
01x04 Responsabilities

July was coming to an end; the heat had washed over New York, with temperatures reaching 30 degrees in the morning, but luckily dropping to 20 in the middle of the night. For Peter, things couldn't be better; high school classes were over, and he had passed with excellent grades, M.A.-worthy grades Without having to worry about classes, he now spent most of his time training and occasionally studying for the M.A. theoretical test, with simulations and past tests, like what he was doing at that moment. But what really interested him was his nightly routine; as a vigilant.

Ever since meeting the tombstone henchmen in Forest Hills, he had decided he would do something about it; he was a villain and a Harlem's drug dealer; with a Quirk that left him with a gray and extremely resistant skin, and together with his habit of killing with his own hands they gave him the nickname "Tombstone". Peter shuddered as he remembered the news he had read about murders he had committed ... they were brutal, in a milder way of speaking.

Young Parker had managed to set up the radio on an old cell phone to pick up the frequency of the police and thus tried to identify which crimes were the responsibility of the Tombstone gang; he already seemed to have a good influence in Harlem, Hell's Kitchen and the northwestern part of Queens. For the localities, it should be a right arm of the organized crime bosses in each neighborhood; Cotton Mouth in Harlem, Kingpin in Hell's Kitchen, but Queens? There was no big boss in the area, Peter's hypothesis was that the villain was trying to build his own empire in the neighborhood ... anyway, taking him down would mean a reduction in crime because of his management of activities in the three neighborhoods, in addition to crucial information about the activities of the real bosses in the other two neighborhoods. But for now, Peter had already managed to hand over at least half a dozen goons to the police, but anyway, his method was much faster, so he couldn't afford to stop now...

— Peter are you in there? I brought a snack, can I come in? — his aunt May's voice could be heard on the other side of the locked door of the boy's room

— May!? -sure, j-just gimme a second! — the boy says observing around him the evidence of his nocturnal activities.

He quickly begins to hide them; he throws his radio phone and notebook into his backpack, along with his "vigilante uniform," which consists of a black beanie with eye holes as a mask, worn jeans and an old coat, as well as knee and elbow bicycle pads for protection. He then begins to close the open windows with information about the criminals and the police website, stopping at the M.A test simulation website; seeing the website with a warning that the test had timed out and he had not completed all the questions; he had been distracted, or rather, he had been distracting himself a lot lately with the Tombstone situation, and so he was not paying much attention to other things, such as the tests, training and even his family...

Finishing hiding things, he clicks the button on a remote control on top of his bookcase, releasing the lock on his door and sitting like a good innocent boy;

— You can come in May! — the boy says to his aunt

She then enters the room, in her hands, a tray with a sandwich, an apple and a glass of juice, Peter then feels his stomach rumbling; he had skipped lunch unintentionally. Her aunt May then places the tray on her bed and looks at the boy with her hands on her hips; Unlike Uncle Ben, May was the reason for that house, who had them arrested and released, who really took care of them. She was a very responsible woman, even though she didn't look like her. Except for her white hair in a ponytail, you would never say that she was over forty, short, thin body with small and almost imperceptible curves, nothing about her was exaggerated, everything was simple and small even. It was slightly smaller than Ben, and was still half a head taller than Peter. She wore a green jacket over her orange tank top, wearing shabby jeans and a sneaker. Her face was thin and delicate, her nose small, her lips thin, and her greenish gray eyes were enhanced by thin-framed glasses; and it was those eyes, those eyes that said everything, if she was ready to give the biggest scolding of her life, or ready to take care of a little boy who had grated his knee with love and care.

Peter felt bad about hiding all that situation from his aunt, but he knew that her greatest characteristic was that she was a great protector of those she loved, so if he told her what was happening, she would surely lock him in his room until he was old...

But something in her eyes showed something else, a concern, a certain degree of sadness...

— Look Peter, I know this is your dream and everything... - she says sitting on the boy's bed, facing her nephew - but you have to take better care dear, these last days you have been so...distant

—I know, May, I'm sorry...- it hurted Peter, it hurted more than he could express, both lying to his aunt, his mother...and worrying her...that might be the worst- I'm just really anxious, it's just that the test is approaching and everything I did will be tested…

— I understand Peter - the same says leaning in the direction of the nephew and putting a hand on his shoulder - but I want you to know that, whatever happens, you can always count on me ok?

