
02x04 The Calvary Battle pt1

The three boys from 1-A were catching their breath while the rest of the contestants arrived at the stadium. Apart from Peter, both Flash and Robbie were irritated by the latest events; the brunette had managed to move from a much worse position to the first place in the last obstacle and with a certain stroke of luck, it was obvious that Flash was the one who was most irritated by the whole situation for obvious reasons.

With the arrival of the other contestants, some familiar faces arrived and congratulated the champion;

— Peter! –even tired and a little out of breath, Wanda was coming towards her colleague, her face was sweaty and her bow was crooked on her head, but that didn't take her smile off her face - you were so amazing, congratulations! - she says closing her eyes when smiling

— Aha...thanks... – Peter could even face the anger of Flash or Robbie, but seeing Wanda's cute face when she closed her eyes when smiling was too much for him, so he was flushed and looked away while scratching the back of his neck

— Yippee-Ki-Yay, mother trucker! – Gwen appears out of nowhere and screams when jumping on Peter's back and pretending that he was a horse, the two brunettes wondered if the girl's energy would ever run out

— Very well Parker. - Danny says coming from behind, with a slight smile and a calm face, but something seemed to weigh him down, he seemed distant for some reason

But even with the audience's celebration and the words of his own friends, Peter could not get out of his head the enormous luck he had with the whole situation of the stuck piece of iron; of course, it was only possible when he defeated the first robot, but either way, he would not have been able to hold himself in the fall, he probably would have had to use his webs and he certainly could not have done what he did in the minefield. But either way, he could not, nor did he want to, go back in time, what happened, passed, now it was time to move on, for whatever the next activity was.

— Alright students, please get together! - Professor Frost warns back to the wooden platform after all the students had arrived - the results of the race will now be displayed, your attention please ...

The holographic screen soon starts to display a kind of table, with the names of students in order, from top to bottom, of those who arrived first; unsurprisingly, Peter, Flash and Robbie had taken the top three; Peter in the first, Flash in second and Robbie in third, because of his Quirk being less mobile, Reyes had not managed to retain the second place. Seol came in fourth, followed by a thin boy with classy blond hair neatly combed. With the rest of the list presented, it was possible to see that the two classes of the heroes course passed, along with two other students from other courses; the boy with heterochromatic eyes from General Studies and the brunette girl from the Support class.

— The top 42 will participate in the next activity; the rest is off for the day - the teacher says that and soon the other students head out of the stadium, no one very surprised by the results, but still a little upset - very well, we will find out now what the next challenge will be

The teacher then turns back to the holographic screen, which shows the same roulette wheel as before the obstacle course, running possible activities until it stops at one;

—Cavalry battle! - the teacher announces after the title appears on the screen

—This is a Japanese game for children, why is it one of the options? - Nico asks his colleagues for recognizing the game she had played in the traditional Japanese schools she had attended during her childhood

— Maybe they want to explore the strategic and dynamic side of the activity - considers Ava who was beside her

— Allow me to explain the activity to you - says the teacher when turning to the students - you will form teams of two to four participants, the game itself is very simple ... - she then loses a little time explaining how the teams carry their "rider", depending on the number of participants - but we made sure to add something else; each of you received an amount of points proportional to your place in the race ...

— Ah, we have an activity based on points, like the entrance exam, it seems simple - comments Luke

— So it also means that each team will have a different amount of points depending on its members - Kamala complements when being close to the boy

—... – Emma knew that she herself had selected smarter children for demanding more difficult questions in the theoretical tests, but did they have to speak in the middle of the explanation? - anyway! The number of points goes up every five, for example whoever got 42 ° has 5 points, and whoever got 41 ° has 10, and so on. And the amount of points for the first place is ...

