
Book of Soul

WordlyMysteries · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Kameha.. I mean Fairy~ Blast!

A while ago

'Where am I?

Why can't I see?

How come I don't feel my body?'


'Laugh! Someone is here? Show yourself!'

"Ahahaha~ Come closer"

'Where are you?'

"I'm next to you silly~ just follow the light"


'Light! I can see again…. But should I follow it? I don't know what it is or where I am'

"Just follow your heart"


The light got closer and closer, with it the holy women's voice, until it was within arm's reach

'My heart…'

"Listen to what it tells you"

After looking at it for what felt like an eternity Adrian finely stretched his non-existent arms toward the light…

"Hehehe~ enjoy~"

And pressed it toward his heart!

"What! No! you can't do that! You will die and nothing will be left behind! I can't let my chance of escape vanish after all these years!"

The sound seemed to be coming from the light, it no longer sounded joyful but angry

"You don't know what's good for you, let me go right now and follow me, you will only kill yourself if you continue"

Adrian ignored the voice as he continued to forcefully press it into his heart, his feelings proved to be correct as seconds later it absorbed it like it was a delicacy

"WHAT! NO! How could this be possible? You! YOUR NOT HUMAN! Let me go Let me Go!"

The light's now childish voice panicked as it started to gain a hint of sobbing to it

'Maybe… it's not bad after all?'

His heart suddenly slowed down, and instead of devouring the last bit of light it instead encompassed it with a glow that was shining more brightly than the light could ever hope to

"Your *Sob* letting me go? *Sob*"

'Please… save my aunt…. And… Ning…Rou'

"*Sob* you eat me and then throw orders at me! You're horrible! See how I punish you when you wake up"

The light gradually gained its vibrant tone although it remained childish

"Humph! But I'll do it for you just this once, after all, you are…."

The voice trailed off, then the world started to shine brighter and brighter as the light used the power the heart had given it, though it was actually its own power, just a highly purified version of it, it shined until it shattered into pieces


A sound was heard within the darkness followed by the blooming of the flower that represented the only light within, but what one thought were petals turned out to be wings, wings that unfurled revealing a fairy holding onto the sleeping boy that seemed to fall from heaven

"Hahaha I'm finely out! Though my form looks to have regressed a few years, I'm finely able to escape"

Those words escaped the fairy's lips in one of the most melodious voices you could ever hear

Then looking down at the sleeping boy the fairy produced a pout, as a little blame tinged those happy eyes

"Huuu! Brute! Not only have you eaten all my centuries of energy you even shoved such a big responsibility onto me!"

The fairy couldn't help but complain a second time, even so her actions didn't seem to hold much hesitation as she suddenly flapped her wings, ripping through the darkness like a hot knife through paper, the raven which took all Adrian's energy and willpower to cross was actually crossed by her just like that

She was out within seconds, though the light around her seemed to dim a little

"Yawn~ it's good to flex after all these years"

The darkness didn't seem to agree with her sentiment though as it erupted out in pursuit, it seemed even more eager to keep her in now than it ever was before

"Tsk pesky brat, you think you can hold I the great Elm Lumiona Phyre Muri - hey hey slow down! Don't you have the decency to at least let a character fully introduce themselves!? I still had 8 names to go!"

Elm Lumiona Ph…. The fairy streaked out as she was interrupted, her speed was much slower than the ones she used as she got out of the darkness, but it was fast none the less, at least the darkness would have a hard time catching up

"Alright this little guy wanted me to find his aunt and some Ning watcha call her, Hmm I'll just trace his energy back to his Core, it must be close"

Sure enough, she found the location with quite ease, though the light around her seemed to dim yet again, but the fairy didn't fret

'Hmm that's his…aunt? She looks so young and her aura is, well, quite familiar? Hmm guess I'll check into her when were out, by the time I'm done with her I would know everything I need to about this little brute!'

She unceremoniously carried the two girls without disturbing her flight, the darkness was on its way and she needed to make as much-

"Oh crap the core!"

She suddenly halted in midair, then went back and brought Adrian's Castle Core before flying off once again

'Don't want that nasty brat locating us through it, I'll get rid of it once were outside'

The two in her left arm shouted and squirmed in protest but she ignored them, the land became under their feet, but while it took her some time she managed to reach South most of the Battlefield after putting quite the distance between her and the darkness

As she slowed down she suddenly spotted a figure running the opposite way everyone was, he seemed to head toward the darkness, what caught her eye was his fluctuating aura of light and darkness, for he was too out of place among this rugged bunch

'Hmm, no time'

She moved on to the mansion before dropping all three people on the ground, she didn't humor the humans in explaining the situation before ascending into the skies once again and hiding herself within her wings

'Alright the Cores will buy quite some time for me to prepare my technique, let's just hope it's enough, if I can't make it by the time it gets here… well let's just hope it dosnt'

She started to circulate the energy that was given to her into her hands, holding it like a ball, continuing to condense the purified energy more and more as she gathered as much as she could for her technique, all while the light around her dimmed more and more until it was barely recognizable

'Almost there'

As if on divine que the darkness reared its ugly head out from the distance

'Huh? It's already here? No I still need to direct the blast!'

Realizing she had not put enough distance as she thought she exerted more effort into finishing the technique, but the ball of light started to deform under the pressure

'Dammit! I can't rush it or I won't be certain of the results, even if me and that little guy are fine his precious ones won't be'

The darkness came closer and closer, while the ball got more and more out of control, it seemed like the fairy had to make a choice soon, break her promise, or risk her life

"W-what a stupid brat! aren't you satisfied with imprisoning me for centuries and now you want to kill me too? You can't bully people like that!"

Alas her words were thrown into empty wind, while time ticked away quickly

'It… It seems I have to-'


It seemed another had made the choice for her as a sudden explosion of energy blew near the edge of darkness, when the fairy looked closer she could barely make out a figure at the center of the explosion, holding up his hands in victory

'It's that guy from before! But how did he know how to stop the darkness… no it's not the time to think about those things, I can't waste the time he had bought me with his life'

The deformed ball started to smooth out, thinning down little by little, and by the time the explosion was about to fade away another one came, this time it came from the skies, as the fairy opened her wings once again, and with the same posture as the figure she just saw she threw the light into the darkness


The clash shook the earth and ruptured the sky, light and darkness could not be told apart anymore, while space itself cracked down, sucking in everything in the Dimension out, or throwing them into the void

"Haah~ thank you mysterious stranger, whoever..you….are"

Finely unable to stay awake herself, the fairy barrels down from the sky turning into a small light as she did, and falling into the now wide awake and gaping Adrian, slipping into his body with him none the wiser