— I know that ... - the same says smiling and lowering his head, so that he can feel his aunt leaning even more and wrapping her arms around the boy's torso, hugging him.

Peter responds to the hug, squeezing it, silently thanking for the presence of the woman in his life. He then feels a simple kiss being deposited on his head and she breaks the hug smiling, a smile that can improve anyone's day, as already said several times by Uncle Ben. Interrupting that familiar moment; Peter's alarm clock starts ringing telling him that it was 3:00 pm, time to go to the beach to train with Iron Man. The boy then gets up quickly and starts putting things in his backpack to catch the bus, fortunately still wearing the clothes he had been running in the morning. He then goes to the door to go;

— Peter!- he stops when he hears his aunt calling him - I'll be here ok? No matter what happens…

— You and Uncle Ben with this mania for giving me emotional speeches when I'm about to leave… - the boy makes a joke that makes his aunt laugh a little- I know that May, thanks… - he then leaves

Pier 4 beach was definitely cleaner than it was months ago; much of the rubble had been moved by the boy Peter Parker to Stark Industries Trucks, as he was doing at the time, which took them to the micro-recycling factories, which separated the materials into their atoms, thus reusing 100% of the material. And in addition to helping the environment, Peter had also gained from these exercises; his fragile adolescent body had developed muscles that removed him from the category; "Talking fishbone".

The boy carried monitors of old and rusty computers from the beach to the bucket of the parked truck, he used the opportunity to train the arrows in his hands; carrying a monitor glued to each hand, he had discovered that the secret to controlling them was concentration to stay glued and relaxing to let go. Mr. Stark watched him sitting in the bucket, next to the boy's backpack, while he ate a cheeseburger and drank a milkshake, analyzing the boy's vital signs and watching him run carrying debris from side to side, seeing how the boy had done. progressed from a boy with no individuality and no chance of entering MA, to someone with a real possibility.

But even so, Tony still worried, even if he didn't show it, since the people who would take the test with the boy were aware of their powers since they were little, and had trained hard too; while the boy Parker was only a few months old, moreover, Tony had gone through the list of those enrolled for the exam, and some last names caught his attention; T'Challa, Del Toro, Minoru, Rogers, Bloodstone; thick-skinned children with the surnames of well-known professional heroes and who shed light on the dedication and training they had. Tony's thinking was then interrupted with a cell phone vibrate; he looks to the side and sees a cell phone vibrating inside Peter's backpack, but an old cell phone, not even a Smartphone; 'these kids of today and their retro fads' the same thinks taking the backpack and addressing the boy who arrived at the beach after his last "delivery"

— Hey kiddo, I think it's your girlfriend calling you - the man says in a naughty way throwing him the backpack, smiling at the boy who blushes with the comment. However, Tony had not noticed the notebook hanging out that falls with the pages open in the middle of the trajectories; Peter hadn't noticed it either and was concentrating on finding his cell phone and plugging in the headset - oops! - the man says heading to the open notebook, when he sees what was written on it...

—"We have a 502 on Fifth Avenue with…" - Peter hears the police code on the headset and remembers the meaning; 502 means drunk driver, it wasn't exactly what he was looking for; he had managed to modify his cell phone so that it would vibrate like a call if he picked up some police radio communication nearby. Peter would hear more of the warning when he feels his phone being pulled, startling him and he faces the man in front of him staring at him;




Holding his notebook




Opened in the page of informations about Tombstone








— Would you...like to tell me something? -Tony asks looking at him with raised eyebrows and a sarcastic air

— Yeah ... well, ah ... I kind of ... look ...- Peter tries to start a concise sentence, but fails miserably, his fear of the consequences did not allow him to reason properly - these two guys were there right? And ... they were threatening this old man ...

— Kid, I don't care if you stopped a crime - the man says interrupting the boy - what matters to me is why you have notes on locations and dates about one of the most wanted and most dangerous villains on the loose!