210, basic math

Or is that what they thought;

—...10 millions - the teacher announces to the participants and the audience

10 MILLION!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Peter couldn't believe what was going on, what do you mean 10 million points? This was several times more than all the points of the other participants combined, it was definitely insane. And the worst was that everyone now looked at the poor boy, since everyone's goals had become; we took his points and won, it was a strategy used to give a chance to those who were further behind on the scoreboard. But the boy knew one thing above all else; that was the price for being at the top, everyone around you wants to take you down, if he wanted to become the number 1 hero, he couldn't get away from that first taste, he had to stand and fight. He could hardly imagine how Iron Man had endured this for years.

— Okay, back to the rules - Professor Frost says as she addresses the class again to try to soften the murderous looks that gleamed poor Parker - the game will have a 15 minute time limit, each rider will have a bandana with the total amount of your team's points. The objective is to steal as many bandanas as possible to increase the number of points for your team - she says while showing an image of the back of the bandana; it was not a knot, but a kind of lock that just by pulling it loosened easily - the stolen bandanas must be worn on the knight's neck, that is, the more you have, the more difficult it will be to handle them. And one more thing, even if your bandanna is stolen, your team can keep trying until the time limit

— It will be a real gladiator battle - says Tandy after hearing the new information

— Teams competing all the time ... - Tyrone complements

— Ah, it doesn't seem that difficult ... - Sam says, but after receiving threatening looks from his close colleagues, he is silent - the speaker is no longer here...

— So if you lose in the beginning, recovering will be more difficult to lose again because of physical exhaustion and the number of targets and ... - Gwen starts to think as her arms wrap around, but Danny quickly stops before she become a knot, literally

— You are all free to use your Quirks the way you want, but push one of the teams and you will be disqualified - the teacher warns, upon knowing the violent tendencies of certain students

—Hunpf – Flash snorts, no longer understanding what the fun of this game would be

— You have fifteen minutes to form the teams! - the teacher announces while a counter appears on the holographic screen and starts counting

Peter then starts to think about a strategy and who he would look for for his team, due to the amount of points he had, he was not concerned with the position in the race, only in the skills, even so he only really knew the powers and abilities of the people of his class, so he would probably count on them, but there was a problem; for the same amount of points, everyone could see the huge target that was now behind his back, so no one was looking for him to form a team, not even looking in his direction. That would be difficult.

On the other side of the field, one of the youngsters who had been in 2nd place was going through a completely opposite situation. Because he had 205 points and had such a versatile Quirk, it was no wonder that those commoners begged him on their knees; of course, that it only happened in his head, he was involved with colleagues, but they did not whimper, but showed the points of why they would be useful for him to make the decision, but he didn't care, it wasn't a bunch of weak spots he wanted for his team, he wanted people who knew they were the best and who made decisions;

— Hey Thompson! - the circle opens and everyone can see the brunette Laura approaching, with a smug smile on her face and dark hair waving as Flash approaches - Reyes is already with the team formed, so I came to my second option, you!

— And what makes you think that I will accept you? - Flash rebounds approaching the girl, they were the same size, but Flash was wider, he also had a smug smile, as if he thought it was all funny

— That's where you make a mistake - she says then pulling the collar of the boy's clothes and putting their faces mere inches from each other, which would make many blush, but not these two - I'm not wanting to join your team, I'm calling you to mine

Flash doesn't seem to be shaken by everything that happened and just smiles back, having already found one of his team members

While teams were being formed, people talked and convinced others to join their teams, a boy faced the opposite problem. Peter was simply ignored by everyone else because of the huge amount of points he had, and with them the huge target written "Do you want to win? Rob me! " on his back, he knew it would come to this, there was no more hope ...

— Peter! – the boy turns to find Wanda standing next to him with a big smile on her face - what's up partner? Shall we form a team? - she asks in a fun way, referring to the time they were a pair in Iron Man class

— Wanda! Seriously do you want to be on my team? Even with my insane amount of points? - he asks, not wanting that to be a mirage, but not wanting the girl to join him without knowing all the risks involved

— Yup! - she says with a nod - you better get together with people you like! - and she again makes her face smiling and closing her eyes, but adding a slight blush to her cheeks and having her fists closed, that was too much for Peter

— Hmmm! – the boy emits when he bends down lightly with his hand grabbing the left side of his chest - my heart...

