
Book of Soul

WordlyMysteries · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Careless Visitors

Nighttime, within the withered forest, the old mansion had a faint candlelight flickering about, with its abandoned look and strangely quiet atmosphere a scene like this would send even adults running.

It was such a place that Yu was trapped in and like anyone else he was full of complaint but as he can only talk to an angry wolf or a scared spider he swallowed his complaints and drank his wine.

Near to the time, the moon was at its brightest and Yu was at his drowsiest, a small spider crept in through the huge door and made its way to him. Yu, noticing the spider, got up, brought some meat and gave it to the small fist-sized spider. Though scared at first the spider accepted the meat as it had expanded much energy making the net.

"Good job, eat up now while I check the trap and hide it, once you're finished I need you to make one more trap"

The spider after hearing the last bit, stared at Yu with horror as it thought he was really just punishing it.

"Don't worry it's not as big as this one, just four threads, after making it you can go back to rest"

Although not sure of its fate the spider quietly eats its food, while Yu strides out of the mansion to look at the net.

Five meters away from the house a big spider net can be seen, covering a meter wide, and two-meter-deep pit. After sitting down next to it, Yu touches the web examining its strength and elasticity, and while this web was made by a spider it had no sticky feelings at it, it is because all the Fairy Silk Spiders can produce is silk, that is why the only use of these Soul Beasts is making materials for clothes, and the level of the materials depends on the rank of the spider but these silks still fall short compared to many other materials. These Soul Beasts however have a peculiar thing about them, and that is if they ever evolve to the Fairy Silk Queen then they would be coveted by all, even in the Southern Paradise, as the silk of the queen can even withstand the might of a gold-ranked weapon which means that its comparable to gold-ranked armour that is easily made and restored.

But the Queen is just as rare as she is good, and the third master only got the spider because he was blinded by greed, not taking into account that if it was really as the seller had told him then he would keep it to himself rather than selling it.

"Thankfully the spider is still useful, at least I can make some traps with its help, unlike the python which cannot be of help in any plan."

Getting up Yu heads to the mansion and takes the blanket that was of the very few sensible items brought and uses it to cover the hole then he proceeds to fill it with little amounts of dirt, just enough so the web doesn't fall and then levels the dirt with the ground and covers it with light withered branches.

Finishing all this Yu calls out to the spider, having it make four threads tied on each side of the muddy path leading to the mansion, with them being as thin and low as possible while maintaining enough strength to hold the knife that he would place on one end of the tree.

"Good job, you can have a rest now"

Chanting a few syllables again Yu unsummoned the spider and proceeded to summon the wolf.

"You and I will take shifts as night guards, don't leave the mansion for any reason and if anyone comes inform me first"

The wolf growls in response, seemingly annoyed at Yu and enters the mansion after him.

And so a slow night passed peacefully for the two dwellers of the mansion as if foretelling a calm before the storm.

As the darkness retreats and the light is cast upon the old mansion a wolf can be seen standing near the window staring at the withered forest sleepily suddenly the wolf opens its eyes vigilantly and focuses on the end of the muddy road, as the light grows brighter the road becomes clearer and a figure can be seen getting off its mount, heading to the old mansion.

Seeing this the wolf bares its fangs but remains still for a few seconds, then it retreats to the inner part of the mansion.


As Rekak Ravi, dismounted his mount he stared at the abandoned shabby looking mansion recalling the encounters he had with Yu for the past years as a mixed feeling of anger and happiness weld up inside him.

Ravi, as a part of the lower nobility households in the Southern Paradise was often seen with Yu bullying people from the noble to the commoner statues but anyone with the slightest knowledge can tell that the only reason Ravi hangs out with Yu was to suck up to him for his status as well as escape the bullying himself, that is to say Ravi was only in it for the benefit and in fact hated Yu for not only having more authority than him but also for being bullied by him occasionally.

'At last, I get to take my revenge, hehe who would have known that even the battlefield authority would try to suck up to that brat, now that they removed the negation on the crystal Yu is definitely dead and no one can trace it to me. Being born into a better noble house? Having the power to command the life and death of those around you? Haha I would like to see how you will beg me when your life is in my hands'

With such thoughts in his mind, Ravi unsummons his mount and proceeds to head towards the mansion.

'That guy doesn't even know that his death is nearing, I might as well take him out without a fight even of he doesn't have any Soul Beasts, and it would be even more fun hehe'

(K-tch) "huh?"

With the sound of the thread breaking the knife hidden on the left side of the road launches through the air and embeds itself in Ravi's neck.

Not a second later the Grimoire is summoned and a shield surrounds Ravi as he held his neck and falls to the ground.

