
01x06 Friendship

It was the first of September; during the whole month of August Peter and May had done the impossible so that everything was perfect for the first day; all the bureaucracy regarding Peter not being May's son, all the forms of rules they had to read and sign, the purchases of books and school supplies, even the measurements of arm, waist, hips, etc. for the tailored uniform that the school ordered, and now he wore it.

The luxurious shoes were a far cry from his worn red sneakers, the gray twill pants, the white shirt, the red sweater and finally the blue jacket complemented his uniform, which basically should have cost more than all the clothes he had worn together in his whole life. May had insisted that he take a shower in the morning to avoid getting sweaty on the first day of school, of course this was being useless at that moment, since the boy was sweating buckets of nervousness under his clothes;

— Did you get your toothbrush? - asks his aunt while she fixed the collar of his shirt that came out of the sweater

— Got it!

— Phone charger, in case you run out of battery?

— Got it!

— And the...- May starts to say

— May! – the nephew interrupts her, having fun with her aunt's concern, even with a little bit of a bag full - I got everything I need, today it's just guidance, I don't need to take many things, later we will receive the schedules and you can remind me of the whole list for the rest of the school year ok?

— Ok...- she says crestfallen and a little embarrassed, Peter knew that she wanted everything to be perfect, the dream now of being the number one hero was not just his

— Thanks for everything Aunt May ...- he says approaching her and pulling her into a tight hug, smelling her coffee and alcohol gel; the same having returned to work as a nursing assistant at Queens Presbyterian Hospital - I love you ...

— I love you too dear ...- she says immediately releasing her nephew - good luck!

— Thanks – he says putting the yellow backpack on his back and leaving the house

After an almost hour-long bus ride to the M.A building, which was located next to Washington Square Park, Peter finds himself in the nick of time for his first class at 8:00. He then quickly starts running through the empty corridors of that huge place, having seen the map of the building at the entrance, he forces his memory to find the right path to the first year class "A"; fortunately arriving at the corridor where the two rooms of the first year of the heroes' course met, perceiving only for the moment an interesting fact;

— This door is gigantic ...- said the poor boy, feeling intimidated by the wooden door over three meters high, but quickly concentrating on the task at hand, reaching out to the doorknob and pulling the door, only to find out that she didn't move - Oh no! Am I already so late? Did I miss the first class? Will I stay out? Are they already counting our presence? What does this mean for my academic career ...

—You know the door is sliding right? - the boy hears a voice to his left and turns around, meeting two people;

Peter is impressed to recognize the blonde who had prevented him from talking to Wanda, now knowing her name, before the exam, he was there, with a simple smile on his face and the same aura of serenity and calm. But he was not alone, next to the blonde there was a girl, much smaller than him and even Peter, she was equally blonde, with hair close to her shoulders and the ends in a pink tone, with a gradient, she had a clear skin and celestial blue eyes, she was very thin and wore a feminine version of the boys' uniform, just replacing the pants with a black skirt that went to the middle of the thighs and an equally black pantyhose, she looked at the other blonde in a fun way

— You only say that because where you live the doors are all sliding - the girl says crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow at her friend - you think I didn't see you doing the same thing on the bathroom door, which is to open for ahead, Mr. Monk? - she says amused and pulling out an embarrassed smile from the boy

— Ãhn...- Peter didn't quite know how to fit into the conversation

— Oh, sorry, we didn't introduce ourselves - the blonde says, noticing the brunette's visible discomfort, and quickly lowering himself in an oriental greeting - my name is Daniel Rand, namaste! - Peter quickly copies the movement, not really sure what to do - and this little one here is Gwendolyn Poole

— Shorty is the ... - she was going to say something, but looks around and stops, turning to the brunette and extending her hand - call me Gwen and he Danny

— Peter, Peter Parker - he says greeting the blonde and then opening the door the right way and making room for his new colleagues - please ...

—Look at this, what a gentleman ...- Gwen says winking at the boy as she passed by him - if your eyes don't go down so much you get a point and I don't have to pierce your eyes - she says in a cute way and enters, followed by Danny, who murmurs a slight 'forgiveness' when passing by the brunette

After blushing, and feeling a little afraid of Gwen's comment, he takes a deep breath, still not going far enough to see the inside of the room; for a simple reason, he prayed to any cosmic being who could hear him who was not in the same room as the boy who had complained about him in the introduction with Deadpool, or worse, with Flash. Peter had not seen his well-known brunette in the practical exam, but he knew that the boy, even with a short fuse, was very good at one thing, destroying, even if he did not earn rescue points, he would easily get enough points to pass. The boy then takes a deep breath and enters the room; finding a very large room, with twenty chairs separated into four rows. There were several people inside with the most varied ethnicities and external characteristics, but two people in the conversation were the ones who most caught the attention of the brunette;

— Get your feet off the table! - Peter can recognize the dark-skinned boy talking to the last person the boy wanted to see in the same classroom

— Did you talk to me, prince? - Flash question mockingly

— You don't think it's a huge lack of respect with the heroes who represent MA and also with the people who used this table - the boy tries to argue for the good sense of the spiked black hair boy, only to find that he didn't have that

— What a lack of respect! What school in Africa did you study to come with this supporting chat?