— These guys in the crime cited a guy named Tombstone ...- the boy says, lowering his head in embarrassment, but then raising it again to prove his point of view- I did some research and started to connect some crimes and ...

— And you apparently didn't take this to the police ...- Tony says sarcastically, but with a certain irritation

— I had to do something ...- Peter reacts and grumbles his justification- I gained powers, I have an obligation to help people!

— Oh, really!? And what would you do? - Tony asks, showing his growing irritation with that subject- Tell me, what would you do if you faced the Tombstone face to face huh? What would you do? Wait for him to beat you up? Peter, he can kill you, he has both the ability and the lack of scruples to do that, and you only have these webs that you don't even know how to control ...

— I will be a hero, this is my duty! People are getting hurt, I need to do something! It's not like we could wait for Iron Man to come down from heaven to rescue us all the time ...- the boy says in a hoarse voice as he holds back his tears

Tony then stops for a moment, rubs his eyes under his glasses with the hand that did not hold the notebook, takes a deep breath and then looks at the boy with a more angry face;

— Do you think you're being a hero? What you are doing is a crime Peter, by not having your hero license, you are no better than any of these villains with their troubled moral rules. I'm sure you know exactly why vigilantism was banned ...

And Peter knew ...

"Before the schools of heroes, many years before both were born, before the powers, people saw wrong things happening and did nothing, until the powers emerged, then they started to do, to respond, to react. People now decided to put on masks and beat thieves in the dead of night, everything looked beautiful ... until the truth was laid; were heroes above the law? What gave someone the right to decide whether someone was guilty or not? What if there was a misunderstanding? And the killing of people? Isn't that a crime too? Shouldn't these supposed heroes also be arrested for committing a crime? That is why the profession of hero came into being; schools have specialized in this, careers have been made, heroes have become public, and now they work with the police and the most famous heroes together with the UN. What Peter was doing was really a crime, vigilantism, putting himself above the law and police actions ... "

But he was not just another watchman, he was a hero…

— I don't want to talk about it anymore ok, and I don't want you going after the Tombstone anymore. Do we understand kid? - Tony asks sighing, but not hearing any immediate answer- boy….

— You don't understand ...- the boy replies almost in a whisper, with his head down, clenching his fists and gritting his teeth- You would never understand! And how could I !? You have always lived surrounded by security guards your whole life !!! You only became a hero because you had money !!! You never had to live thinking if your house would be broken into the next day and his uncles would be killed !!! YOU WOULD NEVER UNDERSTAND !!! - the boy explodes, vociferating a hurt irritation that came from nowhere, as he could, that was his favorite hero, his idol and now mentor, but none of that mattered at the moment, he was blinded by the mission, blinded by the desire to stop someone

Peter waits neither for an answer nor for an objection, he snatches the notebook from Mr. Stark, put it in your backpack and leave; Tony calls for him but the boy doesn't listen, he runs towards the exit of the beach and goes towards his house

The walk home was definitely a moment of reflection for Peter, as the boy walked down Ingram Street towards his residence, with the day gradually turning into night, he thought about what he had said; he certainly had been tough, but it's not like number one Hero would be affected by the words of a 14 year old boy, right? He hoped so. But even so, he was very close to finding Tombstone and handing it over to the police, that was all, and he would stop before going to M.A, it would work ... the boy hoped at least.

Just before arriving at home the boy notices his uncle sitting outside in an unusual way, he immediately looks at the boy and his expression delivers his concern, his eyes drooping and he sighs tiredly; Peter then approaches him to try to understand what was happening

— Hey Uncle Ben ...- the boy starts putting himself in front of the uncle- is everything okay? ….

— No Peter, unfortunately it is not ...- the same says getting up and standing in front of his nephew, looking at him from above, Peter can feel the danger ...- Mr. Stark just called me, he told me about the Tombstone situation...

— I don't want to talk about it ...- Peter was already in a bad mood with the whole situation, and he thought he couldn't stand fighting with his uncle, he starts walking to get into the house and probably lock himself in his room

— Unfortunately, this is not an option ...- the man says holding his nephew's arm- look, Peter, I don't want to lecture you or anything ok, I just want to talk

—...- Peter says nothing, but turns to his uncle, willing to listen

— Peter, I know you think what you're doing is a good thing, and I also think… - Peter is impressed by Ben agreeing with his actions- you are saving lives, I know that, I know you want to make a difference for the world and this is very noble, certainly. But you are just a child, putting a weight on your shoulders that is not yours ...

