land of the otaku!"

"Papa lets go to akihabara!!"

"Yuki want more ramen!!"

"Aren't they a bit too excited?"

"Well Xiao Shen did told us he was big fan of japanese animation. "

Xiao Shen was with Xun-er, Ya Fei, Nalan Yanran, Yun yun, Yuki, Wei Ziqing, An Ya and his foster son in the Tokyo's airlines. Jiang Churan and Xu rongfei couldn't come since they had school despite telling them Xiao Shen could used clones but rejected the idea.

They wanted to finish their high school before enjoying the journey with Xiao Shen.

His lover stared at Xiao Shen ecstatic state that was rare considering he always have bore

As for the rest, all oft them busy with his training or business not that they mind since time wasn't an issue for them since they could spend eons alone in sub dimension.

They existed the airport and went to the hotel where booked to before going sight seeing.

"Okay I must not get overboard and act like weeb."

Few minutes later he was holding dozen of anime figurine, poster and sexy pin up drawing with a stoic face looking at his fiancée's deadpanned gaze. Xaio Shen sweat from their stared but didn't regret nothing.

"…Hey should we try cosplay in bed?"

"Yeah I think he'll like it."

"I-I'm curious how good he is in bed?"

Xiao Shen heard them discussed about his performance in the bed making An ya and the rest of the girls that hadn't been taken blush.

"Papa look! Tenshin!"

His little boy did particular pose replicating super sentai action in the television. It was adorable seeing his son acted that way.

"Oh smile for me, my boy!"

Xiao Shen took a camera and began taking photos of Shenlong adorable poses while people stared at two father and son.

"Alright we have many more places to go!"

They explored the whole tokyo gaining few stared being foreigner since most them doesn't looked Chinese from their peerless looks after removing the impurities.

Xiao Shen group visited many tourist spot such as Tokyo tower that was impressive seeing the people below. Afterwards they went to Akihabara where Xiao Shen and Shenlong went crazy about buying every cultured thing they could find. His son really like super sentai series buying most action figures.

Afterwards they went buy kimonos and yukata showcasing extravagant design. Xiao Shen liked the feeling of his new clothing then gaze on his beautiful woman wearing their kimonos.

The people present in the shop stared at their beauty that increased by their set of clothing's accentuating their beauty.

"Not bad I kind of like this."

"Yeah its elegant though I still prefer my old ones how about you master?"

"I'm not really well verse in choosing clothes, Yanran but…Xiao Shen what do you think."

Yun Yun glances at her lover who remain silent then gave a thumbs up that made them blush. Ya Fei smiled then grabbed her lovers arms.

"You like what you see?"

"Of course I do? What kind of man am I if I cant appreciate my woman's body?"

"Oh if that's the case then I'll used this on the bed."

Xiao Shen then imagine Ya fei wearing kimono then calling him in bed made him excited. His lover on the other hand became jealous and went to asked him his opinion.

He warily smiled then gave them each his opinion while his son just finish getting clothed that made the people blush at his adorable faces. Xiao Shen noticed thiis sweat a little.

'This kid sure is lady killer…..or japan just have ara~ ara~ people.'

[A/N: dear readers my mc will NEVER getting NTR'ed. So shut up and read.]

After shopping they went to eat to an old and traditional restaurant that had dense amount of Spirit Qi. Xiao Shen chose the place because the person his looking for was in the place, Yukishiro Sa.

Ordering a set of meals for his foster son and lovers observe his target who was in the other room. She long light blue hair wearing beautiful white and blue kimono elegantly eating her meal.

Xiao Shen observe her body that had the soul fragment of a divine realm which he could easily destroy without moving from his sit. Yukishiro saw him staring only gave a quick glances.

In an instant when she open her eyes Xiao Shen was in front of her to her shock and her bodyguard who quickly draw his blade to attack. With strong slash towards him was stopped by his pinky.

"Who are you!? Why are you here!??"

"Relax I only gain interest to your lady her. Let me introduce myself, I'm Xiao Shen and its pleasure meeting a Sa family."

They remain wary of his present that exude shallowness yet overwhelming. It was like the world could not touch him who only drank a sake.

"It is pleasure to meet you Xiao Shen-sama, can you tell us your purpose for being here?"

"Oh straight to the point well that's makes thing easier but first."

Killing an insect possessing her body was in anguished. he didn't only destroyed the fragment but the whole body that scream from the shrine held to his name shocking all the people who worship him.

He didn't care much if those other divine realm come running because killing them will be easy as breathing.

Shocked filled their faces as demon figured shatter in billions pieces stared at Xiao Shen who smirk then spoke.

"Now I want to ask something."