

Cathryn Woods was a Fine Arts student, who joined a Tattoo Design Contest, in which her best friend, her model, failed to show himself on that fateful day at the event. Desperate for the winner's cash prize so that she could pay for her school fees at an Art University, she convinced (well 'convince' is rather an understatement), a random guy at the beach she found to be her model instead. Her model turned out to be Alexander, a playboy who was the lead vocalist of a rising teenage boy band, and is it a coincidence that they go to the same university? Their flirty conversations and humorous banter also made their mutual like for each other bloom. Things will take into a serious turn when the redhead realized she fell hopelessly in love for the first time and with a player nonetheless, whom she met last summer. Will she be brave enough to risk herself in the name of love? Even auditioning as a supporting vocalist for the band just so she could always be near Alexander? What will Cathryn do if she knew that one of the band members had also caught the love bug for her? Messy love triangles are fun, yes, but Cathryn wished she could turn back time and hadn’t taken it to heart because the games can easily get brutal. YUMMY EXCERPT: updates every other day "Shut the fuck up, will you?" Alexander opened the book and picked another paragraph to read. "The urge to have sex is excruciating if you attempt to deny it. You don't want to be sleeping in my bed when it hits." He arched his eyebrows. "Understand what I'm hinting at?" "Why didn't you tell me you loved this kind of story?" Alexander bit his lip and his hooded eyes regarded her. "I could just tell you stories instead of you reading them for hours." "Based on your experience, huh?" She blurted it out before she could stop herself. Cathryn blushed furiously. Embarrassed, she tried to distract him from reading it. "Give that book back." Alexander continued like the infuriating fucker he is. "Oh yeah. Sweat broke out all over her body, imagining him super horny and determined to have sex with her. The idea didn't horrify her." Cathryn grasped the book from his hands but Alexander kept on raising it higher. She jumped, almost taking hold of the cover but Alexander had pushed her shoulder away in an attempt to stop her from getting the book back. She pushed him harder, kicking him with her shoes and they both fell on the couch, jerked out of balance. Alexander had instinctively wrapped his hands around her tiny waist to keep her from falling on the floor while Cathryn's hands were on his shoulders, moving to his chest. They stared wide-eyed at each other before Alexander's gaze transfixed on her mouth and one of his hands moved to caress her back with his fingers. "By the way, your best friend told me that you wanted to tell me something." He held her a moment, his hands on her body and his face a glowing heat onto hers.

Parisian_Moon · Teen
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72 Chs

Easy as Pie

'Easy as pie.' Alexander thought, fighting a grin.

Mild Savagery was once invited last year at the New York Fashion Week as representatives from their University but to say the least, this wasn't his type of scene. It's more of Marco's specialty.

Nevertheless, he thought he could handle this.

One of the staff (that blonde girl at the registration) looked him over, her gaze not leaving for a couple of seconds. She tapped his arm and whispered in his ear, "Honey, you're next."

Alexander nodded and smiled at her.

Alexander circled his shoulders and bent his head from side to side as if warming up before he entered the runway. He made a carefully controlled blank expression just like how professional models do it, walking confidently as if he had been modeling his whole life.

A hush fell over the crowd when they see him, little murmurs growing louder. Alexander could feel hundreds of eyes in the audience roving over his body, checking him out, and looking at the tattoo. It made him aware and self-conscious, sending warm tingles all over his body.

Of course, they wondered why he kept his shirt on.

Shouts erupted from the spectators. Alexander glanced over his side, his gaze on the group of girls as they stood giggling and whispering to one another, sizing him up. None of them could've been older than eighteen.

"Alexander Black!"

Oh shit. How did they know him? Their band is not even that popular yet!

"Fuck me, please." One of them squealed, and Alexander tried hard not to wince. Only dolphins should be allowed to achieve such a pitch.

"No, he should fuck me first." Another one of them asked excitedly.

"Take your shirt off, daddy!"

"I want Marco!" said another.

"How about Blake and London?"

"Where's Jason Grey?"

Oh shit. Now the secret's out. If the paparazzi managed to catch them here...

And if Alexander's bandmates find him modeling tattoos, he would be the subject of ridicule for the next few months.

Alexander clenched his fists, feeling a headache coming on. He needed to do this fast. He scanned the crowd looking for that bright red hair.

He locked eyes with Red and the force of its weight drove the air out of his lungs. She was at the front, facing her as she formed a heart with her hands, silently cheering for him.

Alexander inhaled a greedy breath, his chest inexplicably hot, and reined in even greedier impulses.

Fuck. She was beautiful under the sun, even with that uneven hair, as she smiled at him. Wide blue-green eyes, a rosebud mouth, long lashes, and flawless skin.

She wore loose shorts and a green tank top which exposed her shoulders and hugged her tits, which looked to him like a perfect handful.

Alexander wanted her then and he still wanted her now. If this is the only way to get her then he would do this.

Alexander unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt showing them a little glimpse of what was underneath. He smiled at Red as his fingers gripped the hem of his shirt and yanked it over his head. He made a show of throwing his shirt to the audience and aimed it at her.

Howls, cheers, and whistles erupted. Alexander heard awe and amazement in them. Some of them kept on pointing at his body, at the tattoos Red created. Their eyes devoured him and he tried hard ignoring them.

Alexander stood up straighter and neared the judges to show off Red's work instead and he couldn't move at the sight below the stage, shocked to stare back at a pair of amber eyes similar to his.

Andre, his older brother, was sitting there along with the other six panelists.

Please send me power stones and gifts to cheer me up and motivate me to write more. :)

I'm not asking for your souls, you guys, so just give them to me. Thanks for reading.

Sincerely yours,

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