— You know very well that Africa is an immense continent with diverse rich cultures, and that is why we cannot be named as a single people - he says, not giving up reasoning with Flash - I attended the Killmonger Elementary School in Wakanda; my name is Azari T'Challa

— Killmonger? What the f*ck is that? Is it an entire school just for Daddy's little boy by any chance? That way it will be more fun to crush you, so you can learn how it works here in the USA - Flash says staring at the boy wickedly and he takes a step back, but soon composes himself

— This is a very rude thing to say to a classmate. Are you sure you want to become a superhero?

— And you think I care for your op ...- Flash was going to keep talking until he noticed Parker standing at the classroom door, and before he could react in any way, Azari follows his vision and ends up recognizing the boy

— It's you ...- the boy says, which draws the attention of most people already seated, who turn to face the boy, which scares the same a little, some recognizing him from the practical exam

— Ah, yeah ...! - Peter tries to formulate something to say to the different pairs of eyes that stared at him, but nothing came out; luckily Azari didn't seem to care, and broke the silence

— Good morning dear colleague, and I came from Wakanda, from Killmonger Elementary School, my name is ... - he says getting closer and closer to the brunette

—Ah, I-I heard! - Peter manages to say to the boy, realizing how tall he was, but also very thin - my name is Peter, Peter Parker, very pleased to meet you Azari.

— Peter ... you noticed that there was something else in the practical test, didn't you? - Azari asks the brunette, probably referring to the rescue points, since Peter had probably obtained privileged information due to his connection with Iron Man - I didn't notice anything! I wrongly judged you! I hate to admit it, but you are a much better hero than me ...- Peter was going to try to answer something to the inconsolable Azari, until he heard a voice behind him

—Hey, the messy brown hair! - Peter turns to find the girl with brown hair and red bow, she was behind him in the female uniform, together with a boy; he was tall and athletic, he had even lighter skin and a thin face, his hair was silvery almost white, in a messy hairstyle, and blue eyes - Deadpool really said you passed ...

"The nice girl, Wanda if I'm not mistaken" thinks Peter as the brunette starts talking about how amazing he was with the webs, just making the boy more ashamed than just the next thought; "The uniform suits her very well ..." the brunette tries to erase this thought as soon as possible; until he realizes the platinum next to him, with one arm around his shoulder in a slightly silly way

— So are you my sister's private hero? - he says in a fun way, watching the two brunettes blushing - know that she only talked about it in the last few days - he ends up giving the girl a malicious look

— Pietro! - she says red as a tomato to her brother; Peter would never have guessed that they were related, they looked nothing like

— If you keep going like this, we'll leave here only tomorrow - the group hears a voice behind them and everyone turns to find basically a celebrity for hero fans; the blind hero, Daredevil. Wearing his red and black uniform, a body armor capable of stopping a bullet, but light and malleable enough to keep the hero's acrobatics and speed intact, without missing the carbon fiber helmet, with reddish eyes and horns ; the face of the Hell's Kitchen demon. And when he perceives the students' silence (of the vocal cords in this case, their hearts were very fast) he continues - very well, now that I got your attention ...

He then enters the classroom, with the students at the door giving him a pass, he does not enter much, but just enough that all the students present can see him, and removes his helmet; leaving several impressed, the population had no idea of ​​the identity of the blind hero, the same preferring to act out of the spotlight, with few heroes and high-ranking police officers knowing, and now apparently the class too. Upon removing the helmet, he reveals his thin face, fair skin, well-trimmed beard, rumpled brown hair and misty eyes, definitely blind

— My name is Matthew Murdock, if that information leaves this school, an investigation is opened and if we find the person responsible, the expulsion is immediate if they are not old enough to go to jail - he says looking at a non-existent spot on the wall and finally opening an attempt with a sincere smile - and I will be your class teacher for years to come, it's a pleasure