"Guh ugh"

'It hurts, how did he attack me, where is my medicine bag ugh, no I can't heal this and I will lose the .. oh no the core negates the life lock! No I can't die here'

Turning his head towards the mansion Ravi sees the door opening, and with the last strands of consciousness leaving his mind he catches a glimpse of a wolf and a youth looking at him in bewilderment.

And with that Rakak Ravi breaths his last.


Yu stands before the body of Ravi, still not knowing if he should laugh or not as the trap he had set to waste the shield of the enemy had actually killed the target without any resistance. Yes, the traps put forth by Yu were only to force the enemy to use there shield and to trap the Soul-Beast so the wolf can easily kill the summoner but who would have known that the enemy didn't even get the chance to summon his shield let alone his Soul Beast. The shield is actually a barrier formed when the Grimoire is summoned, of course, you can opt to not summon it and do that later as the shield can't be resummoned or relocated although it can be entered and exited freely by anyone permitted from the summoner.

Ravi apparently occupied with his thoughts hadn't had the time to realize that he was in danger thus he was killed on the spot

"Hmm is it because he thought I didn't have any Soul Beasts left or did he not have a fast enough reaction, well, either way, this victory was just too simple that i don't know if i should even count it as a first battle"

Yu then notices a book laying next to Ravi, it's colour the same as his Grimoire before he had bound it to himself.

'Sadly all the Soul Beasts die in the Grimoire when the owner dies, even if I wanted to tame any of them that would be impossible'

Thinking up to here Yu picks up the Grimoire and hides it in his clothes and asks the wolf to drag the body inside, unexpectedly the wolf sneers and walks back to the mansion leaving Yu to drag the body himself.

"Really..I hope it won't do that in a battle"

After dragging the body inside Yu searches it thoroughly, and only after taking every item on it did he place it in a corner of the mansion and wrap it with a blanket.

Then he remade the trap and fed every Soul-Beast while eating himself while he waited for the new visitor.

Not to his disappointment, only a few hours later a new figure could be seen walking the muddy path.


Cranen Kore, younger sister of the wild Cranen Karme, part of the middle class noble household in the Southern Paradise, a timid girl usually seen around her wild courageous sister that often drags her into trouble.

"Big sis said this was the place, I wouldn't have believed that the third young master if the Shenai family would be assigned this old mansion if I didn't know about the duel that had happened"

Unsummoning her mount Kore proceeds to summon her Soul-Beast which seems like a ferocious wild Puma that us doubled in size.

"Kill the person in that mansion"

The puma runs to the mansion at the command of Kore, filled with wild vigour for new prey.

'Though I don't get why big sis said to kill him first no matter what and only then take the core since the life lock will save him any way I will just do as she said'

Suddenly a cracking sound could be heard coming from the puma's direction and an angered cry could be heard from it but before Kore had the chance to check what had happened the puma that couldn't stop with the momentum it had fallen through the pit, and just at the point the doors of the mansion burst open as a wolf charged at the pit and jumped down on the puma intending to finish it off.

'What's going on, who's wolf is that I thought all his Soul Beasts were dead'

Hurriedly summoning her shield, Kore glances at the youth coming towards her, after confirming it to be Yu she shouts at him with rage.

"What do you think you're doing, have you not learned your lesson, why not accept defeat so you can leave this place with fewer losses than what you got"

The youth stops and puts a confused face for a few seconds but then he suddenly smiles which causes chills to run down Kore's back.

While keeping that smile the youth looks at her and says.

"Aren't you here to end my life? then why should I take it laying down, off course I would fight back"

'What's he thinking' Kore thought 'Wait' as she recalled her sister insisting on killing Yu first then taking the core realization dawned upon her

Seeing her stunned face Yu says "So you get it now right, the core is equipped with a life lock negation, in other words, we would be killed for real when near this mansion"

'Why would they do that, no, he said we ?!' Kore's stunned face turns into horror which intensifies when she feels a pain in her soul followed by the wolf coming out of the pit which reveals the fact that her Soul Beast had been killed.

Turning around to face Yu she screams at him "Your insane my sister will never let you go, she will kill you if she finds out that you hurt me"

"Well she intended to kill me from the start so why would I care about it now, and surely she wouldn't let me go after this so I see no reason not to kill you, and since you had already gotten you soul injured it seems you can only summon one or two more Soul beasts while I can summon more"

Kore's face pales hearing Yu and after looking at the mansion and her back she suddenly rushes out of the shield which dissolves intending to escape the parameter of the core.

The wolf without needing Yu's command rushes at her and mows her down as a bronze rank would surely not be able to outrun a wolf.

Thus another careless visitors decides to reside in the mansion eternally.