
Bonds of the Wild

23-year old Meridian turns her life upside down in a series of impulsive choices and daring adventures. After an earth-shattering New Year’s Eve spent with a mysterious figure at a pub, she starts to see people with sharp teeth, folk that look more beast than human, and witnesses the connection between life and the elements that goes far past her previous understanding. Who knew a random hook up could change everything? ---- Preview ---- “Look -” I start, walking closer to whisper, but keeping a close eye on its fingers so that if anything so much as twitches, I can run away safely. “Just about none of that made sense. I have no idea what you are talking about.” “Hmm,” the troll muses, and if it could move more, I wouldn’t be surprised if it would rub its moustache in thought. “You seem to be telling the truth. Youngling...who are you?” “Me?” I ask while pointing to myself. “I’m Meridian.” A cold wind suddenly sweeps under the bridge as the troll’s eyes fog over and turn completely white in color. “Meridian,” the troll’s voice sings to me and a shiver crawls down my spine. “Light and dark. Bloom and rot. Void and prominence. Life and death. Hello, creature of the night. Hello, princess of the light. Hello, clawed beast and blossoming flower. A world cleaved in two, fissures hardened by centuries. You belong to no one as much as you belong to them all.” “I…I don’t understand,” I tell my wicked hallucination. “Then you will bring death to us all.”

book_neurosis · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Blood for information

It's the middle of the night when I find parking along the street in downtown Seattle. With every sane person already being asleep in the comfort of their homes, I have little issue finding a place to park near the bridge where I first saw the troll.


The first creature straight out a fantasy novel that I have seen, but has not been the last. The lingering aches and pain resonate within me, an admonition of the world turning to shit around me. Atleast this troll cannot move from where it is confined as it slowly wastes away and becomes stone. I don't have to worry about Dugr chasing and trying to fly off with me before biting into my neck.

I shiver, remembering the feeling of its fangs driving into and tearing the tender muscle of my neck. My hand reaches up to brush the area the creature had bitten, but over the lat few days it must have healed really nicely, because there are only small scabs that are hardly noticeable now.

That feeling though, is not something I am likely to forget. Even when the marks are erased from my skin.

I put up the hood of my sweatshirt that I found in my car and hide beneath its shadows. As though the extra layer will give me more safety from the things that go bump in the night.

A false sense of security, but one I don't pick apart. Right now I'll take any comfort I can get, no matter how baseless it seems. I creep along the sidewalk and it takes a lot of effort to keep my steps and my breathing even. I on the verge of freaking out, but I need to hold it together.

I pause at the edge of the bridge where I am still out of sight as I try to get my thoughts in order. What should I even ask? I know I need answers, but I don't even know the right questions to ask. I'm so lost.

My mind doesn't race for long, because soon I am pulled out of the spiral when I hear a low, menacing growl.

"Youngling," I hear ring out, punctuated by that same growl. My shoulders relax only a hair when I realize the noise is from Dugr, so that I am still safe. Relatively. Enough for now anyway. "Why have you returned?"

U guess the jig is up. I let out a sigh and remove myself from where I had hidden out of sight. No point in hiding if he already knows I am here.

"I wanted to ask....to talk some more." I walk closer to him and his large eyes follow my every movement with interest and a bit of ire. He dislikes me, and I cannot fathom the reason why. You would think I troll trapped by its own body would want the company, maybe it would help him forget about his predicament. Even just for a short while.

But as I continue to look him back in the eyes, I see that my company is not welcome. I swallow nervously, and he notes that too.

Dugr sniffs loudly, and I am spared from coming up with questions when he starts on his own. "You are injured?" He asks, although I take it he knows the answer already.

"I am, I was attacked by something. A creature." Not a very graceful response, but I am a little out of my element here.

"There are many creatures that would hunt a youngling like you."

I cringe while hoping that getting information from the troll won't bring me more nightmares.

"Right...well, how do I keep them from...hun-hunting me?" I ask tentatively. i shake my head at the absurdness of it all. I'm still on the edge and wavering between thinking this is all in my head and that I have been thrust into a savage world beyond imaginations.

The troll stares at me a little longer before answering. "Do you not know what you are?"

My eyebrows furrow and my face pinches in confusion. "I've already told you I'm Meridian," I say, and he gives a low, taunting chuckle that sends a shiver down my spine.

"No. Not who you are, but what you are."

"I'm human...obviously." This isn't helpful at all. Maybe I overestimated the stupid stone troll.

He chuckles again and my annoyance starts to rise. "How interesting. This is going to be fun."

"Wha-" I start to ask him what he means, but he cuts me off before I have the chance.

"Let's make a deal, youngling. Your blood for my time. I already told you once not to return, so now it will cost you."

"My blood?" I query.

"A few drops shall suffice."

"Hmm," I ponder on it for a moment. But really I am just killing time and making it look like I need to think about it. Because I already know the answer. I am desperate, so very desperate. And it's probably written on my face.

"Sure," I relent.

And if it was possible, I think his stone lips grow into a sharp, cunning smile.

"Payment first," he tells me. And I take wary steps towards him. "You may drip the blood onto the stone." My stomach revolts. He wants me to drip my blood onto him? That creature tried to drink my blood, and now this? I shake my head. This is gross.

"Here?" I ask as I approach one of his large, spindly fingers poised on the ground.

"There shall do." I pull a pocket knife from my sweater and nervously make a cut along my palm. It hurts, the bite of the knife is unfamiliar against my skin. But I hold it together as best as I could since I need to do this. The blood wells against my palm, and I squeeze my hand closed so it will drip onto the stone surface. When the drops slow down, I cradle my palm to my chest and step back as I watch the troll. The ground starts to tremble, and my heart races and my eyes flick around for any signs of danger, but I see no further movement. After a few more tense beats of silence, the troll speaks again.

"My nose is not as keen as it once was, so I cannot discern what attacked you. No matter. It was not strong enough to kill you so it is not worth discussing."

"Okay...so, there are creatures that are different. Ones that I, or any typical human anyway, did not know about. How is that possible?"

"Does an ant notice every cloud in the sky? There are legions of creatures beyond a human's imagination and limited imagination, thus it is not difficult for us to hide from them. And when a human does find out, they are usually dead a moment later. When faced with their betters, humans are nothing more than prey."

"Why can I see you then? And I haven't died yet."

"You are not a mere human."

"What?" Again, I question my decision in coming here for answers again.

"You are only part human."

"Okay...wait, what?" My eyes are wide and I just don't fully understand what I'm being told.

"I see that the human part of you has limited your intelligence. You are a halfling."

My mouth opens and closes a few times. "Then what else am I?"

"Fae, of course."