
Naruhodo-RA-Chapter 07

When Mikoto woke up, Naruto was glad, relieved not to be alone anymore.

A woman from his own village was with him in this odd situation. Sharing woes.

She was also mesmerizing.

He had a lot of explaining to do after her question, though. Mikoto was curious, smart and knew what to ask. Knew where to poke. So, a lot was revealed. Even concerning the Pokeballs.

He didn't tell how and why he obtained the power. Not that he could, either. He didn't know.

He also left out information about his real age, and his death… Sasuke's death…

He just told her that this was a fresh, new start for them. Whoever, whatever sent, stranded them on the island.

After he was done exhibiting his devil fruit power, and showing how he can put her inside the Pokeball, frowning, badgering, Mikoto inquired carefully, "You won't leave me slumbering inside that thing against my own will, will you?"

Naruto asked Mikoto what was inside the ball, but she couldn't tell him. She only remembered getting drawn inside after the gleaming-red light drilled upon her.

Her consciousness returned when he took her out of it.

Since she didn't even dream, it was hard to tell if she was sleeping or in full-stasis. Maybe time was frozen inside.

Naruto didn't want to frighten off, upset her, though, so he replied, "I would never." He didn't try to look cheeky, saying so.

That Pokeball shit was a serious matter. It wasn't something to play, joke about.

There was no sass in his words.

"Good to know. I don't want to stay in that thing." Sweaty, Mikoto, who was covering her body again as good as she could, pulled a face. Something betwixt a precious facial expression and a glower. It was a cute admonishment. A reproof of her own style, which he was discovering.

"Keep your word. I trust you will."

"I will, of course." Naruto answered. Not bothering to mention the fainting statuses. That was an issue to cover another day… He had enough on his plate.

Women he caught couldn't die. Even if dismembered, disintegrated or burned, for example, and to cite a few. They would just return to the Pokeball until he healed them in the Pokecenter's entrance hall.

Recalling the Pokecenter, the labs he had yet to read on, examine in depth, Naruto said, "Auntie, are you hungry? Thirsty?"

The wrinkles, the creases, leaving her beautiful face which smoothened, Mikoto nodded. "Yes… Now that you mention it..."

"You got a way to get water and food?"

"Not yet." Naruto answered, thinking about the camp he shouldn't have destroyed. "I'm not confident about the water, but food shouldn't be too hard."

Naruto used to fish, camp at the river when he was still a small fry.

Back then, he was a toddler. The water wasn't salty, so he never learned to make it drinkable.

"What about clothes? Don't we need something to wear?" Sweating, Mikoto asked. She couldn't even clean the sweat on her face because she still blocked off, hid her titties and her crotch with her hands.

"I'm afraid that clothes are going to get in the way. Not that I know where to find some…" Naruto lied and said. It would be good if Mikoto got used to letting him see everything.

What nature endowed her with for him, a healthy and patient man, to see.

When he had beautiful thoughts, notwithstanding, she watched the coconut trees pensively before stating, "Maybe I can make clothes out of these? Naruto, try and get me some other types of leaves, will you?"

'Fuck…' Naruto cursed inside. He forgot that Mikoto was a mother. Mothers had all sorts of fast ones in the bag. Tricks. Like knitting, for example.

"What's wrong? You don't look too enthusiastic at the idea…" Mikoto teased him and said.

Naruto really wasn't gung ho...

And Mikoto was a lot smarter, more observant and playful than he originally considered, because she teased again, "Ara, ara, Naruto, are you pouting maybe? What's this disappointed look?"

"Are you hiding something hard down there, perhaps?"

Mikoto evidently had noticed his hard on…

He had it for quite a while, so he wasn't astounded. His legs did the best job they could.

"Hiding something, huh? How about we find out together?" Grinning, Naruto stood when he told.

Taking Mikoto by surprise.

Himself too… Because Mikoto wasn't the only one.

Naruto, who was taking all this as some venturesome, audacious joke to bank on, later, soon awakened something.

Some strange aura… Which lewdly came to from below his cock.

In his heavy, dirty nutsack.