—...- Peter kept without saying anything

— You remind me a lot of your father Peter, not only in appearance and in not knowing how to lie, but in the way of being, in this desire to help everyone, and that's a good thing. He lived by this principle; if you have the ability to help someone, you have a moral obligation to help them, a responsibility; with great powers, comes great responsibilities- Ben says as if speaking through his brother, his best friend- He was a very brave man, much more than me ... Peter, I know you took this burning desire from him to help others, but I couldn't bear to lose you too ...

When the two could see, they both had tears in their eyes and approached to embrace. Peter then thought about his father, he had the Quirk of microscopic vision, it was not an Quik for Hero work, but he did his best as a scientist to help others; but Peter couldn't stop. His father had been born with powers, he knew he could not be a hero, but Peter had now received a gift, a unique chance to make a difference, to do his duty, just as his father had done, after all; With great powers, come great responsabilities. 'Don't worry Uncle Ben ...' the boy thought '... I'm coming home.' The boy then lets go of his uncle and runs off down the street, back to town, Peter would do that night, he would arrest the Tombstone and end it all, that was a promise.

Ben is startled by the attitude of his nephew, quickly recovering and watching the boy go, he then takes his coat from the chair where he was sitting and went out looking for the boy.

Using some strategic alleys, climbing walls and eventual uses of the web to get around more quickly, and definitely having to train this last part more, Peter was on the beam of a subway bridge, the same one that was on a much less populated part of the city, with its properties mostly warehouses and sheds for construction materials, a great place for stealth criminal activity. Sitting on the beam he listened to his cell phone / radio, changing the frequency constantly, while bandaging his forearms with gauze, he tried to find some communication that would indicate the location of the Tombstone; he had risked everything today, promised Uncle Ben and himself that it would all end that night.

The place that was deductible the most conducive to the appearance of Tombstone, all the alleged sources that claimed its appearance had taken place in that neighborhood, and that place was the best place to conduct a refuge or a storage place.o

— Come on, come on ...- the boy murmured to himself when changing the frequency received by the device, receiving nothing but squeaks in that area, he was about to throw his cell phone away, when suddenly;

—...Tombstone scheduled a meeting ...- Peter almost falls from his hiding place, but stabilizes himself and returns to frequency, but realizing that there was nothing, he looks around, the night left everything very dark in that area, especially with the moon and the stars covered by clouds, with lighting only near the streetlights on the sidewalks; he then tries to use his enhanced senses, quickly sensing movement from a few feet away.

As he looks in the direction, he notices two figures walking down the sidewalk, as they pass under a lamppost, Peter realizes that they were both wearing gray suits, just like Tombstone's henchmen usually did. The boy then pulls off the beanie that served as a mask to cover his face, and descends from the end to follow the men, who would probably take him to the Tombstone.

The walk did not last long, obviously the boy kept a safe distance between them, and he also tried to walk as quietly as possible, because even with both of them talking, any noise on that silent night would be a reason for the two of them to turn around, and he could not waste the surprise element. After a few blocks, the two men reached a shed, nothing very interesting in it, he looked even older than the others, with weeds growing in front and piles of rusty garbage scattered outside, there didn't seem to be any light there. inside, but the men entered the same way.

Peter waits for a few minutes for any movement ... nothing, he looks around, sees anything or anyone, he then walks slowly towards the shed, crouching down and using any available cover when crossing the street to the surrounding railing space, he looks again ... nothing. The boy then walks to the door, opening it slightly to try to see something, but he sees only the darkness, he tries to move away to look for another entrance, but he feels a strong blow to the back of his neck ...






And he black's out

Peter slightly regains consciousness, blinking to get used to the clarity, which was not much, but was more than he was experiencing previously with his eyes closed. He feels a pain in the neck and remembers the blow he had taken; 'But there was nobody there ...' the boy thinks to himself, he knew that wearing those thick clothes hindered his "spider sense" since the movement of the air didn't reach his skin so easily, but even so, he had checked and didn't come ... then the record falls 'A Quirk ...' how had he not thought of it? ...