— Are you okay? - Wanda asks a little worried

— Don't worry Peter, I will save you! - Gwen literally appears out of nowhere, with Danny a little further behind and hugs Peter from behind, lifting and squeezing his abdomen as if he was choking

— Gwen, Gwen, GWEN! – he warns while hitting the girl on the arm until she releases him, and he falls, bending over, coughing and taking a deep breath while Wanda patted him on the back - I'm fine, I'm fine ...

— Well, I came here because we are ready to make the Peter team take off! - Gwen says raising her arms and consequently raising Danny's arm too

— Wow, this is perfect! - Peter seems to forget the pain and thinks about the strategy they could use - I can be the rider and notice imminent attacks with my Quirk, Danny and Gwen can stay in defense, Danny against physical and short-range attacks and Gwen takes care to deflect the route of long-distance attacks, finally Wanda can be our wild card, being able to attack or maneuver us more easily!

— You're right, it's an incredible plan Peter! - comments Wanda, which makes the boy blush slightly

— That 's right! - Gwen says excitedly

— It's a really great plan ... - Danny comments, but then starts to face the ground before speaking - but ...

— Ah, if you didn't like it, we can rephrase it, do you have any suggestions or ... - Peter was not liking the expression of his colleague, and was afraid it was not a problem in his plan

— The best pack is the one that competes for the hunt - Danny doesn't even wait to see the reactions, turning to face his friends again, especially Peter in the eyes, he says - you want to be the best Peter, but so are we, I already considered you a lot powerful before, but the race showed me how capable you are and how difficult it will be to overtake you. We are good friends, have no doubt about it, but to try to be the best, I cannot live in your shadow, I have to defeat you.

After saying these words, Danny turns his back and goes towards a trio that watched the whole conversation; Pietro, Seol and Robbie. Wanda's brother looked at her affectionately, they both seemed to talk by the look, Seol looked sadly at the group and Robbie did not express, or did not appear to express any feelings.

After the quartet moves away to probably discuss a strategy. Of the three, Gwen was the most lost, of course, she was the one who usually dragged Danny into things, but with him elsewhere it was strange for the girl.

— Gwen... – Wanda sees her friend seeming lost

— I'm fine ... it's just ... he he, I think I'm going to look for another group too, you know? New horizons and everything - the girl says not looking her friends directly in the eye for a long time, but at last she looks at Peter and he just nods and she leaves

— Hey guys? I saw that Danny left then ... YEP! - Kei approached the trio, but as soon as Gwen left the pair of brunettes, she lifted him up and put him under her arm, as if he were a suitcase or a pet

— Come on Kei, let's find new horizons...

— What's happening ... - the boy wonders, but starts to enjoy the ride

—You can go too Wanda - Peter tells the girl, he didn't want to pressure her to stay in his group - without Gwen and Danny we won't have much chance of winning, you don't have to worry about me ...

—...- Wanda says nothing, but instead she approaches the boy and puts her hand on his shoulder, which makes the boy look towards her with slightly watery eyes - we are partners, aren't we? I'm not going anywhere...

Peter lets out a tear, which he soon wipes with his forearm, but still smiling and then nods at the girl, who is also smiling with a look of pure determination.

— Ah, excuse me? –a voice can be heard behind the pair, and they separate before facing the figure of the girl in the class if Support - I didn't want to disturb the moment or anything, but I came here to offer my services! - she says smiling

— Hey! You are the girl in the armor of the second obstacle! - Wanda says recognizing the girl, but Peter didn't saw her there

— Myself - she says and extends her hand to both - Riri Williams, but you can just call me Riri.

— I am Wanda and this is Peter - the girl says greeting her

— But why do you want to join us? - Peter asks after greeting - n-not that I'm complaining about the help, but you don't even know us ...

— Look, if we look at it this way I don't know anyone here so it doesn't make much difference - she says with a shrug - and you, having the most points, are easier to pass without having to focus on defending yourself and stealing others, being able to focus only on defense

— This is a very logical analysis ... - Peter says scratching his chin, apparently the girl was very intelligent - ok, but what is your Quirk?

