
Chapter 8

Sirius pov

After  the notification that I have at least gotten her interested I'm joining the sec I smile at her.

Ding since you  have gather your potential partner you have a unique Cultivation technique that  you can aquire once you complete quset . As of now have a skill  to get depending on what you choose .

Options are

1.  Blazing Golden Fire kill:

An enhancement of all  senses to the max and golden fire body which allows you to use fire as powerful as the sun in all fire related techniques and natural affinity. but a slight  decrease in ice affinity

2. Shadow Dragon Skill:

Allows the user to tame any beast or human as a death soldier if they e have been directly killed by you. The number of soldiers is limited to 100 but will  be able to get more as powers increase.  As well as Dragon transformation

10 minutes to choose or lose the skill options

Sighing and contemplating they both sound like both very powerful skills. However one give me a decrease in controlling ice which is one of the most powerful techniques Eternal Frostflame which uses both abilities.  I will choose the Shadow Dragon Skills.

Congratulations you have chosen your skill  .

Satus as of now

Celstial Prrimordial Alpha and Omega Dragon system

Titles Sirius

Rank: Mortal Stage  level 25

Race: Human

Exp: 0/100

Spiritual talent:.High

Nature Affinities: Earth, wind ,Ice ,Fire

Dao: Infinitiy Divinity Qi

Domain:  Arkadian Kingdom

Weapons: longSword,  Spearman , Hammer Greatsword & shield

Celestial Dragon Bloodline unawakaned

Cultivation Martial Art: Eternal Frostflame Sword technique ,Abyssal phantom Spear stabs EarthLink shield  Rakshasa Karma  technique


Assassin strikes skill: Able to instantly kill an enemy when notice vital points open in any location of a body and well a paralyz a target with just a simple touch of pressure points.

Blacksmith prodigy skill: To have a 50 times a greater chance at creating a masterpiece of any weapon and knowledge of all weapons after completing a weapon

Shadow Dragon Skill:

Allows the user to tame any beast or human as a death soldier if he has directly killed by you. The number of soldiers is limited to 100 but will  be able to get more as powers increase.  As well as Dragon transformation

Qi: 100/100

Str: 100


Mental: 100

Stat Points:150

Hmm smiling I ask Ravenna while walking her to her room if she would like to join me for breakfast instead of eating in the guest room. Yes she says with a sweet smile on her face.

I am walking  through the halls when I  hear high heels coming behind.  I stop and turn to see my steo mother behind  me .she is rushing towards my direction in angry stomps I turn in her direction and she seems out of  breath. What do you need your majesty ? Nodding my head in a polite but cold greeting and now also realizing my half brother is also behind her with a bunch  a lady-in-waiting behind her . My half brother scowls in displeasure why are you here back at the palace? Well father sent a letter stating I need to come back for my brother birthday and for some other obligations of my princely duties. I personally would have like to stay at the Sect since it doesn't have any busybody people to pick up a fuss at ever little moment.  My step mother screams you little imgrate I ought to discipline you in your mother's place with an ugly sneer on her face.  As she is raising her hand in a motion like she is about to slap me I gather a little wind mana ready to hit her back once she's complete her action my father Daemon walks out with my mother holding his hand right hand while leaving the library he stops and stares coldy at Queen Jenna as he is assessing the situation.Is this how my Queen acts towards my blood? As she is trembling in fear I stop channeling my mana. My mother Daniella rushes towards me bypassing Jenna checking my face  over. No mother I am fine she squeezes me with a hug and peck on the check . Guards calls my father have her in in solitary confinement for 1 month the only time you will be out during that time is for our sons Henriks birthday then you will be resuming your punishment. She starts trying to apologize and show weeping eyes  at him  but her husband is not moved he was so rude by not acknowledging her .My father stares in silence Jenna incredulously  my wife I can under stand why you have resentments towards me but leave our children out of this I have grown increasingly tired of your behavior which is not befitting of a Queen if it wasn't for the fact you were the mother of my first son  and the honor of the betrothal from my father and yours I would have stripped you of title queen Jenna. Say another lousy excuse and you will be in solitary confinement for 2 months.  Glaring at me and mother Jenna is walked towards her chambers by the guards when father sighs with exasperation. Let's all go to dinner my father says wearily. Henrik stands in silence and with a slight red face father why did you do that to mother. Because no one shall hit any of my sons weather it's my

Queen or Duchess  consort do you understand. He swallow bitterly gritting his teeth with a nod glade you understand.