No one even responds, everyone is afraid of being expelled for commenting on the teacher's name at home; but the thought of the demonic hero known for his violence with criminals, being the responsible teacher was something that all students wandered through

— I know it seems sudden, but go to the changing rooms near the courtyard; each locker is identified with its student number, and inside each one there is one of these - he says taking a rolled out of his back pocket, as he unrolls it shows students a red gymnastics T-shirt with white lines that formed an 'M' and an 'A', one on top of the other - dress and meet me in the courtyard - he says and leaves the room, tossing the shirt to Pietro, who picks it up quickly, while watching the hero leave

Already in the courtyard with everyone duly uniformed for physical activities, the children then discover why the teacher was in a hurry to drag them outside;

— Individuality assessment tests !? - all students ask surprised

— But what about orientation? And the opening ceremony? We are going to lose - asks Wanda who, wearing a gym uniform, kept her red bow on her head

— Both useless activities for what we want to do - says Professor Murdock in front of the group still wearing his uniform but without the mask - we have three years to transform you into heroes, we have to use every second available, and we cannot waste time with ceremonies without sense, but now let's get down to business. You all take physical assessment tests without using Quirks since elementary school; pitch, 50 m run, etc. For these tests, the country uses averages of students without Quirks to make things fairer; but the point here is not to level everyone up, now it's reaching the maximum potential of each one, and that includes your Quirks. Mr. Thompson - he says calling Flash's attention by pointing at him, but without turning his face in the boy's direction - you were the first placed in the practical test, why don't you start?

The professor gave Flash a baseball and the freedom to use his Quirk as much as he wanted if he didn't go beyond a white circle drawn on the floor. The black-haired boy then positions himself in the middle of the circle, doing some quick stretches and getting ready to throw the ball, remembering the maximum he could achieve in elementary school; 67 meters, how much could he get now using his Quirk? The boy then activates it, covering his right arm and left leg over the black slime pants, increasing those limbs, and in a much faster and stronger movement than would be normal, he throws the ball away, and in shortly notice, arrives in the teacher's earpiece, the result;

— 705.2 meters; our goal today is to get to know each one as much as possible so that they can have a goal to exceed in the future - he says to students who are starting to get excited about the possibility of using their powers for such activities - very well, I realize that they are all very excited, who will be next?

Pietro and Gwen put themselves on the two tracks available for the race, only two for the robot that counted the time to be able to speak the results out loud. Both get ready and run off; Gwen could even be in good physical shape, but Pietro becomes a blue and silvery blur after starting, stopping only after the robot reveals its time; 3.4 seconds.

—Nice! Too bad that in fifty meters I can't accelerate so much - the boy says happily giving a smile for the good performance, and just behind arriving Gwen, with a time of 7.1 seconds

In the second race Wanda met with another girl, this one was taller than the brunette, had tanned skin, dark brown hair that went down her back, in addition to her dark brown eyes that looked at the end of the track in a determined way , unlike the other brunette, who seemed to have fun and now concentrated the red energy of her Quirk in her own body to propel herself in the race

The race starts, the focused brunette seemed very fast for a normal human being, but Wanda got the lead with the impulses that took her off the ground and made her reach further; reaching the 5.9 second mark, while the other girl came close behind with 6.3

In the third race, the boy present was wearing a helmet; golden with a red four-pointed star on his forehead, he had a slightly tanned skin, dark, unkempt hair, eyes in an exotic lilac shade and a naughty smile. Her opponent was a girl a little smaller than him, she had slightly darker skin, she had slightly wavy brown hair that hit her shoulders, a thin nose, and grayish brown eyes;

—Come on guys, you're not showing enough action - he then says putting on his helmet and being surrounded by a pulsating blue energy, and as soon as the start is made, he flies at high speed towards the finish line, reaching the incredible 2.3 seconds mark

His opponent was close behind, getting 4.5 seconds, she had made her legs increase in size, stretching them and finishing the race in a few steps.

In the fourth race, the acquaintances Flash and Peter were side by side. When the start is made, Flash instantly makes the black goo cover his legs, giving him enough strength to reach an insane speed and finish the race in 4.13 seconds

"Eugene' Flash 'Thompson, Quirk: Symbiosis. It is capable of secreting a slime composed of thousands of cells that give it greater strength, agility, endurance and regeneration "

Even with his powers, having his speed and strength also increased, Peter was no match for the rival who spent almost his entire life learning about his powers, thus achieving a mark of just 6.8 seconds.

Peter knew that his powers and training were much more to stay on average than to stand out in a specific activity; besides that the duration of the training was months, not years like the others, he needed to think of a way to show something.

