

will this novel be paused? , idk? , do shit and found out (it did)

Snuzzle_pants · Action
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9 Chs

BokuBuko Chapter 5


*the ant keep chasing me, the minecart that I was in have some bomb and a lighter, I light some of the bomb and throw it at the army of ant, i managed to kill some of them, I keep throwing all of the bomb, all the bomb were gone and there is only a small amount of ant left, I used the lighter to burn the mine rail, some of the ant were burn but they are still going*


*I was lucky because there was a broke mine rail and the bottom of it was a pile of lava, I jumped out of the minecart, the ant jumped to, The minecart and the small amount of ant falls into the lava, I outrun a army of ant, I thought I was going to die but I guess I have luck, after that I ran to the exit*


* I fall into the ground and wake up after a minute, I saw a bunch of hook block again , I grab my grappling gun and used it to get into the top hill, after making it to the top hill, I saw a sign with eyes and zig zag mouth*

sign : HELLO THERE ADVENTURES! seem like you made it to the top hill, you are granted with a gift

Roger : oh cool anyways can I destroy you?

Sign : what did you just say?

Roger : nothing, go on keep talking

Sign : you are granted with a gift BUT! you have to watch a ad first!

Roger : wait there is ad in this world?

Sign : of course I am the dream god partner anyways would you like to have this gift or not?

Roger : .mmmmmmmfine.... but this gift better be good!

*a cube apperd in front of me and it starts a ad, the ad is about anti bullying*

Roger : yea "StOp BuLlYinG* Motherfuck, y'all didn't even help me when I was bullied 😑

*the cube disappear and a present box appears in my hand, I open it and inside of it was a jar of pill*

Roger : tf is this?

Sign : well the pill inside the jar can make you power up!

Roger : ehhhh it's a okay gift but I guess I can keep it

*I put the jar of pill in my inventory, the sign disappear and I started to move on again,as I was moving to my way I saw a zip line, I don't know where the zip line goes to, but I decided to used it, the zip line end into a giant blue tree, I don't know where to land but I accidentally drop myself to the ground, I past out and as I wake up, I saw some squirrels all over my body, I got rid of all of them, and I started to move on again, all of the squirrel keep following me but I ignore all of them, some of the squirrel touch me , I know that they probably need help so I decided to ask them If they need help*

to be continued.....