
Book of Creation

"I walk through creation to find my way" "Am I an observer or am I to participate" follow the life a normal person thrust into a new world where anything and everything does happen.

ben7574 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

My New Life

A normal day the sun is up with heat of at least 41°C. I am wearing shorts and a light shirt, I may not be fit but not to fat to play sports at 5 11".

*ring* *ring*

Dad is calling me

"hello dad, how are you doing, how is Abuja treating you"

"I am doing fine, the rain has at least reduced the heat over here."

He proceeded to ask about my progress with my NYSC (government funded 1year work service, post Uni). I gave him the usual I doing good and everything is fine, when in fact I am hungry and have not had anything all day and don't have the money to buy anything.

After 3 mins of chatting he hung up.

'let me just go for a walk and take my mind of the hunger'

I studied software engineer in uni and well I am not the smartest just in the middle. Started smoking because of frustration but now I just smoke it relaxes me.

Been out of uni for 5years now and I don't have anything to show for it, living month to month with what I make but still better that those who don't even have a place to lay their head.

On my way with no destination

'what am I going to do I have no means of making any money right now, I might have to ask bro or sis for some cash '

I took out my phone, scrolling to get my sister's number cause it's easier to ask her for this kind of thing then....

*(this is my first time writing a book please leave comments that can help me get better thanks)*