
005: Bag Full of Cats

(One week later)

I might be powerful but even this is tiring. Over the past week I had spent my time setting up safe houses all over the country and so far I have 13 ready for me at any moment.

I told Alison that I was flying around checking on some of my investments but I maintained contact with her all week.

While at a pay phone in New York I discussed with Alison my plans. "I'm going to hop on a flight to London and just check in with my home over there"

"Okay so I know you're rich and all but how many places do you have?"

I laughed "hmm including the 7 islands and the resort in Switzerland, a lot. I'll leave it at that. Alright Ally I'm going to grab a cab and catch my flight, I'll talk to you when I land."

"Don't forget about the time difference, if you wake me up I'll be very upset"

"Bye Ally" I hung up and walked away from the pay phone. Walking down an alleyway I check my surroundings to make sure I'm alone then with a barely audible snap I disappeared.

As soon as I arrive in my destination a moment later I immediately know what something was wrong. I apperated into a quiet alley close to the leaky cauldron on my old world. This close to a major magical hub any wizard should be able to feel the magical signature leaking into the muggle world but I dealt nothing.

With some hurry I left my landing point and headed to the famous spot of the leaky cauldron, only to find a brick wall in place of the old door and sign that would normally be there. After placing a small secrecy charm I transfigured one of the bricks into glass and peered through to the other side of the wall.

What I saw was a deserted and run down plot of land which looked destroyed. I could see all the way to the back which would house the secret portal to Diagon Ally but all that was there now was some old newspaper and dirt.

Feeling a sense of loss and loneliness I decided to head to a hotel and get myself a room and some rest before going back home tomorrow morning. I was powerful but long distance apperation was still uncomfortable. I left my hotel and went to grab some food before heading back and leaving my hotels number with Ally on her answering machine. After that I went to sleep hoping to feel better after some rest.

What woke me up was the shrill ring of the hotel phone right next to me head on the side table, and what fully woke me up was picking it up and hearing the shill scream of Alison on the other end.

"Ally! Where are you?" The only response I got was a crackly scream until I could hear a small and forced out "H-ho..me" in an instant I was in my feet and disappeared from the hotel room.

Ari ing back in Jerome something felt off, getting a sense of deja vu. Except this feeling wasn't the absence of magic, it was like the air was electric. Running as fast as I could I arrived at Ally's house, it was small but she loved it. So my next action would need some forgiveness.

As I was running towards the house I erected some privacy charms and a barrier so that the neighbours wouldn't be alerted to all the sound coming from the house, before I reached the door I flicked my hand and the door blasted off it's hinges.

Rushing into the house my body felt wrong, it was like something was trying to grab onto my nerves and tear them apart, for a brief second it was agony but after some magical reinforcement the effect was voided.

Not knowing where in the house Ally was I paused for a second for a clue, a clue which came in the form of a scream from the second floor. I sprinted up the stairs almost 5 at a time and rushed towards the sound. What I saw was confusing for me and made me temporarily forget I was a wizard.

Alison was bloody and curled against a wall with a person sized dent in it, whe was dressed in only ripped pyjama shorts and a bloody crop top. Instead of using magic I hearted myself at the figure dressed in purple clothes and hurled a punch, the figure seemed to sense me and raised its hands in order to do something.

The figure which I could see was a woman opened her hand and I started to feel my body become lighter until I was almost floating. The figure who had a bag in her other hand flexed her fingers again but this time nothing happened and she frowned.

This small gap allowed me to increase the density of my shoes by transfiguring the soles into lead. When I was on the floor again I sent an overpowered red stunner at the woman and watched her get blasted out of Ally's bedroom window. Feeling the effects of the woman disappear I reverted my shoes back to normal and rushed to Ally's side.

"Ally? Ally are you okay?!" I looked at her face and could see the scared look in her eyes. "Alright Ally let's get you cleaned up okay?"

"Harry, you need to call someone, I can't feel my legs!" She started sobbing and shaking. I quickly used some cleaning charms and conjured a robe around her to wear. "Ally, I need you to be very very still for a minute okay?" She nodded and I placed my hand on her stomach.

I reached out with my magic and assessed her damage, from what I could tell the mystery woman was able to harm Ally's nerves and somehow paralyse her. It was scarily similar to the torture curse that Harry was familiar with.

Figuring out what was wrong with her body Harry started to heal ally's body, the warm green glow from his hands seemed to hypnotise Ally as she watched and dealt the pain leave and feeling come back to her legs.

"We need to get you to a hospital so they can check over your body okay? I'll explain everything soon but right now what's important is making sure you're okay" Allison only nodded at him and didn't say a thing.

Now that he knew Ally was okay he went to check in the woman who had attacked his friend. But as he looked down at the street below he only saw rubble and debris but no woman. Angry he thought about running after her but realised he had more important things to do.

Turning around he was Ally was standing with her back to him and looking for some clothes. She picked out a shirt and jeans and started changing in front of him, feeling strange he turned around sharply once she went to take her shorts off. After feeling a tap on his shoulder he turned and saw her looking at him.

Clearing his throat he said "well I guess the cats out of the bag, let's go get you checked up by a doctor. Grab my hand" she looked confused but did as asked. Then Harry apperated them to a close hospital and turned her around so she could empty her stomach away from him.

"Sorry but it's the fastest way to get you looked at."

"She looked at him angrily and for the first time that night she said to him "never do that again or your weird light show won't protect you from me"

Letting out a laugh Harry took her hand and walked her to the hospital entrance. They were lucky and it was apparently a quiet night so they didn't wait long. After Ally had the all clear from a doctor they walked out of the hospital and there was an awkward pause between them.

Surprising Harry it was Ally who broke the silence, "Alright, you have a lot of explaining and I'm hungry so let's get some food, but we're taking a taxi this time okay?"

"Fine by me" I replied, happy she wasn't running away from me. We managed to find a taxi and headed to a small restaurant. We sat down away from the small number of other patrons and ordered some food. "So…" I said to break the tension. "Yeah so." She replied.


[Please comment some suggestions or criticism, it all helps me in the long run and if you think you'll like this story then I guess it helps you as well :)]