— Ah, she won't help us much, but ... - she says, taking a metal backpack off her back and clicking on some buttons that make it open and show several pieces of equipment inside, several resembling gray pieces of armor, very similar to one of a certain hero - ... I have these toys

— Wow ... - as the number 1 fan of the hero of the same placement, Peter could not stop drooling on the armor pieces, but something in them draws his attention - wait, I know these thrusters, they happen to be the same ones in the armor Iron Man's space travel, the Mk41?

— It really is! - Riri says proud of herself - Mr. Stark always makes the remains of armor available to the support department, and I was the only one who recognized the apparatus, and so I present the Iron Heart Mk1!

— Amazing! - Peter says, but soon gets up and starts to think, he faces Riri and then Wanda, he already had an offensive and definitely enough mobility, but they needed other types of defense if they were going to focus on just staying with the bandana, one person then it comes to his mind, and he turns away from the two girls.

Walking among the teams, he is relieved to see that no one had called him to the team, and he wasn't even accompanied by the girl who was always by his side, maybe she had the same idea as Danny. Peter then walks over to him from behind and puts a hand on his shoulder to get his attention;

— I need you for my team

— Rise and shine! – Deadpool catches the attention of his partner who seemed to doze off after the word was passed to Frost, but now with him awake, Deadpool resumes the ads - After fifteen minutes, time for a quickie ... - mutated again - (I should have left you asleep) 12 teams were formed for the Cavalry Battle!

—...- having the teams with the names of the participants being transmitted to the Daredevil headset, he manages to have a view of the teams' conformations - I hear some unusual combinations of students ...


In the field, the twelve teams were outside the earth square in the center of the gym, everyone should be inside as soon as the activity started, and they could not leave, if they left, they would be eliminated. Peter tied his bandana on his head as the rider and checked each of his companions;

— Everyone ready? Wanda? – he asks the girl on his left

— Absolutely! – she says energetic and her Quirk covers some of the devices they used

— Riri? – question to the same to his right

— All right and ready for some action! – she says by clicking a few buttons on her forearm and activating the energy of her equipment

— Tyrone?

— You bet. – The last member of the group, in the frontal position says, as a kind of black smoke begins to exhale from his body, the boy activating his Quirk

— So let's go! – Peter finally says activating the robotic gauntlets that Riri had given him

The huge screens that transmitted better images of the field to the live spectators, soon go out and are replaced with a countdown. All the teams then prepare for the impending confrontation, mentally reviewing strategies and doing some stretches, but soon time runs out and the battle begins.

Right at the very beginning of the activity, three teams go directly towards Peter's team with an obvious objective; get the 10 million points.

— I even thought that there would be so many for this purpose, but not so fast ... - Peter comments observing his blocked escape routes

— They're not giving us any space to act - says Tyrone for being in the lead - it's up to you, Parker, what do we do?

— That's easy; evasive maneuver! - the boy tells his colleagues the simple code for what should be done

— Not so fast! - the 1-B boy with ruffled blond hair who tried to torment Flash two weeks ago was a rider on his team, and the boy who was in front (the same one who got fifth place in the race) then activates his Quirk, extending his right arm, in which they appear to be black rectangles around, nothing seems to happen visibly, but Peter and his team feel

— What the ...? - Peter suddenly starts to feel heavier, with the movements slower and more difficult to be done; that boy had changed the gravity or the weight of each one, but either way, they needed to get rid of this situation in order to escape - Wanda!

— On it! – the girl soon responds and with a slight flick of her wrist, she sends a small burst of energy from her Quirk towards the boy, nothing strong enough, but with the aim of drawing attention.

