
Border of Reality

I'm laying down on something soft. Turning my head, my gaze is met by the deepest green-colored grass, that is blowing slightly in the breeze. I stand up as fast as I can and take in my surroundings, trees line all sides of the grass clearing I'm standing in. I look down at myself, I'm wearing a green flowy gown that grazes the blades of grass. The place and gown are beautiful, almost magical. A small white fox comes bouncing into the clearing to my right and I giggle at its prancing motions, it almost seems like it's happy to see me. It jogs up to me and lays on its back, looking up with questioning eyes. I kneel down and begin petting its stomach, the fox making happy yipping noises and kicking its hind legs makes me laugh a little more. I stand up after spending a couple of minutes scratching the fox's fur "Good boy." I tell it before going to walk off in any direction into the forest before me. "Actually, child, I'm a girl, but I'll forgive you this time around." A female voice sounds from behind me where I left the white fox, turning around I'm met with the most beautiful-looking woman wearing a flowy white gown, with fox-like features playing on her face. "How did that, oh this is a dream isn't it?" I ask motioning around to the place and woman before me. The white-haired woman lets out a yipping laugh nodding, "Of course, this is a dream! My name is Tyroh I'm a fox spirit." the older woman holds out a hand initiating me to take it. "My name is Selki." I take the fox lady's hand and shake it. "What a beautiful name, Selki, sounds magical." She winks at me, smiling away. Says the magical fox lady. "May I accompany you on your exploration?" Tyroh asks me tilting her head to the side curiously. "Of course, it'll be fun." I smile sweetly at the lady, her personality is childlike, and it's hard to believe she's older than me. She then transforms back into her fox shape and starts to lead me on an adventure.

Daoist1tss4e · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Rise and Shine

A bright light shines in on my eyes making me squint my already closed eyes, I roll over to escape, and am met with something soft and warm; I go to cuddle into the warmth until it starts to move, the last time I checked I slept alone. My eyes fly open and are met with with icy blue ones, Tyroh, it all comes rushing back to me, the emerald marble, the clearing, the mystic, and all the creatures I've met so far. Tyroh smiles before siting up while letting out a yawn.

"Good morning, I'm sorry about last night." She says, I sit up stretching the stiffness out of my bones, after I shrug in response, not knowing exactly what she was referring to. "I normally don't get that tired after playing around with the Nymphs, they were extra rowdy yesterday." I nod realizing she meant falling asleep as fast as she did, I shake my head in disagreement with her apology. "No because like same." with that line we both laugh, I sounded almost as young as she did, I start to wonder if this place had some type of power on our age, not that I see it as a bad a thing.

"I have a ton of dresses that you can see if they fit." She says getting off the bed and walking up to another door on the opposite of the room, opening it she reveals a walk-in closet. I nod follwing in her footsteps I get off the bed and walk into the closet. On each side there are dresses ranging in color, my jaw goes slack in disbelief, they are absolutely beautiful. I pick out a vantablack dress, which catches my eye with the way it soaks up all of the light shinging on it. "Ohhh that dress is definitely screaming you right now!" Tyroh exclaims in response to my choice. "We definitely need to make your ball gown that color." she gushes when I walk out from the built on bathroom in the gown, I look down at the floor length skirt, that is void of any color and I feel a sense of happiness fall on me. Most of my clothing back at home consists of different shades of black and grey, so I'd definitely be in my comfort zone with this upcoming ball.

After getting ready we make our way towards the kitchen to get breakfast, Ayame is sitting at the table seemingly excited about something. As Tyroh and I sit down beside each other she breaks into an even bigger grin. "So I sent out the invitations after I left you three yesterday, and after waiting twenty or so minutes there were a few answers back, then later after waking up the rest had responded with the same answer as everyone else's.." We give all of our attention to the overly-excited Ayame, me already assuming the answer being yes. "They all responded with a yes!" she exclaims, Tyroh claps her hands in excitement at the news, I just sit there and nod at the news, I don't know what to feel at this point, other than happiness for their happiness, it was like they were waiting for an excuse to have a ball, or even party, it must be boring here on a day-to-day basis.

We talk about decoration ideas over breakfast, which is still overly enticing like last night's meal. All twelve territories wanted to party, now all we had to do was plan the fanciest ball that they will ever attend in their lives, one lucky leader meeting their soulmate by the end of the night. I start to wonder how I would react to finding out who, or what I'm destined to be with for the rest of my life, my heart skipping in nervousness. Ayame looks at me as if almost sensing what I'm feeling, she sends me a reassuring smile, it settles my nerves a little. We end breakfast and Ayane asks if I could come and talk to her for a minute.

"I just want to know if there was any way I could make your time here more comfortable?" Her expression held concern, I start to shake my head, "No, of course not, it has been a great time being able to be here." She gives me a look of disbelief. "Well one of my guards told me that you were adjusting pretty badly, said something about you attacking him without any reason." My jaw goes slack at the newfound information, those little shits! I shake my head in disapproval, she looks as if she doesn't believe me for a couple of seconds. "That's is not at all what happened." I chuckle out darkly, not towards Ayame but at the audacity of her guards. "They were coming at Tyroh in a defensive manner, so I handled it." I shrug dismissively she nods listening to my side of the story, I, hoping for all the good reasons, seeing as I don't know how things actually go around here. "Well knowing the tension between the three I believe you, they have an indescribable malice towards each other." It's her turn to chuckle darkly, I wonder how much she has to keep up on around here.

Ayame excuses herself after I explain my side of the story, with newfound information about the ball, it's to occur this weekend, a small ball of excitement starts to bubble in my chest. I'm off to find Tyroh wondering what trouble she has gotten herself into after I left her unattended, she really is like a child in so many ways, I was surprised that she didn't try to eat random ass things like a child did. I shake my head at the thought of her shoving a dirty rock in her mouth for no particular reason other than to see how it tastes. Finally after what seemed like an hour I find her in the clearing where we first met, in her white fox-form. I smile at the sight of her prancing around the flying fairies, as I walk towards them some of the fairies come to a stand-still, noticing the change of emotion in the room Tyroh turns around seeing me she fully sprints towards me. I squeal and close my eyes afraid of impact, but it never comes, I open my open eyes to see her sitting on her hind legs with her tongue sticking out of the side of her mouth with excited pants. "You scared me." I say and swat at her retreating form yapping in laughter causing me to laugh as well.

I roll my eyes at her as she transforms back into human form still laughing at my reaction. "You should've saw your face." She says through gasps of laughter as I sit there arm crossed pouting. "Not funny, at all." she laughs still so I turn around and start to walk back in the direction of the castle. "No wait! I'm sorry." Tyroh shouts out to my reatreating person, I smirk before turning back around with a straight face, she sits in front of me with nervous eyes. "Did Ayame say anything about the ball?" I nod my head in response, smiling when she breaks out in a happy dance, the one thing I would definitely miss is her. "It's going to happen this weekend in fact." I inform her waving at the fairies that were still flying around. She breaks out into a full grin and I can't help to feel the same way as her.

Being here has shown me the most enchanted moments that I will never get anywhere else and some part of me doesn't what to go back to my somewhat boring life that I unwillingly left. A part of me dreads the thought of going back to my old life wanting to stay in this realm for the rest of my life.