The tests continued, but with none in which Peter had managed to draw much attention. In the strength test to hold, he had achieved 75 kg, while a dark-skinned boy with very short curly hair and visible muscles, along with a child version of the Hulk had both achieved 600 kg. In the long jump several passed the entire sand without falling, while Peter, having nothing to throw the web and swing, had stayed at 6 meters. In the side-jump test, had a short boy with very spiky brown hair been tossed from side to side quickly by a two-meter-high biped tiger he had summoned? The fifth test was the throwing of the ball, as shown by Flash at the beginning, in Wanda's turn, because the ball was small and light, she managed to float it up to the limit that the measuring machine could reach, which gave her an 'infinite' result, now it was Peter's turn

He needed to show something, but even with his increased strength it didn't seem to be enough to clash with all those other promises of heroes and heroines, he needed to think of something; his arrows only hindered him at that moment, and the ball could get stuck in his hand and not come out, his webs didn't go that far to stick it to the ball and launch it ... but he could use his ally, science;

Putting himself in the throwing position, he takes a deep breath and throws the ball without much force, but quickly, he throws a web in the direction of it, making a hole in his arm and staining it with a little blood, but he would now get more speed; now with the ball stuck in the web, he spins it quickly and launches it along with the web, reaching a far greater distance than if it were just with his hands. He then puts his left hand on top of the wound to store the bleeding and turns to Mr. Murdock, who, staring at the horizon, hears the distance and smiles;

— 700.6 meters

Little did he know that the teacher had heard another heartbeat coming in the distance, this time eradicated and weak, and that accelerated when he heard the boy's result.

— Uhuuu, finally a superhero level record! - celebrates Wanda in the audience

— He seems to have been hurt ...- says Danny watching his colleague stock up on his bleeding - this happened on the practical exam too, how curious ...

—It wasn't a big deal ...- says Sam, not very impressed, different from the boy next to him who stared at Peter without believing what he saw

"W-what power is that !?" astonished and furious Flash thinks "Everyone's Quirks manifest at the age of four! How absurd! What did you do!?"

The students are startled when they notice Flash shooting towards the brunette with his arms wrapped in his black goo from his Quirk, and with a murderous look;

— Damn you! - he shouts as he extends his hand / claw, ready to tear the poor boy apart - Tell me what it is, damn Wall-Crawler !!!

— Ahhhhh !!! - Peter is frightened by the recent threat of Flash, but quickly he is stopped by a red and black stick attached to a string that wrapped around his neck and made him fall in the middle of the race due to shortness of breath, making it impossible to reach Peter

— What ... what is this? - Flash asks in a whisper and turns back, only to find his teacher, holding the other staff, at the end of the string, with one hand just as if he were making no effort

— I may not be able to see Mr. Thompson - the same says not looking at you and tensing his jaw - but my Quirk allowed me to notice your rapid heartbeat before you decided to attack Mr. Parker

"What an amazing Quirk!" is what goes on in the minds of all students who witnessed the action of their teacher

"Head of M.A. Class 1-A, Matthew Murdock. His Quirk guarantees super hearing, capable of differentiating heartbeats and hearing them from a great distance with various sounds around "

— Now, you are going to leave Mr. Parker alone and we will continue without further waste of time - he doesn't ask, he just says, pulling the thread back and storing the staff in a special compartment - the next one please ...

Peter then stays at a distance from Flash, who had deactivated his Quirk, and returns to where his colleagues were, still holding the wound on his arm, while the black-haired one had his own thoughts;

— Is your arm okay? - asks Wanda with Peter's approach

— Ah, yeah! – the boy answers embarrassed

"Until recently, you were just a pebble in my path" thinks the brunette as he watches Peter and the girl in the bow talk, she looks worried and he blushes

During the rest of the day, in the other three exercises, abdominal exercises, touching the tiptoes and running long distance, Peter received a strip of tape to store the bleeding and fought the pain in his arm in these last activities, still giving the best of him, until he is exhausted at the end; unlike the majority who were more easily able to use their powers to make their lives easier;

— Okay, training is over, you are excused for the day, just stop by the classroom, there will be the sheets with schedules, important dates and the school curriculum, it is good to read - he says then goes to Peter and puts a hand on his shoulder - stop by the infirmary to fix this arm, tomorrow the battery of tests will be even more rigorous and I need you in the best possible way - he says handing the infirmary pass to the boy and leaving.

As he moved away from the students who were now heading for the locker rooms, the blind hero found his suspicious heartbeat as he passed a thicket beside the gym;

— Stark ...- the blind hero says when he smells cheeseburger and a well-washed suit - did the director release you on the first day?

