

[AN: The method to write a story on Webnovel mobile app is very scuffed so I'm posting this to say there is a story coming I'm just writing the chapters out in notes before pasting into the app.

Please give me lots of feedback and critique it really helps me]

[Also I'm realising that this whole story is probably going to be a draft of the story. In the future I'm going to come back to the first chapter and re-write it in more detail and better writing. I might do this once or maybe a few times to try and make the best story possible]



In the dark of the night everything was silent at the Potter mansion, all apart from the small study where a tall dark haired man was running around fiddling with papers.

"Dob-" Harry let out a sigh, this wasn't the first time he'd tried to call his loyal friend since his passing but the feeling it brought still hurt.

That feeling is the exact one that his current plan hoped to get him away from, Harry was old now but still looked 21.

Back when he was still struggling to defeat his enemies Harry unknowingly became the owner of all three Deathly Hallows. Becoming the master of Death.

What Harry didn't know was that when the master of death was created by obtaining all the hallows, there could never no another. Every time one of the hallows left his possession it would return to him in some way or another.

It also meant the he never aged, Harry didn't know if this meant he was immortal or just had a really long lifespan now but either way it meant he had to witness all his friends and peers from his generation die in one way or another.

The hallows also gave Harry a big boost in m agical power and strength. When discovering this he decided to channel his inner Hermione and study all he could about magic, which seemed to be easy to understand now most likely from his power boost.

Being more powerful and dangerous, Harry became the first one magical governments thought about when a new dark lord would try to take over the world. And when he would defeat them other dark lords saw this as a challenge and targeted him.

Being bored of all this Harry decided to look for a solution to entertain him, and he found it in the form of the veil hidden deep in the British ministry. Sneaking in one day for fun Harry discovered the notes that the unspeakable had written.

Apparently the veil was not just an object that would kill anyone who went through, but actually a portal to other dimensions. The unspeakables discovered this when after sending many charmed objects through, one apple came straight back out.

They theorised that the portal would take you to a random dimension and the apple happened to be sent back to theirs.

And it was decided. Harry Potter was going to travel to a random dimension through this portal and find his excitement.

(A week later)

It didn't take long for Harry to prepare for his journey, he was always ready to up and move his life after spending years on the run. But the hardest thing for him to do was ensure no one would follow him into the veil. He planned to destroy the archway after he had traveled over with a delayed explosion.

So finally Harry stood, looking into the rippling veil as he thought one last time about his decision, and like all the other times in the past week when he stopped to think about his plan, he was sure that this was the right choice for him.

With only the black outfit of jeans, a black T-shirt and hoodie, and his bag of possessions he stepped forward, leaving his first home behind for an adventure into the unknown.

Some of you may realise this is the same as my other HP Fanfic and that’s because the UI was messed up on that one so I decided to republish the prologue on a fixed novel.

Shuckycreators' thoughts
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