
Book of Soul

WordlyMysteries · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Not So Smart

Seeing as the wolf has no problem dealing with the leopard Yu decides to check on what he thinks the cause of this problem is, so he heads into the room straight toward the Castel Core

The Core was visibly shining brighter than it used to, other than that Yu felt nothing different so he decided to check the active functions of the Core

Closing his eyes, he entered the white room again and holds the pedestal promoting the white screen to appear, he chose tab of the screen, and saw 3 active functions on it, reading on he understood that his assumptions were indeed correct


Provide Air: Increase Wind Attribute 4 Core Units

Fortify Walls: Increase Earth Attribute: 2 Core Units



Karme had indeed put these new functions herself, it wasn't hard to guess why she did it, clearly she wanted more air to breath and fortified the walls so the fire wouldn't burn through the earthen walls of the Core room

It's easy to understand and once you hear about it you would think that its taken for granted that this would be a logical solution, but when you are put on the spot, with flames surrounding you and a roof falling on top of your head then you would be hard-pressed to think that you need oxygen first and then come up with a plan that would lead you more into the fire at a heavy cost none the less

'Most importantly how did she know that the cores could be used by people other than the owner too, I've never heard of that before'

Sure the bodies former resident didn't read much but surely he wouldn't miss such an important detail

'Hmm maybe she didn't know maybe she wanted to use the core to get out but after thinking about it for a little she decided to try the idea out'

Maybe Yu was overestimating Karme's intelligence, maybe it was a fluke, sadly the dead can't speak thus it would forever remain a mystery

"Well if she had then the Units I had used would have been wasted, though I would have gotten six Unites in their place to use on other ideas I had, still though, if she really had the idea to use them from the beginning then doesn't that make her a lot smarter than I am?"

The question lingered on Yu's mind for a while. The only thing that set him apart from the others currently was his intelligence and his willingness to use traps and shameless tactics as he had nothing to lose honour-wise, but today proved to him that he wasn't as smart as he thought he was, at least the others weren't stupid either, if not because Karme had her mind shaken by her sister's death she might not have fallen for such a cheap tactic

"Seems like the only thing that I've had on my side all this while was luck, and that's the one thing I've learnt not to rely on as it would definitely bite back whenever it wanted"

The only thing that a person would get when relying on luck is being played with, as even if you got what you wanted at the end the way you got it could have been extremely excruciating

"I need to be more prudent, take fewer risks, and plan ahead more, this world isn't a game nor is it a world that revolves around me, variables exist everywhere and each one is more fatal than the other, if I'm gonna go out then at least I should go out with a flare, two lame deaths would destroy my confidence even if I got another chance at life."

Yu took a deep breath and exited the white room, he checked on the battel to see it had already ended, the wolf was dragging the body of the leopard to the back, Yu decided to stop wasting time and start making good on his new conviction so he set about to create a new stage for his next visitor, since he didn't expect anyone with a purpose, or at least he thought so, he decided that making it simple would be the way to go

Merely an hour later he was already done with his plans, so without further ado he went to the back on the now burnt mansion and sat at the edge of the territory, once he sensed danger he would instantly jump outside it and either kill himself or fight it out outside of the death range

"Hmm now that I think about it maybe I shouldn't have killed so many people, I could have killed myself and got ejected out of this place, then I would be able to avoid trouble altogether, since I'm going to have to go back to the Southern Paradise anyway I'm definitely gonna have to face the consequences of my actions, while the management is to blame for this, and I could feign ignorance of the way to go out the other families would still put pressure on mine to have me killed, especially after the latest incident"

Thinking to the boy who put him in this predicament Yu found it strange that he couldn't hate him, sure he was annoying and his heaven-defying attitude was unnerving to say the least, but the kid was right in what he did, after all the original owner had killed his parents and got his little sister to commit suicide, well the last one he was blamed for although he did not see any reason for him to be the cause of her suicide in the memories but he didn't dwell on the thought long as it wasn't important whether it was his fault anymore

"The question is should I end this already or should I continue fighting, I stand to gain nothing from killing these people, its not like killing them will raise my Rank anyway since im not even fighting them directly nor am I stealthily killing them, setting traps doesn't help with the rank up as far as I know, maybe a little but that much and more could be done easily if my family allows me to fight some beasts from their arena"

Ranking up wasn't hard in this world, at least up to gold, as all you had to do was fight your way up, the hard part was getting good beasts, and since you needed beasts to fight then it means that you had to waste pages on the rank you are at currently, usually, nobles form the Southern Paradise didn't contract bronze rank Soul Beasts but they had to for the Dimensional Battlefield, an upgraded Castel Core was nothing to scoff at, even in this rich region, but since Yu couldn't get any more Units he is still not benefiting in any way.

"I could probably scare the others away with the damage I already caused, sparing them could give me more credibility but…"

It just didn't sit right with him…

"I'm not one that can't forgive and forget, even if someone came here with the intention of killing me if I can withstand their assault and spare them to gain greater benefit then I can probably gain some benefit, at least Il have one less family breathing down my neck"

Still though, it did not sit right with him, he was thrown here to die if he escaped, to die if he stayed, and with no Soul Beasts, when he was transported he had nothing special about him, there were only tricks and underhanded tactics that he could use

A tired and resigned breath escaped his lips

"I can see a grim future if I continue the path of revenge. Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves. A wise saying indeed"

He took a deep breath and set aside his vengeance, he decided to talk it out with anyone who came, scare them even, run if must, but not to kill them at all costs

"Hmm actually I could even blame them for each other's deaths, after all what would you rather believe? Some trash with no Soul Beasts whatsoever suddenly gained supreme power and defeated his foes one after the other, or that they had a conflict and killed each other instead not believing me when I told them about the life negation lock"

People are realistic, they would rather believe in the twisted human heart than miracles, as for the Life Negation Lock? Who would believe the management if they say they already told them about it when they weren't supposed to use this to begin with, they'd think that they're trying to escape punishment but all

His mind sprang into action as he plot ways to twist the truth, it would be hard but feasible, he wouldn't get out unscathed but he would definitely get out alive


Suddenly a faint sound could be heard from the distant mansion, it was like an electricity crack much weaker than that of thunder but definitely powerful since it could be heard from this distance

Yu stared at the mansion in bewilderment, which turned into recognition, after which his eyes portrayed the ridiculousness he felt


He suddenly rushed toward the mansion, hoping whoever came was smart enough to outsmart his plans