
Chapter 1

The audacity. The audacity they have to stand before me and create a government. Did they not realise that I was a literal anarchist? Did they not realise that tyrants and governments were what got them into this mess in the first place?

Tommy and Tubbo celebrate on the stage, and I growl slightly.

"I don't really know what a president does!" Tubbo chirps nervously, grin widening further still. I turn in my seat, looking past the faces of the people I had just fought, right at Dream. He gives me a cheeky wave and launches his fist into his open hand and points to Tubbo. I squint a little and turn back to the stage.

People start to cheer and get up, removing any decorations left from the sad attempt at a festival. I stand and stare at Tommy and Tubbo as someone whispers in my ear,

"Team Chaos?" Dream breathes, "I have your back."

~Who do they think they are?

I shake my head and try to breathe. Everyone around me is talking merrily and my hands start to jerk towards my trident.

~Kill them, Technoblade.

"Shut up." I mumble, rubbing my eyes furiously. Tubbo bounds around cheerfully, talking about how he wants no more fighting and peace for us all. Colourful dots dance in my vision as anger creeps in past the boundaries of logic.

"So, all that stuff about a traitor, was that all bullshit?" Tommy's voice is like a whip being cracked next to my ear. Dreams chuckles merrily,

"Oh no! There is a traitor!"

~Kill them,

"Well, it's a bit late, isn't it?" Tommy cackles and Tubbo's tinkling laughter enters my ears.

~Kill them all.

I grab Tubbo by the back of his green shirt and throw him to the right, in a small clearing near the back row of seats.

"I'd say they're just on time." Dream says with a smile. Tubbo skids along the floor and I stalk after him.


Uproar breaks out as everyone runs to protect the president, but I send a warning lot of fireworks out behind me, spraying dangerous colour. I smack Tubbo in the back of the head with the blunt end of my trident as I arrive to his cowering form, again sending him sprawling to his hands and knees.

"Alright, LISTEN UP!" I shout at the crowd of people, spinning wildly to the other side of the small clearing. "I did not spend MONTHS planning and preparing for this revolution so you could just replace one tyrant with another! DON'T YOU SEE? Don't you see the vicious cycle – HISTORY'S REPEATING ITSELF. Schlatt wasn't the cause of your problems, GOVERNMENT was. Absolute power corrupts absolutely!"

Everyone stayed in a mostly stunned silence as I spoke. Dream and Punz had made their way behind me, and I shoved away the feeling of distrust after being betrayed by family and friends time and time again. I shoved the trident against Tubbo's head to ward off any brave souls.

"What are you SAYING?" Tommy screams, standing at the front of the horrified pack, always the leader and the hero. Well not today, today it ends.

"I'm saying there needs to be NO government-" I stop abruptly as an axe is launched at Tommy's head, spinning end over end. Tommy dodges with surprising skill, swearing colourfully as Dream and his goons shout war cries and start their onslaught.

"I see I was wrong to rely on others." I say bluntly. I jump at Quackity and swing my crossbow into action. Fighting was but second nature to me after all these years.

"THE GOVERNMENT ENDS HERE!" I roar, chasing Fundy now, "I'LL KILL IT MYSELF!"

The mix of screams of the people around me and the people in me blend perfectly, a harmonious cry. I run after Fundy, vaulting over different obstacles with a certain grace that only came with practice. I put one hand on a table as I throw myself over, tackling the fox boy to the ground. He looks up at me with fear swirling in his eyes and I notice a little bright red beard hair growing out of his chin.


I feel a wave of horror swallows me suddenly as I pull myself to reality, where I had my axe to Fundy's throat. A tear streams down his face and I pull back violently, this is my nephew! He scurries away, tripping over himself as he looks back at his uncle, kneeled and drooping in shame.

Eret zips past me, shooting his crossbow haphazardly behind him. I instinctually jump up, pushing the ground away from me as I give chase.

"I'm going to need that armour back!" I roar at the old traitor's back. As I run the ground shakes and my knees wobble under me. I look around in shock as the world collapses in on itself. I run on the land as it falls, leaping for the edge. I land on my chest and scrape the broken earth with my arms to pull myself up. The sudden explosions from the hidden TNT disorients me. I get up, dusting myself off and the voices go silent as I take in the landscape.

Manburg had been ripped to shreds, stray TNT still exploding. I didn't think he would do it; I thought the death of Manburg was a distant wisp of an idea. I shake the ringing in my ears away, as I start to pick my way through the debris. The shock of Manburg's sudden demise wears off and I grin widely. There's no point of a government with no land to claim as their own.

I make my way to the stage to yell my freedom to the world, before stopping short as I realise the hill it once stood on is now blown in half revealing a room, apparently filled with the two people I trust most in this broken world. I gasp slightly as Wilbur and my father argue with one another, but their words escape me, drowned out by Dream's victorious cackling and Tommy's shattered screams. Wilbur motions to us feebly and something inside me crumbles as Phil slides a sword into Wilbur's stomach. Both their names get stuck in my throat as Wilbur falls.

Blood rushes in my ears as Phil's wings obstruct my view of the heart-breaking scene. Anger overcomes my sadness and my resolve steels. I stomp off to the right, to the clearing that I had Tubbo at his knees not ten minutes ago and open a bag that I'd had slung over my shoulder. I pour out the contents onto the ground and make two piles of brown sand. The sand slows down my movement and faces of screaming souls pass through it. I stick two large, black skulls in each pile and hold two more in one arm as I turn to a squealing voice,


(I'll get back into some sort of routine, dw)

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