He then tries to check his situation; he was sitting in a chair, his fists were back, handcuffed, he was in all his disguise, ok, at least they hadn't discovered his identity yet ... He tries to sharpen his hearing, to see if he was alone or not, but without lifting his head, he didn't want them to find out he had woken up. He overhears conversations a few meters to his right, he turns his head in the direction to try to see what was happening; and he finds six men, two were in suits that Peter had seen, but now they were without their suits, dressing more casually, jackets, tank tops, regular coats, along with the other four; they didn't seem to be Tombstone's henchmen, perhaps he had hired criminals for the dirtiest job...

But this was not the time to think about it, they probably had a purpose with their capture, but he couldn't afford to wait, he would end up dying for being in such a vulnerable position; he needed to escape. He could break the handcuffs with some effort, but what about getting out of there? He needed to think of a form of distraction ... but then all his thoughts are silenced when he hears footsteps approaching his chair, he remains static, pretending to still be unconscious;

— Serious that the biggest concern of the "powerful" Tombstone has less then 1.70 !? And me thinking that I was in the worst ...- Peter hears the man approach and put his hand on the back of his neck, feeling a strange heat emanate, it was probably his Quirk- but let's admit, the boy is already famous, how much money you do you think asshole Jameson would give us for his identity? ...

— Stop it, Travis, Tombstone said not to touch the kid until he arrives ...- one of the other criminals says to his colleague

— Come on Davis, aren't you curious at all? Children at that age should be going to test for those fancy schools, but this one ...- he starts to remove the cap from Peter's head -... he decided to face the big fish...

He interrupts his act when he hears loud knocking outside the warehouse, probably someone wanting to enter, could it be the Tombstone?

— That is not the combined touch ... Tucker, go see who it is. - this Davis, if Peter had guessed by the voice, says

One of the henchmen gets up and heads towards the warehouse's sliding door; with his 1.80 and over 100kg, he did not carry weapons, since his hands were already doing enough damage. He opens the warehouse door and looks at the pitch outside. He looks to the left to make sure and also finds no one, until he turns to the right and gets a surprise punch in the nose. The same thing breaks, causing blood to flow through the nostrils and an incredible pain to take over

—Son of a ... !!! - he exclaims as he staggeres back and gives space for the attacker to come to the light

— Peter !!! - Uncle Bem exclaims when he goes to see his nephew trapped inside

— Wait a minute...!!! - Travis tries to say something ...

Well, the planning time was over. Peter invokes a greater force than expected and breaks the handcuffs in one movement, quickly taking one arm forward and extending his fist forward and with his hand having only the middle finger and ring finger retracted, he had liked this position , and then a strand of web explodes from his forearm, making one more injury and the web sticks to the side of this Travis' head, who without even being able to reason what was happening, is pulled towards the boy, who gives him a head butt at the temple, unbalancing it and probably rendering him useless for the rest of the fight.

Peter then gets up and notices the recovered thug going towards his uncle, even with his face full of blood. The boy then fires two more webs, each connecting one of the man's heels to one of his forearms, and pulling them quickly as he jumps and spins, causing the big man to fall face down on the ground, preventing him from reaching Ben.

Peter then runs the last few meters to his uncle, placing himself at his side, with his sleeves rolled up and his fists raised, ready for anything that comes and goes

— What are you doing here!?- Peter asks his uncle

— Did you really think that hugging me and running would let me sleep peacefully? - Peter is impressed that even in that situation, his uncle could find time to be sarcastic- I called the police and the heroes, but I couldn't wait that long with you inside

— But how did you find me?

— Your webs...- the uncle says smiling at his nephew as the two face the other four criminals drawing knives and preparing to fight

— Uncle Ben, I'll take care of this! - the boy says determined watching his opponents- Get out of here! This fight is not yours! - the boy then says taking a step forward, but feels his uncle put himself next to him

— I will let you face your problems alone, my ass- the same says by snapping his fingers and looking at his nephew- a hero has to save those in trouble, right?