— Red, how long ...- the same says getting up from behind the bush when it was discovered - you know how it is right? An adaptation period on the first day and I decided to check out one of my wise colleagues while working

— And did you need to hide? - Matthew asks with his body still turning in the direction he was taking before

— Well ... you know how it is ... professional life, autographs, it tires ...- Tony tries to disguise it, but his racing heart gives him away

— Okay, now you can cut the litany - Murdock says, already fed up - what is so important about the boy? Parker, right?

— What? Ah! The one with the ball tied right? Tell me that you also feel his potential and genius?

— Also? Stark, what are you hiding? - asks when hearing such a word - something related to why Mr. Thompson tried to attack the poor boy?

— Ah ... look ... is that - Tony tries to find a last minute explanation, until he sees his colleague rubbing his face and sighing

— Look, I have more things to do and honestly it doesn't bother me - he says and walks back towards the main building - but know that as a teacher, you shouldn't exercise any kind of favoritism among the students, you have more than one boy to take care now ...- he says and leaves, leaving his colleague behind weighing his words

Upon leaving the large glass building, all first-year students had already been released for the day; the normal routine classes starting only the next day. Peter was walking tired after visiting the infirmary and meeting the heroine Night Nurse. He was dying to get home and tell Aunt May everything (except, of course, the secret identity of his class teacher), until he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to find the two blondes he had met in the morning;

— Danny? Gwen? – the brunette asks looking at the blonde duo, with the boy looking at him with his neutral expression and Gwen smiling and looking around

— Is your arm better? - asks Danny

— Oh, yeah! Thanks to the Night Nurse! – the boy says remembering the appointment;

"— Wow, my arm is already better! But I'm feeling so tired now ...– Peter says to have his arm healed by the nurse's Quirk

— This happens because of my Quirk, don't worry - she says wiping the area with dry blood with a damp cloth - it stimulates the natural regeneration process of each one, and it consumes energy, and if I use it a lot on the same person , it can lead to death - she says normally while throwing the dirty cloth in the trash

— Death!?

— Stay calm Peter, just start to understand your Quirk and your limits better - she says taking the boy's two hands and staring deeply into his eyes - depending on the injury you come with, the cure can lead to sequelae and there won't be so many heroes out there healing ... You need to learn to take care "

— But know that it was amazing, you threw the rope and spun it and it was ZOOOOOOM - Gwen says euphorically as she swirls and makes the sound for the ball launch

— It was certainly very ingenious - Danny says giving him a friendly smile as the three walk, until they hear a voice behind

—Hey! You three! - they turn to see the brunette with a bow running towards them - Are they going to the station? Wait for me!

— Wanda!? – asks Peter

— Wow, you're the girl from infinity! - Gwen says excitedly and with her hands on her cheeks

— My name is Wanda Maximoff! - she says to stop in front of the trio - and you are; Daniel Rand, Gwendolyn Poole and "Wall-Crawler" Parker right?

— Wall-Crawler !? - the boy asks scared because she knows the way Flash called her

— Hehe, I know it's not your name, but isn't that what Thompson called you on the physical test? - she says remembering the boy with the short fuse running and being stopped by the teacher

— Ah, yeah ... my name is Peter, Flash calls me Wall-Crawler to make fun of me, saying that I try to reach others but I never can ...- he says blushing when trying to explain himself

— HAHAHAHA!!! – Gwen burst out laughing while Danny tries to make her stop

— Oh, really? I'm sorry ... - the brunette asks embarrassed, but something comes to her mind - but it reminds me of a spider; so small, but it reaches great heights and does amazing things!

The brunette then looks back at the brunette, who had a closed fist and a smile on her face, in which Peter soon copies her, using the girl's encouraging words to review how he saw that mean nickname

— Awwwww, I ship it !!! - Gwen screams, taking the two brunettes out of the trance and making them both blush, before having her mouth covered with Danny's hand, which she soon licks and receives a protest from the blonde

Soon the four of them started walking towards Brodway-Lafayette station, with Wanda saying that her brother had gone out with some friends and would later go home alone, which triggered everyone talking and sharing a little of each, telling where they lived, with whom they lived, but in general commenting on the incredible Quirks they had witnessed that day. Peter personally celebrated such a small but important victory of making friends, even though they had their eccentricities;

— And that's all folksl! – Gwen stuttering on purpose and waving at the reader

— Is she alright? – asks Peter to Danny

— You get used to it...- the blond says, seeming to be tired of giving explanations