The energy sphere flies quickly and bursts into light in front of the boy, who uses his outstretched arm to cover his eyes, and this brings things back to normal;

— Now! – Peter says and reaches for a panel on the right handle, quickly pressing a red button, and the four shoot up

Riri had divided the boots and the gauntlets between them to ensure greater balance; Peter had taken the gauntlets because he was the only one with his arms free all the time. While she and Wanda had stayed with each rocket boot, Riri on the right foot and Wanda on the left. With the press of Peter's button, the two boots activate and release an enormous amount of energy, with the objective of making them fly, which works super well. The four take off, and much better than Riri had calculated, since with the powers of Wanda the weight of the equipment was being supported psychically, of course it weakened the girl a little, but they gained a lot in locomotion due to the weightlessness.

But even in the air they were not safe from everythingBut even in the air they were not safe from everything;

— Minoru! – Azari commands being the rider of the team composed by him, Groot, Luke and Nico, being the gothic in the front

— Leave it to me! - she says releasing one of her hands and summoning her staff, quickly aiming at Peter's team and casting an enchantment - Decipher the laws of nature and destroy the machines!

The staff begins to emit small rays inside, until it forms a spark in the center and what appears to be a fire dart explodes from the object and goes towards the flying team, but the girl did not count with Peter's perception...

— Tyrone! – the brunette screams at his companion when he feels something approaching through his 'Spider Sense'

...and neither with Tyrone's defense

—... – the bigger boy says nothing, just turns his head quickly to the side where the attack came from and the black smoke emanating from his body increases in quantity, forming a kind of wave that covers the side of the group, like a fluttering cloth made of pure black smoke, and when the fire dart comes in contact with it, it is simply swallowed by the darkness and disappears, the boy then collects the shadows back and holds on tightly again – nicely done Parker!

— That was incredible! - even in the midst of a battle, Peter can't get enough of the nerdy side - your powers are perfect against long-range energy attacks and defense!

— Hey, you chose me! Your perception is also a great combo - the boy responds

— Landing! - Wanda announces and they soon return to the ground, running in the opposite direction of the previous groups, easily because of Wanda's Quirk allowing them greater mobility without a doubt.

— Let's go after them! - Azari says to his companions, but he fails to notice that something was missing

— I am Groot!

— Dude, your bandana is gone! - Luke points to Azari's forehead that had nothing left

Trying to look around to find the culprit, even though he was distracted, one of the class 1-B riders, a skinny boy, with white skin, emerald green eyes and hair that went up to the chin line, completely black, laughed to himself as he rolled the stolen bandana on his fingers;

— Like stealing candy from an idiot ... - he says viciously and starts to focus on another target

—HOLY KEANU REEVES! THIS STUFF DIDN'T BEGIN AND LOOK LIKE FARMER'S MARKET DAY !!! - Deadpool yells into his microphone annoying his narration partner - TAKE CARE OF THESE BANDANAS! YOU SNOOZE, YOU LOSE! GOT STOCKED, NOW GET FU ... - the last part was mutated once again from the hero of mothers with young children watching

Even though they escaped the first time, Peter and his team were now in the middle of the field, and all the teams present quickly turned their attention to them and everyone invested towards the ten million team.

— MUAHAHAHA TIME TO SHOW MY TRUE POWER !!! - Peter and his team look to the left only to find Kei screaming hysterically on top of his flaming tiger monster Fireclaw, and with two blond hairs at his side. The huge creature was advancing rapidly

— Are they on top of Fireclaw !? Is that allowed !? - Peter asks more to himself, but hears an answer from the field judge

— I'll allow it ... - she didn't seem very interested in the activity; since she was reading a magazine while sitting on a beach chair

— We have to get out of here! - Wanda says and tries to start walking, but a fragment coming at high speed ends in her boot and it starts to vibrate and smoke - what the?

When they realize, due to their proximity to Kei's team, they recognize the two blond hairs beside the short boy. One was Gwen, who seemed a little bored with the situation, was lying on Fireclaw's plush back and drew imaginary lines between the fur. The second, and owner of the fragment launched was Tandy, who was more upright with other fragments of light in her hands, she throws them too, but Tyrone manages to be faster, throwing the smoke screen in front of the projectiles, but instead of simply sucks them in, the blades and smoke seem to cancel out, both disappearing when they come in contact with each other

—We have to get out of here and fast! - Tyrone says to Peter with sweat on his forehead

— We lost this boot - Wanda says seeing the armor part not working

— What will we do? - Riri also asks

—...- Peter tried to think of something as the threat approached, his brain worked at a million, until he had an idea - come on, let's...