Peter nods and the two prepare for the confrontation of their lives

The fight went on for some time, no one could say exactly how much, but Peter was quite optimistic about the whole situation; none of the bandits seemed to have Quirks, or at least none that would do in that situation, and both Peter and Ben were doing well. Peter with his Quirk was very helpful in arresting and restraining criminals, along with his superior strength and agility, and Ben who had his baggage of fighting bullies during high school and college was doing well too. However, right at the end of the confrontation, Peter feels something in his back and bends down just in time not to be shot in the back by Travis' gun. The boy then shoots another web again, his arm was already bruised so it didn't make much difference, this time in the direction of the junction of the trunk and the man's arm, when clinging to it, he pulls himself, giving a spin a kick with everything he had in the criminals' jaw, making him pass out on the spot, but the movement of the fall made him hit the trigger again and another bullet was fired into the air.

Peter then looks around, all the bad guys were either passed out or too restricted to move. Peter was exhausted, he was drenched in sweat, his forearms were completely bruised, with bruises and dried blood, and he was mentally fatigued. He removes the mask and addresses Uncle Ben;

—I think they were all Uncle B ...- but when the boy turned to his uncle, a nightmare would come true

The last bullet fired had not simply hit the wall, as it had made no noise, but had jammed into the right side of Ben's torso. Time seemed to have stopped for a second, while Peter looked at his uncle, his hand trying to store the blood that flowed from his chest, dripping and staining his clothes a dark red. He staggered a few steps, unable to stop shaking, without saying a word, just raising his eyes to Peter, until he started to fall. The nephew quickly runs the few meters that separated him from his uncle and supports him in his fall ...

— Ben? Ben !? BEN !!! - the boy despairs when supporting his uncle and holding him in his arms, tears welled up in his eyes while the blood of his uncle spread on his shirt- Uncle Ben !!! Uncle Ben !!!

The boy tries to do his best, he puts his hand on top of his uncle's, pressing further on his wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding, the hot liquid contrasting with the older man's cold skin, there didn't seem to be any chance

— I'm sorry, Uncle Ben, forgive me ...- the boy can't stop his tears and his hoarse voice while holding his uncle's head in his lap, desperate to do something to help- please, just a little more .. .professionals are coming! The heroes are coming Uncle Ben !!! THEN PLEASE HOLD ON A LITTLE MORE !!! PLEASE!!!

He screams with all his capacity, in an animalistic urge to howl, as if this is going to help his uncle in some way, but he needed it, it had all been his fault ...

— The heroes are coming ... please ...- he says this time in a whisper, with tears streaming down his face and narrowing his eyes, wishing from the bottom of his heart that he would wake up at any moment in his room with May saying that he was late, but no, the nightmare was real ... He then feels a hand pulling his mask back on his face, leaving only his teary eyes showing, he then sees Uncle Ben with a smile

— I don't need to wait for them ...- he says weakly, looking into his nephew's eyes with all the compassion and love he has always shown -... because I am with my hero right here ...- he gives his last smile to Peter, then his smile wilts and he starts to face the horizon, without showing anything else

—Ben? No, no, no, no, no ... Ben !? Hey, hey ... Ben! BEN!? - he couldn't believe it, he just lowers his head and lets his emotions drain away

Just at that moment, a well-known hero dressed as a demon enters the shed, batons in hand, ready for the fight, but finding the place full of weak heartbeat, along with an unceasing jolly sobbing beside a body without beats. Daredevil sighs, knowing exactly what the situation was like, he puts his arm in front of the advancing policemen, calming them down to give the boy a little space

— Call an ambulance ...- he says heading out of place

A little far away, a certain man with gray skin watched everything through a sniper sight, ready to kill the sissy boy if he got out of there alive, but the same stops when he felt the barrel of another gun press against his neck ;

— What's it? The cat ate your tongue? - Punisher asks with the rifle at the head of Tombstone - your skin may be tough, but I think these 5.5mm bullets will be more than enough if you want to be a smartass- he says kicking the back of the villain's knee for let him crouch and handcuff his hands behind his back

But anyway, for many, that night hadn't been a victory ...