
Book 1. Emperor of Origin

This is a series type of story, the main character will be someone who will not enter a fight just because of someone provoke him, but he will be analyzing everything before making a move, making plans and stidying his enemies behaviors and also self improvement. His goal is to learn the secret of the universe that only the one who created him/ reincarnated him knows. He is loyal and cunning, a brave one who manipulates certain things to be someone whose stronger behind the scenes. A hidden power, but also not a mob character outside of it, but still a prodigy. He is someone who sees the truth and he is also the one who sees lies, like its a combination of colors. So thats for now. .... Thank you for reading

Alter08_369 · Action
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I never believed what are written on novels, for me those are just fantasies and a way to escape this cruel world run by money and religion.

I have read the holy book of those religions saying that if you believe then you will be saved from eternal punishment.

I have watched scientist and businessmen talk about the conservation of the environment and prolonging human life, but what i saw was far from what they say, they made manmade viruses and spread it to countries that are against them and killing a lot of humans as a test subject.

I heard the cries of people, asking and wishing the government will help them from this unending poverty.

I saw people kneeling and laying on sidewalks, under bridges and building there homes near waste just to live by the day.

I charles read books of fantastic worlds where the main character is reincarnated or time travelled , in a world full of fantastic adventures.

But at the end novels, are all just fantasies that are created to help people escape from this unending lies of the world.

"Hey charles, did you here that a bone of a dinosaur was found in the western part of europe ?"

Rome, a friend of mine said while watching a documentary about the lost dinosaurs of the prehistoric era.

" According to some scientist, the dinosaurs roam the world millions of years ago and the reason of their disappearance is because of a meteor impact or volcanic eruptions. But for me, they vanished but not because of that, it is because of a certain cosmic energy or life that deemed them unnecessary anymore or an advance civilization transfered them to a new dimension while creating us humans. "

I said with a serious face while he looks at me like his looking at an idiot, because he believes to much on what science says so i can not say anything . More over, I dont have any proof to support my claims.

"Yeah sure man, so what are your plans, now that a new president has taken the sit ? Will you pursue doing your research on highly advance intelligence species aka Aliens ?"

He said while laughing a lot after saying so.

" Nope. I will be resting now I have work tomorrow and I need to be prepared. "

So after saying that, I went to my room and lay on my bed.

Before i sleep, i decided to write an oath of covenant saying to serve the one who will reincarnate me/ the creator ,to a new world while giving me some advantages, not like those systems but more about adaptation and being his/her knight that will loyally follow him/her and to protect that higher being.


I started hearing hazy words that makes me confuse, I understand it to a second then ssuddenly I cant once again..

As my vision slowly turned clearer, I saw a divine light/ golden light covering someone whose features I cant seem to recognize.

Then I heard a voice, "Your oath of covenant is approved by the one who created you and you will be sent to your way..."

I can't even speak like i dont have any way to do so ... the last word i heard before everything turned dark is... ":';:";":*:*;*::"

--------------------KINGDOM OF ASTRIA-------------------


A boy of five years old lay on a gigantic bed full of expensive pearls and ores decorating its curtain. His face is like a fine jade with a rosy white tint into it.

Slowly his eyelids flutter and a golden glow shined the room. His golden eyes slowly turned green like nothing happened.

Slowly turning his head a round his confusion turned deeper and deeper. Then head sit instantly while holding his head in pain while gritting his teeth.

He collapse and fell in his bed once again losing his consciousness. After half an hour his eyes slowly opened and the confusion was still there but with slight clarity.

*??? Pov*

{ So thats what happened, this is my so called rebirth in another world, and this memories are my memories of my past life, Charles of the past and Charles of the present. }


I heard a sound in my head and something pop up.

~Mr. Charles of Earth 1006~

~You are chosen by **†****** and as this will be your test, reach a the top of this world and you will have a qualification to be granted a position to serve ***††*** as according to your Oath of Covenant , you will be loyal to ****"*" and be ***'*''*' Knight. A position only given to those worthy to be a pillar of ";'':;";' .

There is no punishments but I know that you will fulfill your end of the oath of covenant because its you who chose to do so. Feel free to do what you wish for.

Ps. I hope you fulfill your end of the oath, this chance is given only to you by ****:*:":* . And btw, you cant read some part because you too weak to even glance unto it. Goodluck to your new life Mr. Charles.~~~~

After reading the message, evrything turned back to normal. My mind became clearer and my body seems to be full of energy, like endless energy.

As I ponder to myself and thought of those people I love in my past life, I cant stop but be sad but I know that God, this is what i decided to call him/her for the mean time until I am strong enough to even read his/her name.

This is my oath of covenant, and i will fulfill it and this will be my goal in life. To know the truth of the universe and only the one who created/reincarnated me will know.

I know that there are certain laws to follow, even for the higher beings because this laws are the foundation of this universe itself. Why do I know ? Simple, I can see simple laws of this world, and this is a perk of having a body of origin. A body of true perfection, embodiment of nothingness and existence itself.

Ah so let me review my new life before going out.

So my name is Charles Drerans, son of Duke Richard Drerans of the Dukedom of Drerans. I am currently five years old.

My mother is Lucille De Astria, the youngest sister of King Filnard De Astria. And I am the firsborn and heir to the noble position of Duke of Drerans.

Wow, what a rich family. Its like I am in the middle era of the europeans in my past life. But, something is kinda out of norm, According to what mother said, Father will be turning 300 years old next month, but my father seems to be on his twenties and when i ask mother for her age, uhm yeah .. never ask a woman of her age or else she will turn ... ahhh nevermind...

Okay, now I am talking to myself. Well, back to what is strange, the lifespan of people here are kinda long for a human, I need to do some research to know what is happening, but still I am not allowed to even enter the library until I turned 10, the reason, hmmm , i dont know.


A knock suddenly echoed outside of the door. Then I heard a womans voice. "Young master"

Then the door opens and a row of maids slightly bowed their heads.

" Young master, your bath is ready" Mies said, yeah she is the head of the entourage of maids and her age is ??? yeah, I never dared to ask, like mother said Mies is Mother's friend and personal maid when she was still in the Palace. But she looks like on her twenties like mother and father.

.....*******After an hour*****---------

"Young Master Charles, breakfast is ready, the lady is looking for you." Link said, he is one of the butlers of the Drerans.

"Thank you Link, I will be there" I said after the maid pinned the last button on my vest.

-----------********to be continued*****------------

Just a typical story of someone who reincarnated to a new world. But it doesn't mean it will go the way you presume it will. Thats all, read at your own risk.

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