— KAWADE!!! – a voice is heard from the right and the two teams stop to observe who it was

Another equally terrifying sight was approaching; a dinosaur, which appeared to be a tyrannosaurus from the Jurassic Park films, with large legs and head, and small arms, but with bright red skin. On top of its head a little girl could be seen, who was probably the one who had caught Kei's attention. Like the boy in 1-A, she also didn't look old enough to be in high school; she was still very small and with an undeveloped body. She had dark skin, thick lips and a flat nose, had curly hair in a ponytail, but it went up, not down. He wore large violet-framed glasses and looked defiantly at young Kei.

— Lafayette... – Kei says gritting his teeth, forgetting about Peter and the activity at that moment

— And that gecko too! - Fireclaw comments in a lively but angry voice, it was thinner than they imagined

— Grrrrrr! – unlike the monster, the giant reptile did not seem to be able to speak

— What's the matter Kawade? Nobody wanted to be your friend and that's why you keep talking to your drawings? - the little girl teases the boy, who also gets up to answer

— What's the matter, Lafayette, were you really annoying that the ET's kicked you off the moon? - the boy responds

— How did you get here? I didn't think they accepted animals - she says without missing a beat

— How do you DARE to be here? You are not a super model like them! Probably stole a beauty spot - he says pointing to Tandy and Gwen, one was too distracted to notice, but Tandy blushed slightly at the comment.

— How about we solve this in the old way? - the tiger monster asks by snapping his fingers

—For me ... - Kei says and soon clings more tightly to his friend's coat

— Here we go! - the little girl also says and her dinosaur only grumbles in agreement

The two monsters then go on the attack; it was possible to see the 1-B girl's likely partners, clinging to the dinosaur's tail, not quite sure how they got there.


The tiger being the fastest, in a fast movement, he descends with his right fist on the side of the dino's head, which makes him turn due to the impact, and once again he rises, now his left arm, and throws a hook in the dino's jaw, but that had left him open for attacks, and the dinosaur makes a quick lunge and headbutt into the opponent's belly that staggers back on impact.

— Let's get out of here! - Peter says going towards the red button of the thrusters

— Great plan! - Wanda agrees just before the four are once again launched into the air; her boot was damaged, so they weren't as fast or as stable, but they managed to fly high enough to escape danger, or so they had thought

As soon as they thought they were far from the dangers that were on the ground, the quartet is surprised by a brunette who had literally launched himself from his group, using his tentacles and a poor Amadeus to jump that huge distance, in order to grab the bandana of 10 million, and now it extended its tentacle towards his opponent.

— Don't think for a second that you're safe Parker !!! - Flash says in his usual tone and tries to stretch a black claw to grab the bandana

— Tyrone! – Peter didn't know what the boy could do, but he had to try

Suddenly, without his companion saying anything, everything disappears, everything goes dark, no sound is present and the place is cold, and terrifying, but it only lasts for a second, they are soon back and Peter can see that they have changed from the middle of the air, he looks to the other side just to see Flash's back and he turns confused; they had probably teleported.

But Flash doesn't give up, he still tries to turn around, still in the air and in free fall, and stretch another arm, but Peter is faster, and quickly press another sequence of buttons on his gauntlet and stretch his arm. Small propellants emerge from the sides of the metallic glove and it fires in the direction of Flash, which perceives and blocks the projectile, but in any case it is pushed back and starts to fall faster.

But he is soon caught by a giant outstretched hand and is brought back to his team by Kamala, and Amadeus and Laura catch him before he crashes.

—KID IS THINKING HE IS BUZZ LIGHTEAR! TO INFINITY AND BEYOND! BUT IS IT ALLOWED? - Deadpool asks looking at the camera directly

— He never touched the ground, so he's clean - Frost says as she turns a page in her magazine

Returning to the ground, after the gauntlet had flown back to his fist, Peter couldn't help but notice his team's situation; Wanda's boot was damaged and Tyrone seemed tired of using his powers so much, they had reduced mobility and defense, they would have to be creative going forward if they wanted to keep up.

