
plan for quests

Bob anyway let's get our first quest at the adventurers guild I think something that includes goblins might be good, or do you have a better suggestion?

as your magical book and guide, I can suggest a few quests that you might be interested in.

At the adventurers guild, you overhear a group of seasoned adventurers discussing a recent goblin invasion in a nearby village. They mention that the village is in desperate need of help to defend against the goblin horde. This could be a good opportunity for you to earn some experience points and possibly some valuable loot.

Alternatively, there is a quest to escort a group of merchants through a dangerous forest to a neighboring town. The forest is known to be infested with bandits and monsters, so the merchants are willing to pay a hefty sum for protection.

Lastly, there is a rumor of a hidden cave system that holds great treasures, but is also guarded by powerful monsters. The quest is to explore the cave and retrieve the treasure. This could be a dangerous task, but the rewards could be significant.

It's up to you to decide which quest you want to undertake. Once you've made your decision, I can provide more details and guidance on how to complete the quest. And of course, I can show you your status screen anytime you wish to see it.