
Book of Soul

WordlyMysteries · Fantasy
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70 Chs


Back in the hall again Yu was sitting quietly on one of the couches, his mind wasn't thinking about the new group at all for he really wasn't in the mood to think about anything complicated right now, instead he was wondering when he could get a good bath

"I really want to get some rest"

He didn't mean sleep as it wouldn't come to him anyway, what he meant was a few days where he didn't have to worry for his life or be on guard, a little peace in his overexciting life

This group was his hope for that sorely lacking safety but with how hostile they were acting he could forget depending on them for some protection

'I even kind of want to stay with the old man a little more'

"What got your mind up in the clouds kid"

The old man interrupted his thoughts with the nasty breath coming from the side, it seems he wasn't the only one in need of a bath

Behind the drunkard were the rest of the group save for Celaine and Calum, Trudy was acting all normal again and Jax was giving off an indifferent look, Udo on the other hand had a scowl on his face, it was unknown whether it was caused by his loss, the energy coming from Dead Silence, or Yu causing his mother to shake in her boots, either way, things weren't going to go well with the two of them

Trying to ignore the three he replied in askance of a bath

"A bath you say? Who's got time for a bath! Were going drinking tonight to celebrate your admission into the group"

"You go celebrate I'll go wash up"

Yu remained steadfast in his answer, steadfast as one can be while being dragged out without care for an opinion…


The old man and the reluctant to follow four people soon arrived at a big but shabby tavern, waltzing into the place only to find all the tables taken

"Over here ol' begger"

Invited a rough yet feminine voice promoting them all to look at one of the tables where only two people were seated

Seeing the buffed up woman and her young female companion the old geezer gave a wide smile and walked up to them with the four in tow

"Long time no see Gaga, you finally popped one out ay?"

The old man teased looking at the young girl beside her

"I wish, this kid is our groups newest member, Amy"

"Hello grandpa"

Amy greeted politely, at least it appeared so to Yu until he noticed how ignored everyone else was in their conversation

"How about you all take a seat and have some drinks with us, I'd like to catch up with you old man"

Finally, they were included in her words, even then it wasn't that direct, it seemed as if they were reluctant too even speak with them

A complaint didn't come from the three though so Yu didn't bother with the matter either and just took a seat with the rest, he couldn't help but notice however how Trudy and Jax took seats directly opposite to him, only Udo took one next to him while the old man sat next to the muscular woman and the two began drinking together, laughing widely and without care

The people in the tavern spotted their presence a while ago so eyes were already on them before the two got extra rowdy, it was only after a couple of minutes however did the nearby tables start whispering

"Isn't that the infamous"..."

"Yah, I heard all about it too…"

Many eyes glanced at them from time to time, afraid to lay on them for too long but curious enough to risk looking

"Don't mind them, we're kind of a big deal around him so get used to it"

Muettred Udo next to him, which sounded more like bragging than advice

The whispers soon got louder and louder and they were finally able to hear what everyone was talking about

"I don't believe that guy came here of all places"

"The Walking Calamity is what I heard they were calling him"

"Calamity? Isn't that exaggerated, he did attempt to assassinate the prince but failed no?"

"What do you know, he killed the soldiers of two entire cities and almost got the prince killed, he would have succeeded even if not for the Old Beggar's interference"

"He didn't even try to do it himself, that old man himself said it was just the remnants of his energy that caused the chaos, imagine if he actually tried to kill the prince..."

"Speaking of the devil, isn't that old man beside them the Old Beggar"

"Should be, after all it took him so much effort to catch this dude so he probably won't be letting him out of sights for a while"

The conversations were now loud enough for everyone to hear, it was as if they were competing on who knew more of the disastrous incident, it even caught Gaga's attention let alone the three who's group he supposedly joined

Not done with ranting one of the tables continued to recount his misdeeds

"He also caused so many fires, burned a pillar tree in the Whimsical Wilds even, I expect a lot of bonfires in Goldfields sometime soon"

"Hah, not just fires you can …"

One of the men was about to continue on only to see his companions pointing at his back with their eyes causing his words to halt as he slowly turned around to look at the object of their talk sitting a table away from him now holding one of the branches waving it at him menacingly

'What a bother'

Thought Yu as he lowered the makeshift crutch after threatening the men into silence, he should have done so from the beginning though since Trudy and Jax were looking at him like he was a reaper rather than a human, Udo was the only one who didn't seem freaked out but that was because he was busy being down about his lost face, he just told the other party how infamous they were only for the talk to be all around the man in question, there wasn't even a mention of them at all...

I posted this chapter in the wrong story so it got delayed haha, my bad....

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