— THEY ARE NOT LEAVING THIS TEAM IN PEACE! THEY FIND IN THE WORST POSSIBLE FORM THAT THIS IS A MADHOUSE !!! - Deadpool announces - but now let's take a look at the scoreboard!

The stadium screens are then replaced by the listing of the twelve teams, which each had the name "Team (name of the rider)" and the score of each, but one thing was interesting to note

— Hey, wait a second! - Deadpool shouts not believing what he saw

— Apart from the Parker and Reyes team ... - Matthew comments when listening to the scores of each team through the headset


And really, looking at the scoreboard, it was possible to see that apart from Peter and Reyes' teams, all the other groups made up of 1-A students had lost their bandanas, as they appeared without any points. Not even the Flash team had it.

The scoreboard appeared seconds after the Flash's headband was stolen; as soon as he recovered from the fall, the black-haired boy's team from 1-B quickly went through his blind spot, in a way that even Laura's keen senses had failed to identify him, and stole the team's headband.

— How 1-A has a closed mind! So tragic ... - the dark-haired boy says more to himself after picking up the bandana

— He caught us off guard! - Laura says when noticing the theft and gritting her teeth

— What did you say !? - Flash asks as he turns angrily towards the boy

— Look, a dog that barks, how adorable - the boy still says from the back, but then turning his head and looking at Flash with his emerald eyes - I have no reason to stop and explain how shallow you are, but I think it won't hurt ....

— Huh? – Flash, even irritated, is puzzled by this "plan"; what plan?

— You see, Professor Frost announced that obstacle racing was the first activity; it was easily deductible that they would leave a portion close to 40 participants no? Because, like it or not, people really want to see the two classes of the heroes course - he says, opening his arms after having put his new bandana on his neck - with that all we had to do was stay in that zone and we would pass, no wasting away with unnecessary displays of power and we get very useful information about the powers and capabilities of our opponents ...

—... – Flash then stops and really analyzes the situation, and really, class 1-A was eager to show their ability after they faced the villains, so they used their Quirks to go ahead, showing everyone their Quirks, and what they were able to do

— Of course, encouraging your other friends was the job of our dear patriot - the boy says running his hand through the hair of the red-haired boy with the shield Quirk, who soon shakes his head to remove his colleague's hand - of course he doesn't had the intention, but I took advantage of the situation, who could blame me? They soon accepted the idea, it was a great plan whether they wanted to or not

— Did you plan all this together? - Flash asks; couldn't tell if his class was close enough to do that

— No, of course not, but adapting to certain situations is a hero's job, don't you know? You should, since you're so famous, right? Besides being the first placed in the practical exam, you are also the boy who was captured by the Carnage, aren't you? You will need to tell me, how difficult it must always be to be the offeret, the victim...

—... – Flash says nothing immediately, but an extraordinary hatred for that boy arises, his way, his words, his actions, blinded by hatred, he announces - ok, change of plans, instead of stealing Parker, let's focus on destroying these damn extras ... - being surrounded by an evil aura and his opponent simply smiling as if he thought it was all very funny

Peter, even momentarily distracted by what was happening near him, he couldn't help feeling a little relieved, with Flash going over the 1-B team, several teams would be distracted to notice him or go after his ten million points, in addition, with the strategy of the other class of the hero course being more long-term, they probably would not risk everything to go after them;

— Guys, I think we'll be fine and ... - Peter tries to raise the morale of his team, but soon they stop when they are facing one of the last teams, that they had not faced until that moment, one of the most powerful quartets there, no doubt; Danny, Pietro, Seol and ... - Reyes ... - Peter says when facing the other team, with the brunette at the top, with his determined look and the team's headband on his forehead, ready to do anything to beat him

— I'm going to take that now. - he says dryly referring to the 10 million point bandana